College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1827 Goh, H.G., R.C. Saxena, and A.A. Barrion. 1987 Abdominal lateral lobe variations in females of Nilaparvata lugens biotypes from Korea. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(6): 26. pdf
1828 Goh, H.G., R.C. Saxena, and A.A. Barrion. 1992 Chromosomal variation among brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), biotypes in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 31(4): 366-370.
12344 Gokturk, T. 2017 The effect of Dipel and Spruzit Biopesticides on Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Homoptera: Flatidae). International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) 2(3): 1387-1391. pdf
13485 Gokturk, T. 2020 Bazi Entomopatojenlerin Orosanga japonica (Melichar, 1898) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) Üzerindeki Öldürücü Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi. [Determination of the lethal effects of some entomopathogens on Orosanga japonica (Melichar, 1898) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae).] Turkiye Tarimsal Arastirmalar Dergisi 7(3): 305-314. pdf
12747 Gokturk, T. and A. Mihli. 2016 The effect of Pyrethrum and Bacillus thuringiensis against Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Ricanidae) in Turkey. Annals of Agrarian Science 14(4): 311-314
11600 Gokturk, T., S. Kordali and A.U. Bozhuyuk. 2017 Insecticidal effects of essential oils against nymphal and adult stage of Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricanidae). Natural Product Communications 12(6): 973–976.
14233 GÖKTÜRK, Temel and Ahmet MIHLI. 2015 Investigations on struggling with Ricania simulans (Walker) 1851 (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) an important pest of the Eastern Black Sea Coastlines. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1) 89-93.
12329 Gomes Viegas, E. F. and R. Ale-Rocha. 2019 A review of the Neotropical genus Amazobenna Penny, 1980 with description of a new species and description of the male of Amazobenna reticulata Penny, 1980 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae). Zootaxa 4577(3): 561–570.
5282 Gomez LaVerde L.A. and L.A.L. Borja. 1998 Nota de Investigatión. Perkinsiella saccharicida: el saltahojas hawaiano. Carta Trimestrial 2-3: 15-17. pdf
6420 Gómez, L.A., and L.A. Lastra Borja. 1995 Insectos asociados con la caña de azúcar en Colombia. El cultivo de la caña en la zona azucarera de Colombia. Cenicaña 237-263. pdf
14549 Gomez-Marco, F. and M.S. Hoddle. 2022 Effects of freezing Lycorma delicatula egg masses on nymph emergence and parasitization by Anastatus orientalis. Frontiers in Insect Science 2: 937129; 1-11.
14610 Gómez-Marco, F., D. Yanega, M. Ruiz Valdés, and M.S. Hoddle. 2023 Proactive classical biological control of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in California (US): Host range testing of Anastatus orientalis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Frontiers in Insect Science 3: 1134889; 1-19. pdf
6300 Gómez-Sousa, J. and F. Kamara. 1980 Determinación de algunos parámetros en la biología de Sogatodes orizicola (Muir). Centro Agrícola 7: 13-20.
6639 Gomi, K., M. Satoh, M. and J. Takabayashi. 2010 White-backed planthopper-induced resistance to pathogens in rice. Aroma Research 11(4): 358-361.
5209 Gomi, K., M. Satoh, R. Ozawa, Y. Shinonaga, S. Sanada, K . Sasaki, M. Matsumura, Y. Ohashi, H. Kanno, K . Akimitsu and J. Takabayashi. 2010 Role of hydroperoxide lyase in white-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) -induced resistance to bacterial blight in rice, Oryza sativa L. Plant Journal 61: 46-57. pdf
8992 Gonella, E., I. Negri, M. Mandrioli, E. Crotti, Tedeschi, D. Daffonchio, and A. Alma. 2011 Relazioni multipartite tra i batteri simbionti di Hyalesthes obsoletus. In: XXIII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Genova, 13-16 giugno 2011. P. 248. pdf
5217 Gonella, E., I. Negri, M. Marzorati, L. Brusetti, M. Pajoro, M. Mandrioli, R. Tedeschi, D. Daffonchio, and A. Alma. 2008 Study of the bacterial community affiliated to Hyalesthes obsoletus, the insect vector of “bois noir” phytoplasma of grape. Bulletin of Insectology 61(1): 221-222. pdf
6457 Gonella, E., I. Negri, M. Marzorati, M. Mandrioli, L. Sacchi, M. Pajoro, E. Crotti, A. Rizzi, E. Clementi, R. Tedeschi, C. Bandi, A. Alma, and D. Daffonchio. 2011 Bacterial endosymbiont localization in Hyalesthes obsoletus, the insect vector of Bois Noir in Vitis vinifera. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77(4): 1423-1435.
9110 Gonella, E., I. Negri, M. Pajoro, M. Mandrioli, R. Tedeschi, Marzorati, M., L. Brusetti, D.G. Daffonchio. 2008 Study of the bacterial community affiliated to Hyalesthes obsoletus, the insect vector of" bois noir" phytoplasma of grape. Bulletin of Insectology 61(1): 221-222. pdf
12274 Gonella, E., R. Musetti, E. Crotti, M. Martini, P. Casati and E. Zchori-Fein. 2019 Chapter 10. Microbe Relationships with Phytoplasmas in Plants and Insects. Pp. 207-235. In: A. Bertaccini, P. G Weintraub, G. P. Rao and N. Mori (eds). Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - II. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore. x + 258 pp.
12198 Gonella, E., R. Tedeschi, E. Crotti and A. Alma. 2019 Multiple guests in a single host: interactions across symbiotic and phytopathogenic bacteria in phloem-feeding vectors – a review. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167(3): 171-185.
14734 GONG, Changwei, Dan LIU, Qiulin WANG, Yanxin MA, Xiaoxu ZHAN, Shuirong ZHANG, Muhammad AWAIS, Jian PU, Jizhi YANG, and Xuegui WANG. 2023. Metabolic resistance of Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) toward Pymetrozine Involves the overexpression of CYP6FJ3. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71(39): 14179-14191.
12746 GONG, Gu, BaiYuan CUI, JingLong BEI, YiFeng LI, Yang ZHANG, WeiJian WU, and ZhenFei ZHANG. 2019 Salivary proteomics response of rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stǻl) to stimulation of tricin, a key rice insect-resistant compound. Journal of Environmental Entomology 41(1): 50-61.
14081 GONG, Gu, Long-Yu YUAN, Yi-Feng LI, Hang-Xiang XIAO, Yan-Fang LI, Yang ZHANG, Wei-Jian WU, and Zhen-Fei ZHANG. 2021 Salivary protein NlSP7 of the brown planthopper functions as an effector for mediating tricin metabolism in rice plants. Research Square Self-Published, 21 pp.
15053 GONG, Gu, Yingying HONG, Xuemei WANG, Surajit De MANDAL, Junaid ZAFAR, Ling HUANG, Fengliang JIN, and Xiaoxia XU. 2023 Nicotine perturbs the microbiota of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål Hemiptera: Delphinidae). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 264: 115383; 1-13.
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