Planthopper Bibliography Database
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391 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
12289 | Sadder, M.T., T.M. Al-Antary and F.G. Al-Rawahi. 2019 Genetic diversity of three populations of Dubas bugs Ommatissus lybicus de Bergevin (Tropiduchidae: Homoptera). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(2A): 1571–1579. pdf |
12429 | Al-Rawahi, F.G., T.M. Al-Antary, M. T. Sadder. 2018 Toxicity of three chemicals and Neem insecticide against spring populations of Dubas bug Ommatissus lybicus de Bergevin (Tropiduchidue: Homoptera) in Oman. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(12): 8580-8584. pdf |
12769 | Hizal, E., S. Oztemiz, and I. Gjonov. 2019 Ricania shantungensis Chou & Lu 1977 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Ricaniidae) A new invasive insect species in European Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(12A): 9816-9820. pdf |
13702 | Alenizi, K., S. Araj, T.M. Al Antary, and M. Olmi. 2021 First record of the solitary wasp Gonatopus camelinus Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) from Jordan. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 30(2A): 1885-1889. [Gonatopus camelinus] pdf |
14181 | MUSTU, Murat and M. Alper ALTINOK. 2019 Insect fauna found on vine plant in vineyards of Cappadocia region. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(7): 5421-5429. [Agalmatium bilobum, Tettigometra costulata, Tettigometra sulphurea] pdf |
4615 | Walter, S., R. Emmrich, and H. Nickel. 2003 Rote Liste der Zikaden Sachsens. Stand 2003. Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 2003. Freistaat Sachsen, Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden. - pdf |
12220 | Lieberodt, K. and R. Achtziger. 2017 Analyse der Zikadengemeinschaften (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) auf Versuchsflächen zur Förderung der Biodiversität in der Agrarlandschaft im Lehr- und Versuchsgut Köllitsch (Sachsen) [Analysis of hopper communities (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) on experimental plots for enhancing biodiversity in the agricultural landscape of the Lehr- und Versuchsgut Köllitsch (Saxony)]. Freiberg Ecology online 3: 15-32. pdf |
12223 | Funke, L., C. Schulze and R. Achtziger. 2017 Untersuchungen zur Biodiversität der Wanzen (Heteroptera) und Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) in den Offenlandbiotopen der Spülhalde Davidschacht in Freiberg (Sachsen) [Studies on the biodiversity of true bugs (Heteroptera) and hoppers (Auchenorrhyncha) in open habitats of the flotation tailing Davidschacht in Freiberg (Saxony)]. Freiberg Ecology online 2: 66-100. pdf |
12652 | Funke, L. and R. Achtziger. 2019 Zikadengemeinschaften auf unterschiedlich vernässten Feucht- und Zwischenmoorflächen des Freiberger Stadtwaldes [Auchenorrhyncha communities on wetland sites and intermediate bogs differing in wetness in the city forest of Freiberg]. Freiberg Ecology (online) 5: 35-47. [in German with English summary]] pdf |
1463 | Fabre, J.H. 2003 Bilder aus der Insektenwelt. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus: 'Souvenirs Entomologiques', I.-X. Serie, 'Moeurs des Insects' und 'La Vie des Insects'. Erste bis vierte Reihe. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1908 bis 1914. Franck-Kosmos, Stuttgart. - |
8228 | Maceljski, M., E. Kocijancic and J. Igrc-Barcic. 1995 Medeći cvrčak Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - novi štetnik u Hrvatskoj. [Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - a new insect pest in Croatia.] Fragmenta Phytomedica et Herbologica 23(2): 69–76. |
3358 | Nast, J. 1955 Nowe dla Polski lub mniej znane gatunki Homoptera. III. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 7: 213–231. |
3364 | Nast, J. 1976 Piewiki (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Pienin. Fragmenta Faunistica 21(6): 145-183. |
4111 | Smreczynski, S. 1954 Materialy do fauny pluskwiakow (Hemiptera) Polski. [Data to the Hemiptera fauna of Poland.] Fragmenta Faunistica 7: 1–146. |
3657 | Wagner, W. 1959 Über neue und schon bekannte Zikadenarten aus Italien (Hemiptera- Homoptera). Fragmenta Entomologica 3(4): 67-86. pdf |
6530 | Virla, E.G. and M. Olmi. 1993(1995) Description of Gonatopus virlai, new species from Argentina, and first data on its development stages (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)". Fragmenta Entomologica 26(1): 85-94. |
6660 | Lamparski, R. and M. Szczepanek. 2011 Fauna of Hemiptera and Thysanoptera of the red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) cultivated for seed depending on sowing methods and cultivars. Fragmenta Agronomica 28(1): 32-39. pdf |
14013 | XU, Xiao-Ting, Wei-Yu-Dong DENG, Zhe-Kun ZHOU, Torsten WAPPLER, and Tao SU. 2021 The first Fulgoridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from the Eocene of the central Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Fossil Record 24(2): 263-274. pdf |
14251 | LUO, Cihang, Zhishun SONG, Xiaojing LIU, Tian JIANG, Edmund A. JARZEMBOWSKI, and Jacek SZWEDO. 2022 Ingensalinae subfam. nov. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea: Inoderbidae), a new planthopper subfamily from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber from Myanmar. Fossil Record 24(2): 455-465. |
62 | Ammer, U. and H. Schubert. 1999 Conservation of species, processes and resources against the background of faunistic investigations of the forest canopy. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 188(2): 70–87. [German]. |
3848 | Röhrig, E. 1996 Die Ulmen in Europa. Ökologie und epidemische Erkrankung. Forstarchiv 67: 179-198. |
1139 | Gnezdilov, V. M. and M. Hayashi. 2013 New Synonyms of Sarimodes taimokko Matsumura, 1916 (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae). Formosan Entomologist 33: 161–165. pdf |
9973 | Chan M.L., H.T. Yeh, and V.M. Gnezdilov. 2013 Thabena brunnifrons (Hemiptera: Issidae), new alien species in Taiwan, with notes on its biology and nymphal morphology. Formosan Entomologist 33: 149-159. pdf |
14870 | LIN, You-Sheng, Ming-Yao CHIANG, And Chi-Feng LEE. 2023 First record of Euricania brevicula (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) from Kinmen Islands with notes on host plants. Formosan Entomologist 43: 91-95. |
8195 | Lit, I.L. Jr. 2004 Taxonomic survey and biological observations of insect associated with bamboo shoots in the Philippines. Formerly Philippine Agriculturist 87(3): 335-348. |