College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7822 Borodin, O.I. 2004 Fauna of Auchenorrhyncha of Belarus, preliminnary results. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 6-7. pdf
7823 Bückle, C. and A. Guglielmino. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha communities in Benninger Ried (S. Germany), a spring area with a remarkable relictary vegeation. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 8-10. pdf
7824 Chelpakova, J.M. 2004 Auchenorrhynch of Kyrgystan. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp.11-12. pdf
7825 d'Urso, V., C. Chersi, P.J. Mazzoglio, and A. Alma. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha of pasturelands of subalpine belt of the Forest of Tarvisio (northeastern Italy). Final Results. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 23-25. pdf
7826 Guglielmino, A., C. Bückle, and R. Remane. 2004 The Auchenorrhyncha of central Italy: a faunistic survey completed by new records from recent field work. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 41-42. pdf
7827 Kirillova, V.I. 2004 Fauna, ecology and zoogeography of the Auchenorrhyncha of the Chuvash Republic. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 43-44. pdf
7828 Shcherbakov, D.E. 2004 On Permian and Mesozoic Fulgoroidea. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 68-70. pdf
7830 Sivtsev, V.V. 2004 On the similarity between leafhopper faunas of Yakutia and the northern part of North America (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. P. 74. pdf
7831 Szwedo, J. 2004 New data on fossil Fulgoromorpha (Hemiptera) and their phylogentic significance. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 78-80. pdf
534 Carver, M., G.F. Ross, and T.E. Woodward. 1991 Hemiptera (bugs, leafhoppers, cicada, aphids, scale insects, etc. In: I.D. Naumann, P.B. Crane, J.F. Lawrence, E.S. Neilsen, J.P. Spradbery, R.W. Taylor, M.J. Whitten, and M.J. Littlejohn, (eds). The Insects of Australia, a textbook for students and research workers. Vol. 1. Melvourne University Press Pp. 429-509.
3544 Oromi, P., J.A. Quartau, and N. Zurita. 2001 Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha. In: I. Izquierdo, J.L. Martin, N. Zurita, and M. Arechavaleta, (eds.). Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres) 2001. Consejeria de Política Territorial y Medio Ambiente, Gobierno de Canarias. Pp. 182-197.
2690 Lafont, R., A. Bouthier, A., and I.D. Wilson. 1991 Phytoecdysteroids, structures, occurrence, biosynthesis and possible ecological significance. In: I. Hrdý, (ed.). Insect chemical ecology. Proceedings of a conference held in Tábor, Czechoslowakia, 12 -18 August 1990. Pp. 197-214
7313 Otuka, A. 2008 Rice Planthoppers in Vietnam and their migration. In: Hybrid Rice and Transformation of Farming Systems, Proceedings of the JSPS International Seminar 200822-24 November 2008 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Pp. 70-77. pdf
7314 Matsumura, M. 2008 Current status of insecticide resistance and virulence to resistant rice varieties in Asian rice planthoppers. In: Hybrid Rice and Transformation of Farming Systems, Proceedings of the JSPS International Seminar 200822-24 November 2008 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Pp. 78-85. pdf
7315 Thanh, D.V., L.T. Dzung, N.T. Duong, P.T.B. Thu, and N.N. Cuong, 2008 Management of rice planthoppers in Vietnam. In: Hybrid Rice and Transformation of Farming Systems, Proceedings of the JSPS International Seminar 200822-24 November 2008 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Pp. 86-94. pdf
7316 Yasui, H., K.K.M. Myint, and M. Matsumura. 2008 Forward the design breeding of resistance to planthoppers in rice. In: Hybrid Rice and Transformation of Farming Systems, Proceedings of the JSPS International Seminar 200822-24 November 2008 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Pp. 95-102. pdf
11334 Heong, K.L. J.A. Cheng, M.M. Escalada 2015 Errata to: Rice Planthoppers. In: Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. pp. E1.
4752 Wilson, S.W. 1997 Delphacid planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) of the Yukon. In: H.V. Danks and J. A. Downes, (eds.). Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa, Canada. Pp. 377-385. pdf
5831 Khush, G.S. 1992 Selecting rice for simply inherited resistances. In: H.T. Stalker and J.P. Murphy, (ed.). Plant breeding in the 1990s. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom. Pp. 303-322.
769 Conert, H.J. 1998 Poaceae. Echte Gräser oder Süßgräser). 3. Aufl. In: H.J. Conert, E.J. Jäger, J.W. Kadereit, W. Schutze-Motel, G. Wagenitz, and H.E. Weber, (eds.). Gustav Hegi. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Band I, Teil 3. Chapter 3.
11187 Cayabyab, B.F., W.R. Cuaterno, P.G. Gonzales, and M.D. Ebuenga. 2009 Cooperative surveillance and management of invasive alien species in the Philippines. In: H.C. Sim, (ed.). Asia and the Pacific Forest Health Workshop Forest Health in a Changing World. Extended abstracts From the workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1–3 December 2008. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Volume 2. Pp. 82-85 pdf
9800 Singh, D.U. 1997 Screening for resistance to sorghum shoot bug and spider mites. In: H.C. Sharma, Faujdar Singh, K.F. and Nwanze. (eds.). Plant resistance to insects in sorghum. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Andhra Pradesh, India. Pp. 52-59. pdf
9799 Singh, B.U. 1997 Screening for resistance to sorghum shoot bug and spider mites. In: H.C. Sharma, F. Singh, and K.F. Nwanze, (eds.). Plant resistance to insects in sorghum. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru Andhra Pradesh, India. Pp. 52-59.
7899 Nugaliyadde, L., N. Dissanayake, and J. Mitrasena. 2000 Advances in pest and disease management of rice in Sri Lanka: a review. In: H.B. Kotagama, G.A.W. Wijesekara, and D.S.A. Wijesundara (eds.). Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka. Pp. ?? pdf
2795 Liang, Ai-Ping. 1995 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. In: H. Wu, (ed.). Insects of Baishanzu Mountain, eastern China. Series of the Bioresources Expedition to the Baishanzu Mountain Nature Reserve. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing. Pp. 104-105
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