College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12040 Lei, Chao, Li Geng, Xiaoyong Xu, Xusheng Shao and Zhong Li. 2018 Isoxazole-containing neonicotinoids: Design, synthesis, and insecticidal evaluation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 28(4): 831–833. [ePub ahead of print 2017]
4260 Synave, H. 1957 Issidae (Homoptera-Fulgoroidea). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Upemba 43: 3-21. pdf
4716 Williams, J.R. 1982 Issidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from the Mascarenes. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 45(1): 43-56. pdf
4261 Synave, H. 1957 Issidae (Homoptera Fulgoroidea). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Albert 90(1): 3-6. pdf
10455 Chen, X.S., Z.G. Zhang, and Z.M. Chang. 2014 Issidae and Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, China. 242 pp.
12683 Bourgoin, T., E. Guilbert, and M.L. Wang. 2018 Issidae molecular K-libration. In: 8th European Hemiptera Congress & 11th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, 24-29th June 2018, Zawiercie, Katowice Poland 2018, Katowice. p. 36.
1803 Chan, M.L. and C.T. Yang. 1994 Issidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Chen Chung Book Press, Taipei [Department of Entomology, National Chung Hsing University] 168 pp.
11008 Zhang, Z.G., X.S. Chen and S. L. Zhang. 2007 Issidae. In: Z.Z. Li, M.F. Yang, and D.C. Jin. (eds.). Insects from Leigongshan Landscape. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, V. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, China. Pp. 169-172 . pdf
5396 Prates, P.H.S. Jr. and G.S. Carvalho. 2002 Issíneos no Rio Grande do SUl (Hemiptera, Fulgomorpha, Isiidae). Biocências 10(1): 85-105. pdf
202 Badmin, J.S. 1990 Issus coleoptratus F.(Hem., Issidae) from the Isle of Sheppey. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 126 Nos 1516-1519 : 252.
326 Alexander, K.N.A. 2012 Issus muscaeformis (Schrank) (Hemiptera: Issidae) in Cornwall. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 25: 14.
14042 Whitehead, P.F. 2020 Issus muscaeformis (Schrank, 1781) (Hemiptera: Issidae) new to Devon. Entomologist's Gazette 71(4): 283-286.
12819 Lock, K. 2018 Issus muscaeformis (Schrank, 1781) new to Belgium (Hemiptera: Issidae). Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie 154(1): 31-33.
15120 Coetzee, J.A., B.E. Miller, D. Kinsler, K.Sebola, and M.P. Hill. 2022 It's a numbers game: inundative biological control of water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes), using Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) yields success at a high elevation, hypertrophic reservoir in South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology 32(11): 1302-1311.
14021 Jones, C.M., S. Jones, A. Petrasova, V. Petras, D. Gaydos, M.M. Skrip, Y. Takeuchi, K. Bigsby, and R.K. Meentemeyer. 2021 Iteratively forecasting biological invasions with PoPS and a little help from our friends. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19(7): 411-418. [Lycorma delicatula]
8789 Hou, X.H. and X.S. Chen. 2011 ITS analysis of Malaxella (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) based on internal transcribed spacer-1. Guizhou Agricultural Sciences 11: 104-106, 109.
13938 SEO, Bo Yoon, Chang Gyu PARK, Young-Ho KOH, Jin Kyo JUNG, Jumrae CHO, and Chanyeong KANG. 2017 ITS2 DNA sequence analysis for eight species of delphacid planthoppers and a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the brown planthopper-specific detection. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 56(4): 377-385. [Nilaparvata muiri, Nilaparvata bakeri, Ecdelphax cervine, Stenocranus matsumurai, Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus] pdf
11203 Hoch, H. and R.L. Ferriera. 2016 Iuiuia caeca gen. n., sp n., a new troglobitic planthopper in the family Kinnaridae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from Brazil. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 63(2): 171-181. DOI: 110.3897/dez.3863.8432. pdf
11322 Wagner, W. 1959 IX. Teil Homoptera. In: M. Beier (ed.). Zoologische Studien in Westgriechenland. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademieder Wissenschaften. 168: 581-605. pdf
8983 Önuçar, A. and O. Ulu. 1987 Izmir il kestane yeştirma alanlarinda Auchenorrhycha türleri hakkinda kisa bilgiler. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 11(4): 227-236. pdf
289 Beamer, L. D. 1946 I’ll tell you how! Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 19(4): 127–129. pdf
2535 Kiritani, K. and Y. K. Hirai. 1987 Japan-China cooperative study on the long-range migration of the white-backed planthopper. Shokubutsu Boeki 41(11): 543-547.
13826 Lauterer, P. and I. Malenovský. 2006 Japananus hyalinus (Osborn, 1900) - krísek; Metcalfa pruinosa Say, 1830 - voskovka zavlecená; Psylla buxi (Linnaeus, 1758) - mera zimostrázová. In: J. Mlíkovský and P. Stýblo, (eds.). Nepvodní druhy fauny a flóry ?eské republiky. [Alien species in the fauna and flora of the Czech Republic.] Cesks vaz ochránc prírody, Praha. Pp. 267-268, 289 [in Czech]
13466 Poinar, Jr, G., F.E. Vega, and A. Stroinski. 2020 Jatoba gen. nov. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Nogodinidae), a new genus of planthoppers from Dominican amber. Historical Biology (2020): 1-6.
11136 Holzinger, W. E., W. Schedl & L. Schlosser. 2016 Javesella bottnica und fünf weitere Zikaden-Erstnachweise aus Österreich (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 48(2): 1237-1242. pdf
291 | 292 | 293 | 294 | 295 | 296 | 297 | 298 | 299 295 of 604