College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
4828 Wu, G.R. 1990 Occurrence and present situation of the 'biotypes' of the rice brown planthopper. Entomological Knowledge 27(1): 47-51.
4834 Wu, J., B. Shen, and X. Pang. 1990 Quadratic regression rotation composite design and study on the effect of four species of spiders on the white-backed rice planthopper. Journal of South China Agricultural University 11(2): 16-24.
4846 Wu, Z.F., Y.J. Yan, and S.X. Zhao. 1990 Studies on the population dynamic simulation of brown planthopper. Journal of Fujian Agricultural College 19(2): 115-122.
4861 Xu, X.Y. and J.H. Ding. 1990 The ovarial structure and division of developmental stage of Laodelphax striatellusa [striatellus] Fallen. Entomological Knowledge 27(6): 365-366.
4868 Yamada, S. 1990 The relation of adult wing-form in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae) to wing-pad length of last instar nymphs. Applied Entomology and Zoology 25(4): 439-446. pdf
4903 Yeo, Y.S., Y.D. Chang, and K.M. Choi. 1990 Effect of temperature on the development of Anagrus incarnatus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 29(4): 217-221. pdf
4904 Yeo, Y.S., Y.D. Chang, and H.G. Goh. 1990 A morphological observations of an egg parasitoid, Anagrus incarnatus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), of the rice planthoppers. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 29(1): 1-5. pdf
4913 Yokomizo, K., N. Nanba, and Y.Ogawa. 1990 Local distribution pattern of immigrating rice planthoppers in Nagasaki Prefecture. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 36: 85-89. pdf
4924 Yu, X.P. 1990 A technique for clear away insect eggs from rice plants used in planthopper rearing. Entomological Knowledge 27(4): 236-237.
4953 Zeigler, R.S. and F.J. Morales. 1990 Genetic determination of replication of rice hoja blanca virus within its planthopper vector, Sogatodes oryzicola. Phytopathology 80(6): 559-566. pdf
4973 Zhang, J.X., et al. 1990 Studies on the reproductive behavior of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath). Entomological Knowledge 27(5): 260-263.
5003 Zhu, M.H. and M.R. Tian. 1990 Studies on population dynamics of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath). Entomological Knowledge 27(5): 257-260.
5008 Zhu, Z.R., J.A. Cheng, and X. Chen. 1990 Functional response to host density and mutual interference of Anagrus nilapavatae [nilaparvatae] (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of the rice planthoppers. Natural Enemies of Insects 12(2): 51-55.
5073 Ammar, E.D., R.E. Gingery, D.T. Gordon, and A.E. Abol-Ata. 1990 Tubular helical structures and fine filaments associated with the leafhopper-borne maize yellow stripe virus. Phytopathology 80: 303-309. pdf
5091 Cheng, J.A., G.A. Norton, and J. Holt. 1990 A systems analysis approach to brown planthopper control on rice in Zhejiang Province, China. II. Investigation of control strategies. Journal of Applied Ecology 27(1): 100-112. pdf
5339 Wang, S.Z., J. Huang, and J.Z. Song. 1990 Notes on the Catonidia from China (Homoptera: Achilidae). Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica 5(4): 120–123. pdf
5474 Yang, J.T. and C.T. Yang 1990 The male genitalia of two Achilidae from Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Bulletin of the Society of Entomology National Chung Hsing University 23: 57-61.
5757 Bitaw, A.A. and A.A. Ben Saad. 1990 Survey of date palm trees insect pests in Libya. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 8: 72-76.
5924 Senguttuvan, T. and M. Gopalan. 1990 Predatory efficiency of mirid bug (Cyrtorhinus lividipennis) on eggs and nymphs of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in resistant and usceptible varieties of rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 60: 285-287.
5936 Singh, J.P., M.P. Panday, and R.K. Pathak. 1990 Inheritance of resistance to white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) in some rice cultivars. Euphytica 46: 95-100.
6244 Endo, S., H. Kazano and K. Tanaka. 1990 Insecticide susceptibility of the small brown planthopper selected with buprofezin and etofenprox. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 36: 100-102.[Japanese] pdf
6253 Kiyota, H. and K. OKuhara. 1990 Damage analysis of rice plants caused by the white-backed planthopper. (1) Relation between adult density and damages on the early stage of rice plants. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 36: 95-96.[Japanese] pdf
6369 Kalkandelen, A. 1990 Türkiye Cixiidae (Homoptera) Türleri Üzerinde Taksonomik Çalışmalar. V. Pentastirini: Pentastiridius ve Sepapius. Bitki Koruma Bulteni 30(1-4): 3-27. pdf
6537 Abedrabbo S., J. Kathirithamby, and M. Olmi. 1990 Contribution to the Knowledge of the Elenchidae (Strepsitera) and Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) of the Galapagos Islands. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia "Guido Grandi" della Università degli Studi di Bologna 45: 121-128. pdf
6801 Srinivas, P.R. and I.C. Pasalu. 1990 Toxicity of insecticides to mirid bug predator of rice brown planthopper. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(3): 31. pdf
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