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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12691 Devika, R., N. Remabai, A. Regina, and S. L. Kumari. Ranjini. 1997. 1997 (MO 12): a high-yielding rice variety with blast and brown planthopper resistance. International Rice Research Notes 22(2): 29-30. pdf
12908 WANG, Yinchang, Guoqing LI, Xihua DENG, Shiyin DIN, and Jiankun SU. 1997 Susceptibility to insecticides of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in the lower Yangtze Valley. International Rice Research Notes 22(2): 41-42. pdf
15229 Rey, J.R. and E.D. McCoy. 1997 Chapter 7. Terrestrial arthropods. In: Charles L. Coultas (ed.). Ecology and Management of Tidal Marshes: A Model from the Gulf of Mexico. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 175-208.
34 Ali, M.A.M. and A.E. Hussain. 1996 First record of the date bug, Asarcopus palmarum Horvath (Hemiptera: Issidae) in Egypt. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt (A.R.E.) 74: 137–138. pdf
46 Ambethgar, V. 1996 Natural infection of the entomophthoran fungus, Pandora delphacis (Hori.) Humber, on the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi). 20(4): 383–385.
187 Ayoade, O., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1996 Induction of macroptery, precocious metamorphosis, and retarded ovarian growth by topical application of precocene II, with evidence for its non-systemic allaticidal effects in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology 42(6): 529-540. pdf
188 Ayoade, O., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1996 Metamorphosis and wing formation in the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens, after topical application of precocene II. Archives of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology 32(3-4): 485-491. pdf
223 Balikai, R.A., I.G. Hiremath, and S. Lingappa. 1996 Incidence of sugarcane pyrilla in Karnataka. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(3): 535.
320 Begon, M., J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1996 Ecology.Individuals, populations and communities. 3rd edition. Blackwell, Oxford. -
327 Benkert, D., F. Fukarek, and H. Korsch. (eds.) 1996 Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Ostdeutschlands. Fischer, Jena. -
338 Bertonazzi, M.C. 1996 Insetii de recente introduzione in Italia settentrionale [Insects recently introduced into Northern Italy.] Pianura 8: 123-132.
362 Blocker, H.D. 1996 Origin and radiation of the Auchenorrhyncha. In: C.W. Schaefer, (ed.). Studies of Hemipteran Phylogeny. Proceedings Thomas Say Publications in Entomology. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland. Pp. 46-64.
368 Bonfils, J. and J.M. Maldes. 1996 Note on Togoda africana Melichar, 1906 (Hem., Fulgoromorpha). Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 101(4): 395-396.
381 Bornholdt, G. 1996 DDie Zikadenfauna unterschiedlich gepflegter Borstgrasrasen und Goldhaferwiesen in der Hohen Rhön. Ber. In: 2nd Auchenorrhyncha-Tagung Sept. 15.-Sept.17.1995 in Marburg. Pp. 5-14.
471 Buduca, C., S. Reynaud, D. Lan-Sun-Luk, and F. Molinaro. 1996 Electrical penetration graphs from Peregrinus maidis on a susceptible maize hybrid. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 79(2): 131-139.
481 Butlin, R.K. 1996 Co-ordination of the sexual signaling system and the genetic basis of differentiation between populations in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Heredity 77(4): 369-377.
537 Catindig, J.L.A., A.T. Barrion, and J.A. Litsinger. 1996 Plant host range and life history of the corn delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Asia Life Sciences 5(1): 34-46.
632 Cheng, C.L. and C.T. Yang. 1996 Antennal sensory plaque organs of Fulgoridae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Chinese Journal of Entomology 16(3): 187-207. pdf
741 Clay, K. 1996 Interactions among fungal endophytes, grasses and herbivores. Researches on Population Ecology 38: 191-201.
796 Cook, A.A. 1996 The host plants of calcareous grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 132: 151-175.
828 Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1996 Genetics of oviposition success of a thelytokous fairyfly parasitoid, Anagrus delicatus. Heredity 76(1): 43-54.
849 Dai, H., X. Song and X. Wu. 1996 Ultrastructure of spermatozoa from BPH: Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(2): 109-111.
850 Dai, H., Y. Yang and X. Wu . 1996 Adult emergence rhythm of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Homptera [Homoptera]: Delphacidae). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(3): 117-118.
877 Dejean, A., P.R. Ngnegueu, and T. Bourgoin. 1996 Trophobiosis between ants and Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Sociobiology 28(1): 111-120.
963 Denno, R.F., G. K. Roderick, M.A. Peterson, A.F. Huberty, H.G. Dobel, M.D. Eubanks, J.E. Losey, and G.A. Langellotto. 1996 Habitat persistence underlies intraspecific variation in the dispersal strategies of planthoppers. Ecological Monographs 66(4): 389-408.
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