Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
5279 | Laosinchai,B. and W. Hongsaprug. 1974 Taxonomic study of brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata spp.) white-backed planthoppers (Sogatella spp.) and some species of planthoppers (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) found in Thailand. In: Research report 1974 [of the] Entomology and Zoology Division and Agricultural Regulatory Division, Ministry of Agriculture Pp. 161-163. |
13327 | Lapeva-Gjonova, A., I. Gjonov, M. Olmi, and A. Guglielmino. 2018 New records of the family Dryinidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Bulgaria with an updated checklist. North-Western Journal of Zoology 14(2): 243-246. [Bubastia josifovi, Javesella dubia, Laodelphax striatella, Metcalfa pruinosa, Muirodelphax aubei, Ommatidiotus inconspicuus] pdf |
2724 | Larivière, M.-C. 1997 Taxonomic review of Koroana Myers (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), with description of a new species. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 213-223. pdf |
2725 | Larivière, M.-C. 1999 Cixiidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Fauna of New Zealand 40: 1-93. pdf |
2727 | Larivière, M.-C. and H. Hoch. 1998 The New Zealand planthopper genus Semo White (Hemiptera: Cixiidae): taxonomic review, geographical distribution and biology. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 25: 429-442. pdf |
1124 | Lariviere, M.-C. and M. Whenua. 1997 New Zealand Cixiidae (Hemiptera): taxonomy, faunal composition, regional diversity, and ecological preferences. Pp. 25. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
2726 | Larivière, M.-C. and M.J. Fletcher. 2008 A new genus, Zeoliarus, for the endemic New Zealand species Oliarus atkinsoni Myers and O. oppositus (Walker) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae: Cixiinae: Pentastirini). Zootaxa 1891: 66-68. |
6193 | Larivière, M.-C. and M.J. Fletcher. 2010 Checklist of New Zealand Hexapoda. Suborder Auchenorrhyncha. In: D.P. Gordon, (ed.). New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume two. Kingdom Animalia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. Pp. 403-404. |
5622 | Larivière, M.C., M.J. Fletcher, and A. Larochelle. 2010 Auchenorrhyncha: (Insecta: Hemiptera): catalogue. Fauna of New Zealand. Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research, Auckland. 63: 1-232. |
9025 | Larsson, S.G. 1975 Palaeobiology and mode of burial of the insects of the Lower Eocene Mo-clay of Denmark. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 24: 193-209. pdf |
6229 | Lashkari, M., G. Nouri Ganbalani, F. Mozaffarian, K. Ghorbani, and A. Fathi. 2008 Faunistic study of planthoppers infraorder Fulgoromorpha (Hem., Auchenorrhyncha) in different climatic regions of Gorgan, Iran. Journal of Entomological Research 1(2): 119-133.[Arabic with English abstract] pdf |
14175 | LASTUVKA, Zdenek (ed.). 2016. Krasonožka bažinná, Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallén, 1806) krísi (Auchenorrhyncha), krasonožkovití (Caliscelidae). In: Zdenek Laštuvka (ed.).Cervená kniha ohrožených druhu bezob ratlých lužních lesu Biosférické rezervace Dol ní Morava [Red book endangered species invertebrates floodplain forests Biosphere reserves Lower Moravia]. Lesnická Práce. [Czech]. Pp. 106-107. ISBN 978-80-7458-085-7. |
5240 | Latif, A. 2000 Morphological, molecular genetic and host plant relationship studies of rice and weed infesting populations of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Doctorial thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Thesis pdf |
10081 | Latif, M.A., M.Y. Omar, M.Y. Rafii, M.A. Malek, and S.G. Tan. 2013 Evidence of sibling species between two host-associated populations of brown planthopper, N. lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidea) complex based on morphology and host-plant relationship studies. Comptes Rendus Biologies 336(7): 354-363 |
5280 | Latif, M.A., M.Y. Omar, S.G. Tan, S.S. Siraj, and A.R. Ismail. 2010 Interpopulation Crosses, Inheritance Study, and Genetic Variability in the Brown Planthopper Complex, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Biochemical Genetics 48(3-4): 266-286. |
8826 | Latif, M.A., M.Y. Omar, S.G. Tan, S.S. Siraj, M.E. Ali, and M.Y. Rafii. 2012 Food assimilated by two sympatric populations of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Delphacidae) feeding on different host plants contaminates insect DNA detected by RAPD-PCR analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research 11(1): 30-41. |
2728 | Latif, M.A., T.S. Guan, O.M. Yusoh, and S.S. Siraj. 2008 Evidence of sibling species in the brown planthopper complex (Nilaparvata lugens) detected from short and long primer random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprints. Biochemical Genetics 46(7-8): 520-537. |
8695 | Lattin, J.D. 1988 Paul Oman – An appreciation. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 12: 3-9. pdf |
11543 | Laudonia, S., A. Lucchi, E. Rossi and G. Viggiani. 2017 First report on egg-parasitoids of the Asian planthopper Ricania speculum. Bulletin of Insectology 70(2): 177–180. pdf |
5281 | Laudonia, S., P. Mancini and D. Carella. 2004 Neodrynus typhlocybae per il controllo biologico di Metcalfa pruinosa in Campania [Neodrynus typhlocybae for biological control of Metcalfa pruinosa in Campania]. Informatore Agrario 60(47): 55-58 |
9602 | Laurema, S., M. Markkula, and M. Raatikainen. 1966 The effect of virus diseases transmitted by the leafhopper Javesella pellucida (F.) on the concentration of free amino acids in oats and on the reproduction of aphids. Annales Agricultura Fennici 5: 94-99. |
2736 | Lauterer P. 1995 Auchenorrhyncha. In: R. Rozkošný et J. Vaňhara, (red.). Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, I. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia, Brno, 92: 165-175. |
2729 | Lauterer, P. 1958 Prispewek k poznani krisu CSR. (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha). II. Časopis Moravshého Muzea. Vedy Prírodní 43: 125-136. |
2730 | Lauterer, P. 1978 New records of leafhoppers from Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Musei Moraviae 63: 111-116. |
2731 | Lauterer, P. 1980 New and interesting records of leafhoppers from Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae naturales, Brno 65: 117-140. pdf |