College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8320 Jirapong, J., W. Wongboon, K. Phengrat, S. Teangdeerith, P. Leelagud, and K. Sansen. 2009 Development of rice introgression lines with brown planthopper resistance and KDML105 grain quality characteristics through marker-assisted selection. In: [Proceedings of Rice and Temperate Cereal Crops Annual Conference 2009]. Bangkok, Thailand. Pp. 187–252. pdf
8324 Ling, S.F., H. Zhang, and R.J. Zhang. 2009 Effect of fenvalerate on the reproduction and fitness costs of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens and its resistance mechanism. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 101: 148-153. pdf
8402 Michalik, A., W. Jankowska, and T. Szklarzewicz. 2009 Ultrastructure and Transovarial Transmission of Endosymbiotic Microorganisms in Conomelus aneeps and Metcalfa pruinosa (Insecta, Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). Folia Biologica 57(3-4): 131-137. pdf
8456 Sun, J.M., H.T. Wang and G. Wei. 2009 The population dynamics, causes of outbreaks and control strategy of the rice planthoppers. Plant Protection 35(4):127-130.
8548 Gamalath, N.S., P.N. Sharma, N. Mori and C. Nakamura. 2009 Differential cDNA-AFLP screening of transcripts associated with brown planthopper resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(4):201-206. pdf
8675 Downer, J. 2009 What is wrong with pygmy date palms? Landscape Notes [University of California, Cooperative Extention] 22(1): 2 pp. pdf
8687 Romani, R., M.V. Rossi Stacconi, P. Riolo, and N. Isidoro. 2009 Le strutture sensoriali del flagello di Hyalesthes obsoletus: una riduzione funzionale? In: Proceedings of the XXII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Ancona 15-18 Giugno 2009. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. P. 37. pdf
8688 Nicoli-Aldini, R. 2009 Auchenorrinchi (Rhynchota Fulgoromorpha & Cicadomorpha) in vigneti della valtellina e dell’alto lario (Alpi centrali, Lombardia). In: Proceedings of the XXII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Ancona 15-18 Giugno 2009. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. P. 217. pdf
8689 Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, G. Anfora, M.V. Rossi Stacconi, N. Isidoro, & R. Romani. 2009 Risposte olfattive di adulti di Hyalesthes obsoletus ai composti volatili di alcune piante ospiti. In: Proceedings of the XXII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Ancona 15-18 Giugno 2009. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. P. 151. pdf
8728 Misra, H.P. 2009 Management of white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath with new chemicals in rice. Indian Journal of Entomology 71(1): 84-87.
8737 Hedge, M. and J. Nidagundi. 2009 Effect of newer chemicals on planthoppers and their mirid predator in rice. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(3) : 511-513. pdf
8807 Balikai, R.A. and V.R. Bhagwat. 2009 Evaluation of integrated pest managment components for the management of shoot fly, shoot bug and aphid in rabi sorghum. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(3): 532-534. pdf
8865 Rojas-Martínez, R.I. 2009 Insect Vectors of Phytoplasmas. In: Tropical Biology and Conservation Management, Volume VII, Phytopathology and Entomology. EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd. 13 Pp.
8890 Zampaulo, R.d.A. and R.L. Ferreira. 2009 Diversidade de invertebrados terrestres cavernícolas em nove cavidades naturais no municìpio de aurora do Tocantins (TO). [Terrestrial cave invertebrate diversity in nine caves in the municipality of aurora do Tocantins (TO).] In: Anais do XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Espeleologia Montes Claros MG, 09-12 de julho de 2009. Pp. 267-274. pdf
8920 Kamran, M., M. Afzal, A.M. Raza, M. Irfanullah, M.H. Bashir, and S. Ahmad. 2009 Discovery of a new larval erythraeid mite (Acari: Erythraeidae: Erythraeinae) from Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 41(5): 357-361.
8932 Rajak, D.C., R.A. Verma, and R.K. Singh. 2009 Evaluation of release quantity and economics of Epiricania melanoleuca against Pyrilla perpusilla in sugarcane crop. Sugar Cane International 27(2): 70-71.
8934 Pilet, F., René Philippe, Simon Reignard, Sophie Descamps, Robert Quaicoe, Joe Nkansa-Poku, Sandrine Fabre, and Michel Dollet. 2009 Identification of potential insect vectors of the Cape Saint Paul Wilt Disease of coconut in Ghana by PCR. Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides 16(2): 107-110. pdf
8938 Gitau, C.W., G.M. Gurr, C.F. Dewhurst, M.J. Fletcher, and A. Mitchell. 2009 Insect pests and insect-vectored diseases of palms. Australian Journal of Entomology 48: 328-342. pdf
8941 Supeno, B., D.Uchori, Pudjianto, U.Kartosuwond, and C.H. Schulze. 2009 Ngengat parasitoid (Lepidoptera : Epipyropidae) pada wereng pucuk mete di pertanaman jambu mete di pulau Lombok. Jurnal Littri 15(1): 16-23. pdf
8966 Zachariades, C., S.G. Compton, and B. Schatz. 2009 Honeydew as Danegeld? Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) tending a honeydew-producing homopteran do not offer protection from its main natural enemies. Sociobiology 54(2): 471-488.
9004 Pu, G.Q., J.P. Mao, G.S. Xue, D.Y. Jiang, J. Wang, and S.S. Tan. 2009 Checklist of Mulberry Pests in China (VII). Acta Sericologica Sinica 35(1): 126-131.
9006 Lit, I.L. Jr. and M.T. Caasi-Lit. 2009 Why are corn planthoppers pests? Some answers and issues bordering in biodiversity, invasiveness, host resistance, etc. Philippine Entomologist 3(2): 186-187.
9083 Preda, C. and M. Skolka. 2009 First record of a new alien invasive species in Constanţa –Metcalfa pruinosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). In: C. Păltineanu,(ed.). Lucrările Simpozionului Mediul si agricultura în regiunile aride, Prima ediţie. Bucuresti, Estfalia. Pp. 141-146. pdf
9096 Kehrli, P., S. Kessler, S. Schaerer, and N. Delabays. 2009 Die Verbreitung der Schwarzholzkrankheit und ihres Überträgers in der Schweiz. [The spread of blackwood disease and its vectors in Switzerland.] Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau 145(14): 4-6. pdf
9098 Karsavuran, Y., U. Zeybekoğlu, F. Şahi̇n, H. Saygılı, and N. Özdemi̇r. 2009 Bursa ili sanayi domatesi üretim alanlarında görülen Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) türleri üzerine araştırmalar. [The studies on the determination of species belonging to the suborder Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) in processing tomato production areas in Bursa province of Turkey.] Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 46(2): 117-122. pdf
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