Planthopper Bibliography Database
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365 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
68 | Andrzejewska, L. 1979 Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. II. The role of herbivores in trophic relationships. Polish Ecological Studies 5(4): 45-76. |
67 | Andrzejewska, L. 1979 Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. I. Herbivores in natural and managed meadows Polish Ecological Studies 5(4): 5-44. |
9017 | Imura, O. 2003 Herbivorous arthropod community of an alien weed Solanum carolinense L. Applied Entomology and Zoology 38(3): 293–300. pdf |
3865 | Rosenthal, G.A., and D.H. Janzen, (eds.). 1979 Herbivores.Their interaction with secondary plant metabolites. Academic Press, New York. - |
14966 | LI, Cheng-Zhe, Jin-Cheng LU, Xin-Da PAN, Yu-Jie XIAO, Jian-Yu DENG, Guo-Xin ZHOU, and Yong-Gen LOU. 2023 Herbivore-induced resistant rice volatiles enhance the direct and indirect resistance of the neighboring susceptible rice varieties to Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 66(3) 351-359. [Chinese with English abstract] pdf |
1980 | Hao, P., C. Liu, Y. Wang, R. Chen, M. Tang, B. Du, L. Zhu, and G. He 2008 Herbivore-induced callose deposition on the sieve plates of rice: an important mechanism for host resistance. Plant Physiology 146: 1810-1820. pdf |
941 | Denno, R.F. 1988 Herbivore population dynamics in intertidal marshlands: the role of host plant nutrition. In: D.D. Hook, W.H. McKee Jr, H.K. Smith, J. Gregory, V.G. Burrell Jr, M.R. DeVoe, R.E. Sojka, S. Gilbert, R. Banks, L.H. Stolzy, C. Brooks, T.D. Matthews and T.H. Shear, (eds.). The ecology and management of wetlands. Volume 1: ecology of wetland Pp. 535-547. pdf |
10074 | Kehrli, P. and N. Delabays. 2013 Herbicides against stinging nettle to control grapevine bois noir disease: does the timing of application affect the emergence of its vector Hyalesthes obsoletus? IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 85: 187-190. |
5795 | Hori, Yoshihiro. 1969 Hemisphaerinae of the Japan archipelago. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 10(2): 49–64. pdf |
15174 | ARDILA-BAYONA, Victor, Paula BOHÓRQUEZ-COY, and Oscar J. PRIETO-RODADO. 2022 Hemípteros del bosque seco tropical, Una diversidad Desconocida. Proyecto FIBRAS. 118 pp. |
5172 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, S.L. Paradell, and M.I. Catalano. 2006 Hemípteros Auquenorrincos asociados al cultivo de sorgo en la Argentina (Insecta-Hemiptera). [Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha associated with sorghum crops in Argentina (Insecta, Hemiptera).] Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias 35(2): 3-20. pdf |
2841 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1950 Hemipterologisches aus Finnland. II. Annales Entomologici Fennici 16: 182–188 |
2840 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1949 Hemipterologisches aus Finnland. Annales Entomologici Fennici 15: 145–156. |
6011 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1953 Hemipterological studies. Annales Entomologici Fennici 19(3): 107–118. pdf |
1185 | Drosopoulos, S. 1982 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part II. Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. On the family Delphacidae. Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6):35-88. |
1182 | Drosopoulos, S. 1980 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part II Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha. A catalogue of the reported species. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 9: 187-194. |
1183 | Drosopoulos, S. 1980 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part I Heteroptera. A catalogue of the reported species. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 9: 163-185. |
1037 | Drosopoulos, S. and M. Asche. 1985 Hemipterological studies in Greece Part II Homoptera- Auchenorrhyncha additional notes to the family Delphacidae. 2nd Congres international sur la Zoogeographie et l’Ecoloie de la Grece et des Regions Avoisinantes, Athenes, Septembre 1981., Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 10(1-2): 287-289. pdf |
2842 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1951 Hemipterological observations. Annales Entomologici Fennici 17: 51–65. pdf |
1242 | Dusoulier, F. 2004 Hemiptères nouveaux ou rares pour le Massif Armoricain (Hexapoda, Hemiptera). Bulletin de la Societé des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France 26(2): 128-137. |
10808 | Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1954 Hèmiptères Homoptères d’A. O. F. Bulletin de l'Institut Français Afrique Noire (series A) 16(3): 903–912. pdf |
180 | Attié, M., J. Bonfils, and S. Quilici. 1998 Hémiptères Auchénorrhynques nouveaux pour la faune de l'île de la Réunion [Records of new Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha for the Reunion island fauna]. Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 103(3): 255-262. [French] |
14468 | Oppedisano, T., G. Shrestha, and S.I. Rondon. 2022 Hemipterans, other than aphids and psyllids affecting potatoes worldwide. In: A. Alyokhin, S.I. Rondon and Y. Gao. (Eds.). Insect Pests of Potato (Second Edition). Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pp. 167-187 |
12427 | Wilson, B. E. 2019 Hemipteran pests of sugarcane in North America. Insects 10(4): 207; 1-15. (ePub Article #207, 15 pp.) pdf |
15368 | DASH, Swetapadma, and Amartya PAL. 2024 Hemipteran Pests of Major Cereal Crops of India. In: A.L. Yadav and M. Muthukumar, (eds.). Advances in Plant Protection Research (Volume 1). Cornous Publications, Ariyankuppam, India. pp. 1-17. |