College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6064 Ketipearachchi, Y., C. Kaneda, and C. Nakamura. 1998 Adaptation of the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), to BPH resistant rice cultivars carrying bph8 or Bph9. Applied Entomology and Zoology 33(4): 497-505. pdf
6656 Kessler, S., S. Schaerer, N.Delabays, T.C.J. Turlings, V. Trivellone and P. Kehrli. 2011 Host plant preferences of Hyalesthes obsoletus, the vector of the grapevine yellows disease ‘bois noir’, in Switzerland. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 139(1): 60–67. pdf
5616 Kessler, S., P. Kehrli, S. Schaerer, N. Delabays, D. Pasquier, V. Trivellone, and S. Emery. 2010 Hyalesthes obsoletus, the vector of bois noir: host plants in Switzerland. Revue Suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 42(5): 306-312.
2488 Kessler, A., R. Halitschke, and I.T. Baldwin. 2004 Silencing the jasmonate cascade: induced plant defenses and insect populations. Science 305: 665-668.
8724 Keresi, T. 2011 Appearance of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) on the new localities and plants in Serbia. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor) 39(4): 425-433.
8046 Kenny, P.T.M. and H. Naki. 1987 Application of the B/E linked scan in the structure determination of bioactive compounds. Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products (Proceedings of the Symposium of Natural Organic Compounds) 29: 692-696 pdf
3802 Kennedy, A.C. and C.R. Bartlett. 2015 An unusual morphotype of Caenodelphax teapae (Fowler) (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Entomological News 125(3): 224-227. 125(3): 224–227. pdf
10073 Kennedy, A.C. and C.R. Bartlett. 2014 Systematics of Caenodelphax Fennah (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) and description of the new genus Flavoclypeus. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 140: 17-65 pdf
13952 Kennedy, A.C. and C.R. Bartlett. 2021 On the generic placement and synonymy for Delphacodes guianensis Muir 1919 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Entomological News 129(5): 529-537.
10635 Kennedy, A.C. 2010 A revision of Caenodelphax Fennah (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) to include species misallocated to Delphacodes Fieber. In: The 13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and the 7th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Significance 28 June-2 July. Vaison-la-Romaine, France. Abstracts: Talks and Posters. P. 122. pdf
12380 Kennedy, A. C. 2013 Systematics if Caenodelphax Fennah (Hemptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae) and description of the new genus Flavoclypeus. M.S. thesis, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology. xi+107 pp. pdf
8835 Kennedy A.C., C.R. Bartlett, and S.W. Wilson. 2012 An annotated checklist of the delphacid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) of Florida with the description of three new species and the new genus, Meristopsis. Florida Entomologist 95(2): 395-421. pdf
2487 Kenmore, P.E., V.A. Dyck, and F.O. Carino. 1980 Population dynamics and outbreaks of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) in the tropics. International Congress of Entomology Proceedings 16: 130.
5828 Kenmore, P.E., F.O. Cariño, C.A. Perez, V.A. Dyck, and A.P. Gutierrez. 1984 Population regulation of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) within rice fields in the Philippines. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 1: 19-37. pdf
2486 Kenmore, P.E. 1981 Ecology and outbreaks of a tropical insect pest of the green revolution, the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Dissertation Abstracts International B Sciences And Engineering 41(7): 2471.
5826 Kenmore, P.E. 1980 Ecology and outbreaks of a tropical insect pest of the green revolution, the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of California, Berkeley. Doctoral Thesis
5861 Kenmore, P.E. 1991 Indonesia’s integrated pest management - a model of Asia. FAO Rice IPM Programme, FAO [The Food and Agriculture Organization], Manila, Philippines. -
6179 Kenmore, P.E. 1979 Limits of the brown planthopper problem: implications for integrated pest management. IRRI Saturday Seminar. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. 75 Pp.
2485 Kempson, D., M. Lloyd, and R. Chelardy. 1963 A new extractor for woodland litter. Pedobiologia 3: 1-30.
9569 Kempiak, G. 1972 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der durch Javesella pellucida (F.) übertragbaren Gramineenkrankheiten. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany. Thesis.
9570 Kempiak, G. 1972 Die Zikade Javesella pellucida (F.) als Überträger von Gramineenkrankheiten mit Virusnatur in der DDR unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anfälligkeit des Getreides. Tagungsbericht - Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin 121: 99-108.
9571 Kempiak, G. 1977 Über lichtmikroskopisch nachweisbare Einschlußkörper der Blauverzwergung von Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) I. et C. Presl mit Bemerkungen zur Differentialdiagnose gegenüber den Inklusionen der Dubia-Krankheit der Gerste. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 13(2): 83-91.
9572 Kempiak, G. 1982 Gleichzeitige Übertragung des Virus der sterilen Verzwergung des Hafers (oat sterile dwarf virus) und des Dubia-Mosaiks der Gerste (barley dubia mosaic) durch Javesella pellucida (F.) (Hom., Delphacidae). [Simultaneous transmission of oat sterile dwarf virus and barley dubia mosaic by Javesella pellucida (F.) (Hom., Delphacidae)]. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 18(2): 67-75.
12283 Kemal, M. and A. O. Koçak. 2019 Ricania speculum from the Philippines (Homoptera, Ricaniidae). Miscellaneous papers (Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara) 188: 3-4. pdf
8931 Keller, S. and G.C.Y. Dhoi. 2007 Insect pathogenic Entomophthorales from Nepal and India. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 80(3/4): 211-215.
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