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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11737 Gnezdilov, V. M. and C. R. Bartlett. 2018 A new genus and two new species of the family Issidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from Amazonian Ecuador. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120(1): 62–75.
12661 Gnezdilov, V. M. and C. R. Bartlett. 2020 New species of the genus Oronoqua Fennah (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from inland Ecuador. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 122(1): 63-80.
14301 Gnezdilov, V. M. and C. R. Bartlett. 2022 First record of the family Issidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from the Hawaiian Islands. ARPHA Preprints (2022): e80182; 1-17. [Euroxenus vayssieresi] pdf
12114 Gnezdilov, V. M. and C.F.M. Den Bieman. 2018 New genus and new species of the family Issidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from Southern Spain. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 322(4): 389-397 pdf
10340 Gnezdilov, V. M. and D. Aguin-Pombo. 2014 A new species of the planthopper genus Conosimus associated with an endemic shrub in southern Spain. Journal of Insect Science 14(article 92): 1–12. pdf
8721 Gnezdilov, V. M. and F. Mozaffarian. 2011 A new species of the genus Eusarima (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Iran. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51(2): 457–462. pdf
11743 Gnezdilov, V. M. and I. Özgen. 2018 Two New Species of the Genus Tshurtshurnella Kusnezov (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Eastern Anatolia. Entomological Review 98(2): 184–191. pdf
10486 Gnezdilov, V. M. and L.B. O'Brien. 2014 A new subbrachypterous genus of the Family Flatidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from the Dominican Republic. Entomological Review 94(8): 1106–1112. [[English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (2014) 93(1): 145–150 from Russian.] pdf
1139 Gnezdilov, V. M. and M. Hayashi. 2013 New Synonyms of Sarimodes taimokko Matsumura, 1916 (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae). Formosan Entomologist 33: 161–165. pdf
1140 Gnezdilov, V. M. and M. Hayashi. 2015 First records of the genera Neokodaiana and Sinesarima (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Japan with description of a new species from the Ryukyus. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 21(2): 331–335.
923 Gnezdilov, V. M. and S. Drosopoulos. 2006 A new species and a new subspecies of the planthopper [sic] of the family Issidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea) from Greece. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 85(4): 774-780 [in Russian, English translation Entomological Review (2006) 86(8): 922–927.]
11118 Gnezdilov, V. M. and T. Bourgoin. 2017 The mythic species Issus analis Brullé, 1833 (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae): still an enigmatic taxon. Zootaxa 4216 (2): 197-200.
11130 Gnezdilov, V. M. and T. Bourgoin. 2016 On the taxonomic position of Issus reticulatus Bervoets, 1910 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Baltic amber. Entomological Review 96(5): 631-633. pdf
10274 Gnezdilov, V. M., W. E. Holzinger and M. R. Wilson. 2014 The western Palaearctic Issidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea): An illustrated checklist and key to genera and subgenera. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 318 (Supplement 1): 1–118 [+3 unpaginated]. pdf
970 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2009 A new subfamily of the planthopper family Ricaniidae Amyot et Serville (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 88(4): 807–812. [in Russian, English translation in Entomological Review (2009) 88(9): 1082–1086.]
1378 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2000 To the knowledge of the faunistic complexes of the Cicadina (Homoptera) in the main plant formations of the Northwestern Caucasus. Entomological Review 80(8): 927-945. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (2000) 79(4): 794-811, from Russian]. pdf
1768 Gnezdilov, V.M. 1999 Addenda to the fauna of Cicadina of Ciscaucasia and the West Caucasus (Homoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica 8(1): 73–76.
1769 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2000 Cicadina (Homoptera) of the Northwestern Caucasus. Thesis of dissertation of Candidat of Biological Sciences. St.–Petersburg. Thesis [Russian].
1770 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2000 The fauna of Cicadina (Homoptera) of the main plant formations of North–West Caucasus. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk 286: 45–48.
1771 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2000 To the knowledge of the faunistic complexes of the Cicadina (Homoptera) in the main plant formations of the Northwestern Caucasus. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 79(4): 794–811. [English translation published in Entomological Review (2000) 80(8): 927–945].
1772 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2001 A new tribe and new genera of the subfamily Agalliinae Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Cicadina) from middle Asia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 80(4): 871-884, 944. [Russian]
1773 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2001 New and little known leafhoppers and planthoppers from Caucasus (Homoptera, Cicadina). Zoosystematica Rossica 9(2): 359–364.
1776 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2002 Morphology of the ovipositor in the subfamily Issinae (Homoptera, Cicadina, Issidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 81(3): 605-626, 780. [Russian] pdf
1777 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2002 New species of the genus Tshurtshurnella Kusnezov, 1927 (Homoptera: Cicadina: Issidae) from Turkey and Lebanon. Russian Entomological Journal 11(3): 233-240. pdf
1778 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2002 Notes on the genus Kervillea Bergevin 1918 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae). In: W. Holzinger, (ed.). Zikaden: Leafhoppers, Planthoppers, and Cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Denisia 4: 147–154. pdf
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