College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8582 Cai, L.J., X.Z. Ma, L. Kang, K.J. Deng, S.Y. Zhao, and C.B. Li. 2003 Detecting Rice stripe virus (RSV) in the small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus) with high specificity by RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods 112: 115-120.
8674 Hassan, B.H., I.J. Al-Jboory, H.F. Al-Rebeai, and G. Viggiani. 2003 Pseudoligosita babylonica n.sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) , egg parasitoid of Ommatissus lybicus Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) in Iraq. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria Filippo Silvestri 59: 75-78. pdf
8680 Al-Shamsi, B.H. 2003 Biological performance of dubas bug Ommatissus lybicus De Berg. (Homoptera : Tropiduchidae) under field conditions and predicting of its appearance by using degree-day model. Master Thesis, University of Bagdad, Iran. thesis pdf
8700 Padillo, P.D.E. 2003 Visión histórica de las plagas de la vid en España. In: III Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada - IX Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada Ávila, 20-24 de Octubre de 2003. Pp. 201-203. pdf
8743 Meagher, R.L. Jr. and J.C. Legaspi. 2003 Within-field distribution of three Homopteran species in Texas sugarcane. Southwestern Entomologist 28(1): 1-10. pdf
8833 Dhileepan, K., A. Greet, A. Ridley, B.J. Croft, and G.R. Smith. 2003 Fiji disease resistance in sugarcane: Relationship to cultivar preference in field populations of the planthopper vector Perkinsiella saccharicida. Annals of Applied Biology 143: 375-379. pdf
8883 Guglielmino, A. 2003 Stato delle conoscenze su Ommatissus binotatus Fieber (Fulgoromorpha Tropiduchidae), specie infeudata a Chamaerops humilis L. In: III Biennale Europea delle Palme, Atti del Convegno, Dies Palmarum 4-5 dicembre 2003. Pp. 30-3.
8896 Lakshminarayana, N. V.R.S. Rao, and G.P. Rajsekhar. 2003 New records of planthoppers belonging to Cixiidae and Lophopidae (Fulgoroidea: Homoptera) from rice ecosystems of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Applied Zoological Researches 14(2): 169-171.
8956 Carcache-Carvajal, T, G. Carmona-Ríos, and H. Herrera-Leandro. 2003 Estudio taxonómico de las colecciones de los órdenes Hemiptera y Homoptera presentes en el Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. Thesis, Bachelor of Tropical Biology internship with emphasis on Natural Resource Management.
8969 Backus, E.A. 2003 Sensory systems and behaviours which mediate hemipteran plant-feeding: A taxonomic overview. Journal of Insect Physiology 34(3): 151-157&159-165.
8981 Langer, M., H. Darimont and M. Maixner. 2003 Control of phytoplasma vectors in organic viticulture. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 26(8): 197-202. pdf
9017 Imura, O. 2003 Herbivorous arthropod community of an alien weed Solanum carolinense L. Applied Entomology and Zoology 38(3): 293–300. pdf
9031 Cai, X.Y. and J.H. Fu. 2003 Paleocene and Eocene Palaeobiocoentic feature in the Dazhuoma section at Gangni village of Qiangtang Basin. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition) 33(4): 443-446. pdf
9037 Marshall, R. K., M.T. Lester, T.R. Glare, and J.T. Christeller. 2003 The fungus, Lecanicillium muscarium, is an entomopathogen of passionvine hopper (Scolypopa australis). New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 31(1): 1-7. pdf
9070 Raspi, A. and R. Canovai. 2003 Centrodora livens (Walker) - aphelinid egg parasitoid of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) in Italy. Informatore Fitopatologico 53(7-8): 49-51.
9085 Greatti, M. and R. Barbattini. 2003 Infestazione di Metcalfa e produzione di miele. Un metodo di stima. Apicoltura 6: 50-52 pdf
9120 Seljak, G., G. Matis, J. Miklavc, and K. Beber. 2003 Identifikacija potencialnih naravnih prenašalcev trsnih rumenic v podravski vinorodni deželi. [Identification of potential natural vectors of grape yellows in Drava wine-growing region.] In: Zbornik predavanj in referatov 6. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin, Zreče, 4-6 marec 2003. Pp. 283-288. pdf
9438 Chen, Y.H., Q.H. Zheng, Y.P. Hunag, Z.X. Zhan, and F. Chen. 2003 Study on the biological characteristics of 5 new pests on Loquat in Fujian. Wuyi Science Journal 19(1): 63-65
9462 Dietrich, C.H. 2003 Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadas, Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers,Treehoppers, and Planthoppers). In: V.H. Resh, R.T. Cardé (eds.). Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press, Elsevier Science, San Diego, California. Pp. 66-74.
9649 Malausa, J.C., L. Giuge, B. Nusillard, M. Thaon and P. Gory. 2003 Lutte biologique contre les deux Hemipteres Nord-Americains, Metcalfa pruinosa et Scaphoideus titanus. in: Journées Techniques Viticulture Biologique, Cognac,15 et 16 décembre 2003. Institut Technique de l”Agriculture Biologique.] Pp. 21-26. pdf
9701 Nkansah-Poku, J., S.K. Dery, R. Philippe, G.K. Yawson, and R.N. Quaicoe. 2003 Studies on artificial induction of Cape Saint Paul wilt disease using putative vectors. Journal of the Ghana Science Association 5(2): 116-122.
9704 Noda, H. and Y. Koizumi. 2003 Sterol biosynthesis by symbiotes: cytochrome P450 sterol C-22 desaturase genes from yeastlike symbiotes of rice planthoppers and anobiid beetles. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 33: 649-658. pdf
9731 Pérez-Hernández, O., C.C. Góngora-Canul, M.F. Medina-Lara, C. Oropeza-Salín, J.A. Escamilla-Bencomo, and G. Mora-Aguilera. 2003 Patrón Espacio-Temporal del Amarillamiento Letal en Cocotero (Cocos nucifera L.) en Yucatán, México. Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología 22: 231-238. pdf
9826 Svedling, A. 2003 Oat sterile dwarf - A molecular method for determination of virus content in individual planthopper vectors. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, Sweden. Thesis. pdf
9832 Tan, J.C., J.W. Zhang, N.W. Xiao, T.Z. Yuan, and X. Deng. 2003 A list of tea pest insects and mites in Hunan Province. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Natural Sciences) 29(4): 296-307. pdf
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