College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9097 Celestino Filho, P. and E. Lucchini. 1991 Studies of possible insect transmission of Amarelecimento Fatal in oil palm. In: Spear rot of oil palm in tropical America. Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Identification and Control of the Organism(s) and/or Other Factor(s) Causing the Spear Rot Syndrome in Oil Palm, Paramaribo, Suriname. 1988. Pp. 47-50.
3008 Maramorosch, K. 1997 Laboratory rearing of leafhoppers and planthoppers: methods and problems. In: Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute. 1997 Invertebrates in Captivity Conference. July 31 - August 3, 1997. Tucson, Arizona. Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute, Tucson. Pp. 147-151
12998 Ernawati, D., R. E. Mahfiz, A. Mahfud, I. Risdiyanto, and H. Triwidodo. 2020 Estimation of brown planthopper's (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) infested area using satellite spectral data analysis. In: Sixth International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite, vol. 11372, p. 113720K. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019. Article#113720K, 12pp.
14764 Grozdeva, G.S. 2023. 2023 Confirmation of the presence of the species Cixidia pilatoi (D'urso & Guglielmino, 1995) (Fulgoromorpha: Achilidae) in the Republic of Moldova. In: Simpozionul, Protectia plantelor - Realizari si perspective, 57, Moldova, 2-3 Octombrie 2023. pp. 45-50. pdf
2538 Kiritani, K. 1986 Changes in rice pest status with cultivation system in Japan. In: Seminar on Rice Insect Pest Control, Tsukuba], Sep. 18, 1986. Jointly organized by IRRI & NARC [International Rice Research Institute]&[ Nepal Agriculture Research Council]. National Agricultural Research Center, Japan. Pp. 1-15
6496 Lam, P.V. and T.H. Thanh. 1989 Several results of surveys for parasitoids and predators of insect pests in rice fields. In: Selected Scientific Reports on Biological Control of Pests and Weeds (1990–1995). Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam. [Vietnamese with English abstract] Pp. 104–114.
6494 Lam, P.V. 1996 Contributions to the study on fauna of hymenopterous parasitoids in Vietnam. In: Selected Scientific Reports on Biological Control of Pests and Weeds (1990–1995), Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam.[Vietnamese with English abstract] Pp. 95-103.
488 Cabezas, Z., M. Hernandez and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Determinacion en el invernadero de Hospederos alternos de tres Delfacicos (Homoptera: Delphacidae) Vectores de tenuivirus. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. unpaginated pdf
2054 Hernandez, M., O. Cabrera, and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Analisis de la variabilidad genetica de poblaciones de Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae), vector del virus de la Hoja Blanca del Arroz. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. P. 18 pdf
2953 Macaya-Lizano, A.V., Pereira, R. and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Morfologia interna de Tegasodes orizicolusm (Homoptera: Delphacidae), vector del virus de la Hoja Blanca del Arroz. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. P. 22 pdf
3522 Oliva, M., V. Cartin, M. Hernandez and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Gramineas asociadas al cultivo del arroz, hospederas alternas de los Delfacidos (Homoptera; Delphacidae) vectores de tenuivirus. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. Pp. 20. pdf
3523 Oliva, M., V. Cartin, M. Hernandez, C.M. Rodriguez and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Variacion poblacional de Delfacidos (Homoptera) vectores de tenuivirus, en el cultivo del Arroz. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. Pp. 23. pdf
5995 Espinoza, A.M. 1995 La Sogata Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae): plaga del Arroz y vector del virus Hoja de la Blanca. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. Pp. 90-91. pdf
7669 Nugaliyadde, L. and C. Kudagamage. 1988 Evaluation of varieties for resistance to insect pests. Thrips, Gall midge, Brown Planthopper and Green leafhopper. In: Screening Manual for Rice in Sri Lanka. Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Pp. 3-20.
10561 Pham, H.T. 2004 The composition of the cicadas-planthoppers (Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha) in PuLuong nature reserves (Bathuoc, Thanhhoa). In: Sciences Workshop of Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources. Pp. 152-155.
3859 Ron, A.G.. 1981 Light trapping. In: Sarawak Ministry of Agriculture and Community Development Annual Report of the Research Branch Department of Agriculture 1980. Pp. 221-226.
669 Chou, I. and J.S. Lu. 1981 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. Zhongguo Kexueyuan Qingzang Gaoyuan Zonghe Kexue Kaocha Dui. In: S.X. Chen. The Series of the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Xizang kunchong [Insects of Xizang = Tibet]. Volume 1. Science Press, Peking. Pp. 221-228.
6796 Sigsgaard, L. 2002 Early season natural biological control of insect pests in rice by spiders - and some factors in the management of the cropping system that may affect this control. In: S.Toft and N. Scharff, (eds.). European Arachnology 2000 (Proceedings of the 19th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Århus 17-22 July 2000). Aarhus University Press, Aarhus. Pp. 57-64. pdf
14581 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2022 Hemiptera: Caliscelidae, Planthoppers. In: S.M. Goodman, (ed.). The New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States. 2296 pp. Pp. 993-996.
14582 Constant, J. 2022 Hemiptera: Fulgoridae, Lanternflies, Sakondry In: S.M. Goodman, (ed.). The New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States. 2296 pp. Pp. 991-993.
14583 Swierczewski, D. and A. Stroinski. 2022 Hemiptera, Fulgormorpha: Flatidare, Planthopper. In: S.M. Goodman, (ed.). The New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States. 2296 pp. Pp. 987-991.
6396 Ossiannilsson, F., L.M. Russell and H. Weber. 1970 Homoptera. Chapter 27. In: S.L.Tuxen, (ed.). Taxonomist's Glossary Of Genitalia Insects. Munksgaard, Copenhagen. Pp. 179-190. pdf
9540 Howard, F.W. 1997 Lethal Yellowing vector studies in the Americas. In: S.J. Eden-Green and F. Ofori, (eds.). Proceedings of an International Workshop on Lethal Yellowing-Like Diseases of Coconut, Elmina, Ghana, November 1995. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, United Kingdom. Pp. 247-253.
228 Banerjee, T.C., A.S. Mondal, and N. Haque. 1983 Phenology of Nisia atrovenosa Leth.(Hemiptera: Derbidae) with reference to host plants and weather. In: S.C. Goel, (ed.).Insect Ecology and Resource Management. Sanatan Dharm College, Muzaffarnagar, India. Pp. 16-23
8922 Sankaran, T. 1980 Introduction of natural enemies for the control of sugarcane pests. In: S. Sithanantham and A.R. Solayappan, (eds.). Biological control of sugarcane pests in India. Tamilnadu State Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Limited, Madras, India. Pp. 1-12.
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