Planthopper Bibliography Database
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367 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9192 | Abraham, E.V. 1957 A note on the influence of manuring on the incidence of the fulgorid Nilaparvata lugens Stål on paddy. Madras Agricultural Journal 44(11): 529-532, |
9193 | Jones, P., A.M. Tymon, and A.A. Mpunami. 1999 Detection and diagnosis of African lethal yellowinglike diseases. In: C. Oropeza, G.R. Ashbumer, J.L. Verdeil, and D. Zizumbo (eds.). Current Advances in Coconut Biotechnology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pp. 197–220. |
9194 | Tsai, J.H. 1980 Progress of research on the vector(s) of lethal yellowing. Oleagineux 35: 300-301. |
9195 | Clarke, A. 2010 An overview of invertebrate fauna collectiion from the Undara Lava Tube System. In: G.J. Middleton, (ed.). Proceedings of the 14TH International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology. Undara Volcanic National Park, Queensland, Australia. August 2010. pp. ?? |
9196 | Howard, F.W. 1980 Population studies of Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee) in Florida. Oleagineux 35: 301. |
9197 | Ostapenko, K.A. 2008 ОСОБЕННОСТИ БИОТОПИЧЕСКОГО РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЦИКАДОВЫХ (HOMOPTERA, CICADINEA) В ЛЕСАХ ПОЛУОСТРОВА МУРАВЬЕВА-АМУРСКОГО, ПРИМОРСКИЙ КРАЙ. [Peculiarities of the habitat distribution of Cicadinea (Homoptera) in the forests of the Muravyev-Amursky Peninsula, Primorsky Region.] A.I. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings 19: 103–116. pdf |
9198 | Malenovský, I. 2006 Křísi (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) CHKO Kokořínsko. [Planthoppers and leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) of Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area.] Bohemia Centralis 27: 295–322. pdf |
9199 | Tozlu, G. and Ö. Alaoölu. 1994 Ordu ili misir (Zea mays L.) ekim alanlannda bulunan fìtofag ve predator böcek türleri. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 18(1): 51-64. pdf |
9200 | Wang, Y., D. Ren, J.H. Liang, Y.S. Liu, and Z.H. Wang. 2006 The fossil Homoptera of China : A review of present knowledge. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 31(2): 294-303. pdf |
9201 | Chatterji, S.M. 1975 Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens); reports from several countries. Rice Entomology Newsletter 2: 3-4. |
9202 | Anonymous. 1975 Brown planthopper infestation in various countries. Rice Entomology Newsletter 3: 3. |
9203 | Bae, S.H. 1966 Studies on some aspects of the life history and habits of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvara lugens (Stål), Delphacidae, Homoptera. University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Master's Thesis, 91 p. |
9204 | Bae, S.H. and M.D. Pathak. 1966 A mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, predator of the eggs and nymphs of the brown planthopper. International Rice Commission Newsletter 15(3): 33-36. |
9205 | Bae, S.H. and M.D. Pathak. 1968 Effectiveness of egg-nymphal predation by a mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, for control of the brown planthopper. Korean Journal of Plant Protection 5/6: 55-58. pdf |
9206 | Bhalla, O.P. and A.D. Pawar. 1975 Homopterans injurious to rice in Himachal Pradesh, India. Rice Entomology Newsletter 2: 40-41. |
9207 | BPI (Bureau of Plant Industry). University of the Philippine at Los Baños and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). 1974 Brown planthopper infestation. Emergency control recommendations for brown planthoppers. Plant Protection Newsletter 3(9): 29-31. |
9208 | Calora, F.B. 1974 On the recent outbreaks of brown planthoppers Nilaparvara lugens and the grassy stunt virus disease of rice in Laguna. In: Proceedings of 5th National Pest Control Council Conference, May 1974. Davao City, Philippines. Pp. 27-34. |
9209 | Chang, W.L. 1971 Inheritance of resistance to brown planthopper in rice. SABRAO Journal 7(1): 53-60. |
9210 | Chelliah, S., and A. Subramanian. 1972 A note on the chemical control of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on rice. Annamalai University Agricultural Research Annual 4/5: 213-216. |
9211 | Chen, L.C., T.S. Lee, S.C. Yang, and W.L. Chang. 1972 Field performance of certain newly developed brown planthopper resistance strains of rice. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 21(1): 34-38. |
9212 | Cheng, C.H. 1975 Interactions between biotypes and resistance in rice. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 32: 29-41. |
9213 | Cheng, C.H. 1976 Assessment of rice losses caused by the brown planthopper and the rice green leafhopper. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 18: 148-160. |
9214 | Chiu, M. D. 1970 Ecological studies on rice brown planthopper. Taiwan Agriculture Quarterly 6(1): 143-152. |
9215 | Chiu, S.C. and C.H. Cheng. 1976 Toxicity of some insecticides commonly used for rice insects control to the predators of rice-hoppers. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 18: 256-267. |
9216 | Chiu, S.C. and Y.H. Lung. 1975 Predators of rice hoppers Cyrtorhinus mundulus Bred. & Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reut. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 17: 452. |