Planthopper Bibliography Database
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361 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
5656 | Quartau, J.A. and M.L. Mathias. 2010 Insects of the understorey in Western Mediterranean Forest Landscapes: a rich biodiversity under threat. In: E.L.L. Harris and N.E. Davies, (ed.). Insect Habitats: Characteristics, Diversity and Management. Nova Science Publishers Inc. Hauppauge, New York. Pp. 133-142. |
4810 | Wolda, H. 1982 Seasonality of Homoptera on Barro Colorado Island. In: E.G. Leigh, Jr., A.S. Rand, and D.M. Widsor ,(eds.). The Ecology of a tropical forest: Seasonal Rhythms and long-term changes. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. Pp. 319-330. |
5916 | Rombach, M.C., and K.D. Gallagher. 1994 The brown planthopper: promises, problems and prospects. In: E.A. Heinrichs, (ed.). Biology and management of rice insects. Wiley Eastern, New Dehli, India. Pp. 693-709. |
6489 | Dale, D. 1994 Insect pests of the rice plant - their biology and ecology. In: E.A. Heinrichs, (ed.). Biology and Management of Rice Insects. Wiley Eastern Limited and New Age International Limited, New Delhi, India. Pp. 363-485. |
5093 | Barrion A.T. and J.A. Litsinger. 1994 Taxonomy of rice insect pests and their arthropod parasites and predators. In: E.A. Heinrichs, (ed.). Biology and management of rice insects. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Pp.13-359. |
2550 | Kisimoto, R. 1991 Long-distance migration of rice insects. In: E.A. Heinrichs and T.A. Miller, (eds.). Rice Insects: Management Strategies. Springer-Verlag, New York. 167-195. |
797 | Cook, A.G. 1991 Methods to evaluate the variability of rice leafhopper and planthopper populations. In: E.A. Heinrichs and T.A. Miller, (eds.). Rice Insects: Management Strategies. Springer, New York. Pp. 215-233 |
5064 | Müller, H.J. and W. Witsack. 2000 Auchenorrhyncha - Zikaden. (Auchenorrhyncha). In: E. Stresemann, H.J. Hannemann, B. Klausnitzer, and K. Senglaub, (eds.). Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland. Vol. 2. Spektrum, Heidelberg und Berlin. Pp. ?? |
14403 | McClay, A.S. 1985 Biocontrol agents for Parthenium hysterophorus from Mexico. In: E. S. Delfosse (Ed.). Proceedings of the Vl lnternational Symposium Biological Control of Weeds, 19-25 August 1984, Vancouver, Canada, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. Pp. 771-778. |
2426 | Julia, J.F., M. Dollet and C. Calvez. 1986 Folia decay by Myndus taffini (FDMT): new results. In: E. Pushparajah and C.P. Soon, (eds.). Cocoa and coconuts: progress and outlook. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 837-846 |
12760 | Haupt, H. 1953 Insekten mit rätselhaften Verzierungen. In: Dr. Kleinschmidt, (ed.). Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, St & Portig K.-G., Leipzig, Germany. 55 pp. pdf |
8885 | Delvare, G. and H.P. Aberlenc. 1989 Ordre Hemiptera In: Delvare, G. and H.P. Aberlenc. Los Insectos d’África y d’América Tropical - Clés pour la reconnaissance des familles. CIRAD - Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Délevoppemnet. Montpellier, France. Pp. 89-118. pdf |
2613 | Kahrer, A. 2005 Introduction and possible spread of Metcalfa pruinosa (Cicadina; Flatidae) in Austria. In: D.V. Alford and G.F. Backhaus, (eds.). Plant Protection and Plant Health in Europe: Introduction and Spread of Invasive Species, 9 - 11 June, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Pp.133-134. pdf |
4998 | Zhu, F.C., Y.T. Chen, H.F. Zhang and J.H. Tsai. 1983 Identification, transmission, host range, and epidemiology of maize dwarf mosaic virus in northwestern China. In: D.T. Gordon, J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter, (eds.). Proceedings: International Maize Virus Disease Colloquium and Workshop, Wooster, Ohio, August 2-6, 1982. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Wooster, Ohio. Pp. 194-202 |
7111 | Gordon, D.T., J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter. 1983 Introduction, interpretive summary of proceedings. In: D.T. Gordon, J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter (eds.). Proceedings: International Maize Virus Disease Colloquium and Workshop, Wooster, Ohio, August 2-6, 1982. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Wooster, Ohio. Pp. v-x. pdf |
7112 | Gingery, R.E. 1983 Maize stripe virus. In: D.T. Gordon, J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter (eds.). Proceedings: International Maize Virus Disease Colloquium and Workshop, Wooster, Ohio, August 2-6, 1982. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Wooster, Ohio. Pp. 69-74. pdf |
7113 | Nault, L.R. 1983 Orgins of leafhopper vecors of maize pathogens in Mesoamerica. In: D.T. Gordon, J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter (eds.). Proceedings: International Maize Virus Disease Colloquium and Workshop, Wooster, Ohio, August 2-6, 1982. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Wooster, Ohio. Pp. 75-82. pdf |
7114 | Autrey, L.J.C. 1983 Maize mosiaz virus and other maize virus diseases in the islands of the western Indian Ocean. In: D.T. Gordon, J.K. Knoke, L.R. Nault, and R.M. Ritter (eds.). Proceedings: International Maize Virus Disease Colloquium and Workshop, Wooster, Ohio, August 2-6, 1982. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Wooster, Ohio. Pp. 167-181. pdf |
8958 | Basset, Y., N.D. Springate, and E. Charles. 2005 Folivorous insects in the rainforests of the Guianas. In: D.S. Hammond, (ed.). Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield: Ancient Forests in a Modern World. CABI, Oxon. Pp. 295-320. |
6193 | Larivière, M.-C. and M.J. Fletcher. 2010 Checklist of New Zealand Hexapoda. Suborder Auchenorrhyncha. In: D.P. Gordon, (ed.). New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume two. Kingdom Animalia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. Pp. 403-404. |
9884 | Weintraub, P.G. 2012 Virus- and bacteria-transmitting arthropod vectors and their management. In: D.P. Abrol and U. Shankar, (Eds.). Integrated Pest Management. CABI, Wallingford. Pp. 351-369. |
6061 | Szwedo, J. 2007 Fulgoromorpha: planthoppers. In: D.M. Martill and G. Bechly, R.F. Loveridge, (eds.). The Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil, Window into an Ancient World. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 297-313. |
927 | den Hollander, J. 1995 Acoustic signals as specific-mate recognition signals in leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) and planthoppers (Delphacidae) (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). In: D.M. Lambert and H.G. Spencer, (eds.). Speciation and the recognition concept: theory and application. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London. Pp. 440-463. |
8909 | Fitzgibbon, F., P.G. Allsopp, and P.J. de Barro. 1999 Chomping, boring and sucking on our doorstep - the menace from the north. In: D.M. Hogarth. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 27-30 April 1999. Pp. 149-155. |
2389 | Jeger, M.J. and M.F. Claridge. 1994 Function and ecology in the biosystematics of pest organisms. In: D.L. Hawksworth, (ed.). The identification and characterization of pest organisms. Proc. of the 3rd Worksp on the Ecol. Foun. of Sustainable Ag. (WEFSA 3), Intern’l. Mycological Ins., ESurrey, England, 9-11 June 1993. CAB International, Wallingford. Pp. 175-193 |