Planthopper Bibliography Database
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400 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
11826 | European Network for Durable Exploitation of crop protection strategies (ENDURE). 2010 Review of factors influencing the success or failure of biocontrol and recommended orientation for new R&D projects (revision V2) European Network for Durable Exploitation of crop protection strategies, Project number: 031499, Deliverable DR4.7 234 pp. pdf |
11075 | Chew Kea Foo, S., T. Porion and C. Audibert. 2010 Cinq nouveaux Fulgoridae asiatiques (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha). Les cahiers du Musée des Confluences - Etudes scientifiques 1: 51-64. pdf |
11113 | Goodman, S.M. 2010 Biological research conducted in the general Andasibe region of Madagascar with emphasis on enumerating the local biotic diversity. In S.M. Goodman and V. Mass (eds.). Biodiversity, exploration, and conservation of the natural habitats associated with the Ambatovy project. Malagasy Nature 3: 14-34. pdf |
11167 | Alcantara, E. P., B.L. Caoili, P.A. Javier and M.D.J. Mostoles. 2010 A multilayer, large scale comparison of arthropod communities in commercially managed Bt and non-Bt corn fields. Philippine Entomologist 24(2): 150-164. pdf |
11252 | Świerczewski, D. and P. Gruca. 2010 Rare leafhopper species in Polish fauna - distributional maps (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Chemistry, Environment, Biotechnology 10(4): 41-99. pdf |
11256 | Tiefenbrunner, W., M. Batusic, M. Riedle-Bauer. 2010 Physiologische und morphometrische Untersuchungen an Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) in Zusammenhang mit der Ernährungsformtypen-Zuordnung. Entomofauna 31(22): 341-364. pdf |
11296 | Mozaffarian, F. and A.F. Emeljanov. 2010 A faunestic study of the subfamily Dictyopharinae Spinola, 1939 (Hem., Dictyopharidae) in Iran. In: S. Manzari. (ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, July-Auguast 2010. Iranian Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran. p. 128 pdf |
11297 | Mozaffarian, F. and M. Taghipour. 2010 The first report of three leafhoppers and planthoppers from central parts (Tehran, Semnan, Ghom, Ghazvin and Markazi provinces) of Iran. In: S. Manzari. (ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, July-Auguast 2010. Iranian Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran. p. 129 pdf |
11317 | Whitehead P.F. and R.S. Key. 2010 Observations on British Issus (Hemiptera, Issidae) with reference to development, periodicity and ecology. Worcestershire Record 29: 22-27. pdf |
11321 | Anufriev, G.A. 2010 The data on fauna of Cicadins (Homoptera, Cicadina) in Dzhanybeksk Stationer and Adjacent Territories. Aridnye Ekosistemy 16(5): 129–140. |
11404 | Oromí, P., S. de la Cruz and M. Báez. 2010 Psocoptera, Mallophaga, Anoplura, Hemiptera, Thysan optera, Coleoptera, Strepsiptera, Siphonaptera. Hemiptera. In: M. Arechavaleta, S. Rodríguez, N. Zurita and A. García (coord.) Lista de especies Silvestres de Canarias Hongos, plantas y animales terrestres. Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Tenerife. Islas Canarias. Pp. 234-253. pdf |
11517 | Goodman, K.R. 2010 Emerging biodiversity: Diversification of the Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers. University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. PhD Dissertation. pdf |
11634 | SONG, Myung-Gyu. 2010 Damage by Lycorma delicatula and chemical control in vineyards. Agriculture Master’s Degree Thesis, Chung-buk National University Graduate School. 39 PP. pdf |
11732 | Borges P. A. V., A. Costa, R. Cunha, R. Gabriel, V. Gonçalves, A. F. Martins, I. Melo, M. Parente, P. Raposeiro, P. Rodrigues, R. S. Santos, L. Silva, P. Vieira and V. Vieira. 2010 Listagem dos organismos terrestres e marinhos dos Açores (A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores). Principia, Cascais (Portugal). 432 pp. pdf |
11786 | Cvrkovic, T., M. Mitrovic, J. Jovic, S. Krnjajic, O. Krstic and I. Tosevski. 2010 Diverzitet cikada (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) u vinogradima Srbije. Zastita Bilja 61(3): 217-232. |
11787 | Denton, J. 2010 Further records of Prokelisia marginata (van Duzee) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 23(4): 276. pdf |
11798 | Rodrigues, J. V. C, A. E. Segarra and A. Ramirez. 2010 ABSTRACT Nested-PCR assays detect phytoplasma in Cedusa caribbensis Caldwell & Martorell (Hemiptera: Auchennorhyncha: Derbidae) in Puerto Rico. P. 59. In: Proceedings Potential Invasive Pests Workshop. October 10-14, 2010, Miami, Florida. IFAS Center for Tropical Agriculture. xii + 83 pp. pdf |
11802 | de Paulo Lemos, W. and A de Jesus Bouri. 2010 [Chapter] 9. Manejo de pragas e doenças para a cultura de palma de óleo na Amazônia. Pp. 137-144. In: A. R. Filho, P.E.F.da Motta, P.L. de Freitas and W.G. Teixeira (eds.). Zoneamento Agroecológico, Produção e Manejo para a Cultura da Palma de Óleo na Amazônia. Embrapa Solos, Rio de Janeiro. 215 pp. |
11807 | Brahma, K. Shiva Hari. 2010 Taxonomic studies on planthopper fauna (Fulgoroidea: Hemiptera) of Andhra Pradesh. M.S. thesis, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Department of Entomology, Agricultural College, Bapatla, India. 146 pp. pdf |
11860 | Jovic, J., T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, O. Krstic, S. Krnjajic and I. Tosevski. 2010 Sastav i struktura zajednica cikada u usevima kukuruza u južnom Banatu [Composition and Structure of planthoppers and leafhoppers assemblages in South Banat maize fields]. Zastita Bilja 61(3): 233–247. [In Serbian] |
12199 | Jena, K. K. and Suk-Man Kim. 2010 Current status of brown planthopper (BPH) resistance and genetics. Rice 3:161–171. pdf |
12453 | Whitehead, P.F. 2010 The impact of severe weather during January 2010 on some invertebrates in Worcestershire (VC37). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 146: 62. |
12532 | Demirel, E. 2010 Auchenorrhyncha's (Hemiptera) of Bolkar Mountians. Ph.D. thesis, Gazi University, institute of Science and Technology, Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey. xviii+566 pp. [In Turkish with English summary] pdf |
12631 | Halbert, S. E. 2010 Entomology Section. Tri-ology 49(1): 8-9. [Colpoptera record for FL, USA] pdf |
12655 | Hamilton, K.G.A. 2010 Chapter 19."Short-horned" bugs (Homoptera) of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. Pp. 405–419. In: D. MacAlpine, (ed.). Assessment of Species Diversity in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. NRC Press Biodiversity Monograph Series. 785 pp. |