Planthopper Bibliography Database
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377 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
12691 | Devika, R., N. Remabai, A. Regina, and S. L. Kumari. Ranjini. 1997. 1997 (MO 12): a high-yielding rice variety with blast and brown planthopper resistance. International Rice Research Notes 22(2): 29-30. pdf |
12908 | WANG, Yinchang, Guoqing LI, Xihua DENG, Shiyin DIN, and Jiankun SU. 1997 Susceptibility to insecticides of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in the lower Yangtze Valley. International Rice Research Notes 22(2): 41-42. pdf |
15229 | Rey, J.R. and E.D. McCoy. 1997 Chapter 7. Terrestrial arthropods. In: Charles L. Coultas (ed.). Ecology and Management of Tidal Marshes: A Model from the Gulf of Mexico. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 175-208. |
34 | Ali, M.A.M. and A.E. Hussain. 1996 First record of the date bug, Asarcopus palmarum Horvath (Hemiptera: Issidae) in Egypt. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt (A.R.E.) 74: 137–138. pdf |
46 | Ambethgar, V. 1996 Natural infection of the entomophthoran fungus, Pandora delphacis (Hori.) Humber, on the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi). 20(4): 383–385. |
187 | Ayoade, O., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1996 Induction of macroptery, precocious metamorphosis, and retarded ovarian growth by topical application of precocene II, with evidence for its non-systemic allaticidal effects in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology 42(6): 529-540. pdf |
188 | Ayoade, O., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1996 Metamorphosis and wing formation in the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens, after topical application of precocene II. Archives of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology 32(3-4): 485-491. pdf |
223 | Balikai, R.A., I.G. Hiremath, and S. Lingappa. 1996 Incidence of sugarcane pyrilla in Karnataka. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(3): 535. |
320 | Begon, M., J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1996 Ecology.Individuals, populations and communities. 3rd edition. Blackwell, Oxford. - |
327 | Benkert, D., F. Fukarek, and H. Korsch. (eds.) 1996 Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Ostdeutschlands. Fischer, Jena. - |
338 | Bertonazzi, M.C. 1996 Insetii de recente introduzione in Italia settentrionale [Insects recently introduced into Northern Italy.] Pianura 8: 123-132. |
362 | Blocker, H.D. 1996 Origin and radiation of the Auchenorrhyncha. In: C.W. Schaefer, (ed.). Studies of Hemipteran Phylogeny. Proceedings Thomas Say Publications in Entomology. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland. Pp. 46-64. |
368 | Bonfils, J. and J.M. Maldes. 1996 Note on Togoda africana Melichar, 1906 (Hem., Fulgoromorpha). Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 101(4): 395-396. |
381 | Bornholdt, G. 1996 DDie Zikadenfauna unterschiedlich gepflegter Borstgrasrasen und Goldhaferwiesen in der Hohen Rhön. Ber. In: 2nd Auchenorrhyncha-Tagung Sept. 15.-Sept.17.1995 in Marburg. Pp. 5-14. |
471 | Buduca, C., S. Reynaud, D. Lan-Sun-Luk, and F. Molinaro. 1996 Electrical penetration graphs from Peregrinus maidis on a susceptible maize hybrid. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 79(2): 131-139. |
481 | Butlin, R.K. 1996 Co-ordination of the sexual signaling system and the genetic basis of differentiation between populations in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Heredity 77(4): 369-377. |
537 | Catindig, J.L.A., A.T. Barrion, and J.A. Litsinger. 1996 Plant host range and life history of the corn delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Asia Life Sciences 5(1): 34-46. |
632 | Cheng, C.L. and C.T. Yang. 1996 Antennal sensory plaque organs of Fulgoridae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Chinese Journal of Entomology 16(3): 187-207. pdf |
741 | Clay, K. 1996 Interactions among fungal endophytes, grasses and herbivores. Researches on Population Ecology 38: 191-201. |
796 | Cook, A.A. 1996 The host plants of calcareous grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 132: 151-175. |
828 | Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1996 Genetics of oviposition success of a thelytokous fairyfly parasitoid, Anagrus delicatus. Heredity 76(1): 43-54. |
849 | Dai, H., X. Song and X. Wu. 1996 Ultrastructure of spermatozoa from BPH: Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(2): 109-111. |
850 | Dai, H., Y. Yang and X. Wu . 1996 Adult emergence rhythm of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Homptera [Homoptera]: Delphacidae). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(3): 117-118. |
877 | Dejean, A., P.R. Ngnegueu, and T. Bourgoin. 1996 Trophobiosis between ants and Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Sociobiology 28(1): 111-120. |
963 | Denno, R.F., G. K. Roderick, M.A. Peterson, A.F. Huberty, H.G. Dobel, M.D. Eubanks, J.E. Losey, and G.A. Langellotto. 1996 Habitat persistence underlies intraspecific variation in the dispersal strategies of planthoppers. Ecological Monographs 66(4): 389-408. |