College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9640 Lucchi, A., K. Cenderello G.Ragaglini, and R. Petacchi. 2004 Utilizzo di geostatistica e GIS per lo studio del rapporto fitofago-entomofago a mesoscala territoriale: il caso Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) e Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead). In: III Giornate di Studio: Metodi numerici, statistici e informatici nella difesa delle colture agrarie e delle foreste: ricerca e applicazioni, 24-26 Novembre 2004, Firenze. Pp. 44-48.
9715 Ostojic, I., A. Kohnic, and N. Rotim. 2006 Medeci cvrcak (Metcalfa pruinosa Say), novi clan entomofaune vinove loze u Bosni I Hercegovini. In: III Simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Neum, 13-15, 2006, Bosna I Hercegovina. P. 12.
4597 Wallner, A. and C. Dietrich. 2004 Importance of monitoring terrestrial arthropod biodiversity in Illinois ecosystems, with special reference to Auchenorrhyncha. In: Illinois Department of Natural Resources (ed.). Critical trends assessment program 2003-2004 report. Springfield and Champaign, Illinois. Pp. 43-61. pdf
9305 Mochida, O., S. Tatang, Hendarsih, and W. Ayuk. 1978 Identification, biology, occurrence and appearance of the brown planthopper. In: Indonesian Institute of Science. The Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Jakarta. Pp. 1-39.
807 Costa Lima, A. da. 1942 Homopteros, Fulgoroidea. In: Insectos do Brasil. Escola Nacional de Agronomia, Serie Didatica 4. Pp. 36–50 pdf
9861 Vidano, C., A. Arzone, and A. Alma. 1987 Investigations on Auchenorrhyncha accused or suspected to be noxious to vine in Italy. In: Integrated Pest Control in Viticulture. Proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts’ Group- Portoferraio 26-28 September 1984. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Pp.87-95.
5025 Attié, M., J. Bonfils, S. Quilici, B. Reynaud, and T. Bourgoin. 1999 Fulgoromorpha (Hemiptera) as environment bioindicators in Reunion Island. In: International Auchenorrhyncha Congress. 10. Saint-Pierre : Cirad-Flhor, International Auchenorrhyncha Congress. 10, 1999-09-06/1999-09-10, (Cardiff, Royaume-Uni). 1 p.
13282 Shah, Z.U., M. Rizwan, B. Atta, A.M. Sabir and Q. Ali. 2019 Rice planthoppers: Problem in Pakistan. In: International Entomological Congress - 2019, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract 163. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf
1716 Gatehouse, J.A., K. Powell, and H. Edmonds. 1995 Genetic engineering of rice for resistance to homopteran insect pests. In: International Rice Research Institute. 1996. Rice genetics III. Proceedings of the Third International Rice Genetics Symposium, 16-20 Oct 1995. Manila (Philippines): IRRI. Pp. 189-200 pdf
8409 Pathak, P.K. and A. Dyck. 1975 Studies on insect pests of upland rice. In: International Rice Research Institute. Major Research in Upland Rice. Los Banos, Philippines. Pp. 186-197. pdf
8410 Pathak, P.K. and G.S. Khush. 1975 Control of upland rice insects through varietal resistance In: International Rice Research Institute. Major Research in Upland Rice. Los Banos, Philippines. Pp. 117-135. pdf
3372 Nasu, S. 1969 Vectors of rice viruses in Asia. In: International Rice Research Institute. The Virus diseases of the rice plant. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Pp. 93-109.
6180 Hibino, H. and R.C. Cabunagan. 1986 Rice tungro-associated viruses and their relations to host plants and vector leafhoppers. In: International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Rice and Leguminous crops in the Tropics. Tropical Agricultural Research Series no. 19. Tropical Agricultural Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, Pp. 173-182.
8326 Wu, M.T., C.P. Li, J.R. Chen, S.H. Huang, and H.M. Ku. 2009 Maping the brown planthopper resistance gene introgressed from Oryza nivara into cultivated rice, O. sativa. In: International Symposium: Rice research in the Era of Global Warming. Pp. 56-65.
2089 Hirao, J. 1986 Comparisons of bionomics of rice planthoppers between temperate Japan and the Tropics. In: IRRI and NARC. Seminar on Rice Insect Pest Control, Tsukuba, Sep. 18, 1986. Jointly organized by IRRI and NARC, National Agricultural Research Center, Japan. Pp. 29-34
3578 Ōya, S. 1986 Current topics of the long-distance migratory rice planthoppers in Japan. In: IRRI and NARC. Seminar on Rice Insect Pest Control, Tsukuba, Sep. 18, 1986. Jointly organized by IRRI and NARC, National Agricultural Research Center, Japan. Pp. 35-45.
7819 Alam, M. S. 1984 Laboratory and field tests of insecticides in Bangladesh. In: IRRI. Proceedings of the FAO/IRRI Workshop on Judicious and Efficient Use of Insecticides on Rice. Los Banos, Philippines. P. 153. pdf
9067 Pinto, I.D. and G. Salerno. 1998 Possibili problemi per le principali colture siciliane a seguito dell'introduzione di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera:Flatidae). [Damages on the main Sicilian orchards caused by introduction of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera: Flatidae)]. In: Italian Phytopathological Society. Biennal meeting. Scicli, Ragusa, Italy, 3-7 May 1998. Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche. Pp. 247-250.
2987 Malenovský I.and P. Lauterer. 2005 Auchenorrhyncha (krísi) [trída/class: Insecta; rád/order: Auchenorrhyncha]. In: J. Farkac, D. Kral and M. Skorpik, (eds.). Cerveny seznam ohrozenych druhu Ceske republiky. Bezobratli. Red list of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates. Agentura ochrany prirody a krajiny Czech Republic, Praha. Pp. 146-155 pdf
6185 Abo, M.E. and H. Ali Fadhilab. 2003 Epidemiology and management of rice viruses and virus diseases. In: J. Hughes and B. Odu, (eds.). Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001. IITA Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Pp. 112-127. pdf
9729 Pénzes, B., Z. Dér, and A. Molnár. 2005 The citrus flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa Say), a new pest of ornamental plants in Hungary. In: J. Lippay, I. Ormos, and K. Vas, (eds.). Tudományos Ülésszak Tudomnyos Ulésszak, Növényvédelmi szekció. Pp. 84-85.
13826 Lauterer, P. and I. Malenovský. 2006 Japananus hyalinus (Osborn, 1900) - krísek; Metcalfa pruinosa Say, 1830 - voskovka zavlecená; Psylla buxi (Linnaeus, 1758) - mera zimostrázová. In: J. Mlíkovský and P. Stýblo, (eds.). Nepvodní druhy fauny a flóry ?eské republiky. [Alien species in the fauna and flora of the Czech Republic.] Cesks vaz ochránc prírody, Praha. Pp. 267-268, 289 [in Czech]
4252 Swierczewski, D. and C. Gebicki. 2004 Planthoppers and leafhoppers of the Czestochowa Upland (Insecta: Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). In: J. Partyka, (ed.): The diversification and transformation of natural and cultural environment of the Kraków-Czestochowa Upland. Volume 1, Nature. Ojców National Park, Ojców. Pp. 317-322. [Polish]
7953 Szwedo, J. 2001 Piewiki Wyżyny Krakowsko-Wieluńskiej (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). [Planthoppers and leafhoppers of the Kraków-Wieluń Upland]. In: J. Partyka. (ed.). Badania naukowe w południowej części Wyżyny Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej. Ojcowski Park Narodowy, Ojców. Pp. 309-313.
8085 Kartohardjono, A., T. Tersyana, T., R.W. Atmadja, and Nursasongko. 1991 Role of Cyrtorhinus sp. predator as biological control of brown planthopper in rice field. In: J. Sujitno, D. Kilin, Hs. Suprapto, and U. SutrisnoGunara, (eds.). Research on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) in 1987/88. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor. Edisi Khusus 2. Bogor, Indonesia. Pp. 54-63
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