College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6367 Bertignono, L., I. Barrel, M. Bondaz, F. Lessio, R. Tedeschi, and A. Alma. 2006 Presence of auchenorrhyncha known or suspected vectors of phytoplasmas in vine growing areas of the Aosta Valley. In: First International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture (Primo Congresso Internazionale sulla Viticoltura di Montagna ed in Forte Pendenza), 17-18 March 2006,Saint Vincent (Valle d’Aosta), Italy. In: First International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture (Primo Congresso Internazionale sulla Viticoltura di Montagna ed in Forte Pendenza), 17-18 March 2006,Saint Vincent (Valle d’Aosta), Italy. ?? pp pdf
6368 Lessio, F. 2009 Cromotassia, capacità di spostamento e influenza dell'agroecosistema vigneto sull'attività di volo di Scaphoideus titanus Ball con possibili applicazioni per il monitoraggio e la difesa. (Influence of colour preference, spread ability and agroecosystem on flying behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus Ball with applications for sampling and control). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Bologna, Italy. Doctoral Thesis pdf
6372 Butler, G.D. Jr and R.L. Usinger. 1963 Insects and other invertevrates from Laysan Island. Atoll Bulletin 98: 1-30. pdf
6373 Gruner, D.S. 2004 Arthropods From ‘Öhi‘a Lehua (Myrtaceae: Metrosideros polymorpha), With New Records for the Hawaiian Islands. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2003. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 78: 33-52 pdf
6374 Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1999 Dispersal-dependent oviposition and the aggregationof parasitism. The American Naturalist 154(1): 23-36. pdf
6375 Walker, A.K. and L.L.Deitz. 1979 A review of the entomophagous insects in the Cook Islands. New Zealand Entomologist 7(1): 70-82. pdf
6376 Synave, H. 1962 Tropiduchidae (Homoptera-Fulgoroidea). Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba. - Mission H. De Saeger. Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Rwanda. Publie avec le concours de l’Institue Belge pour l’Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique Outre-Mer 35(3): 93-104 pdf
6377 Kifune, T. and Y. Hirashima. 1989 Taxonomic studies on the Strepsiptera in The Collection Of Bishop Museum (Notulae Strepsipterologicae-XX). Esakia (28): 11-48. pdf
6378 Kami, K.S. and S.E. Miller 1998 Samoan insects and related arthropods: checklist and bibliography. Bishop Museum Technical Report 13: 1-121. pdf
6379 Zhang, P. and X.S. Chen. 2011 A checklist and key to species of the genus Betacixius Matsumura (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) with descriptions of two new species from Guizhou Province, China. Florida Entomologist 94(1): 48-56. pdf
6380 Chou, I., Y.L. Wang, B.K. Huang, and X.Q. Yuan. 1998 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae. In: B.K. Huang (ed.). Insect Fauna of Fujian Province, Volume II. Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou, China. Pp. 379-382.
6381 Hua, L.Z. 2002 Catalogue of Insects of China I. Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou, China. -
6382 Jacobi, A. 1944 Die Zikadenfauna der Provinz Fukien in Südchina und ihre tiergeographischen Beziehungen. Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 34: 5–66. pdf
6383 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 Some replacement names among the group names in various families of the order Homoptera. Priamus 12(5): 128-130. pdf
6384 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 List of the species of some pterygot orders recorded in the province Van (east Turkey) and a description of a new species in the family Cicacicae (Insecta). Priamus 12(5): 130-149. pdf
6385 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 A generic replacement name, Kazachicesa nom.n., from Central Asia (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Priamus 12(6): 153 pdf
6386 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 Generic replacement name in the family Derbidae from New Caledonia and Australia (Homoptera). Priamus 12(6): 154. pdf
6387 Bartlett, C.R. and K.G.A. Hamilton. 2011 Aethodelphax prairianus gen. et sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) and seven congeneric species from North American Delphacodes. Zootaxa 2837: 48–66.
6388 Popa, V. 2003 A new Auchenorrhyncha species, Javesella simillima (Linnavuori, 1948) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) in the fauna of Romania. [O nouă specie de cicadă, Javesella simillima (Linnavuori, 1949) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) în fauna României]. Entomologica Romanica 8-9: 77-80.
6389 Kartal, V. 1981 Neue Homopteren aus der Turkei-I. Priamus 1(1): 24–30. pdf
6390 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 Results of the Entomofauna of the World, based upon info-system of the Cesa. Priamus supplement 18: 1-3186. pdf
6609 Donovall, L.R., III. 2008 A generic revision of the new world Dictyopharinae (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae). Masters Thesis. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. 401 pp. pdf
6391 Lindberg, H. 1961 Hemiptera Insularum Madeirensium. Societatis Scientiarium Fennica, Commentationes Biologicae 24(1): 1-82. pdf
6392 Mukherjee, T., S. Mukherjee, and D. L. Mohn. 2006. 2006 New record and redescription of Zanna dohrni (Stål) from Bakhrahat, West Bengal, India (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Genus 17(3): 323-326 pdf
6393 Metcalf, Z.P. 1938 The Fulgorina of Barro Colorado and other parts of Panama. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 83(5): 277–423. pdf
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