College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10350 Heong, K.L., K.H. Tan, C.P.F. Garcia, L.T. Fabeller, and Z.H. Lu. 2011 Research methods in toxicology and insecticide resistance monitoring of rice planthoppers. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. 101 pp. pdf
10765 Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). 2015 Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer Netherlands. xvi + 231 Pp..
2050 Heong, K.L., G.B. Aquino, and A.T. Barrion. 1992 Population dynamics of plant- and leafhoppers and their natural enemies in rice ecosystems in the Philippines. Crop Protection 11(4): 371-379.
7914 Heong, K.L., G.B. Aquino, and A.T. Barrion. 1991 Arthropod community structures of rice ecosystems in the Philippines. Bulletin of Entomological Research 81(4): 407-416.
11334 Heong, K.L. J.A. Cheng, M.M. Escalada 2015 Errata to: Rice Planthoppers. In: Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. pp. E1.
5812 Heong, K.L. and K.G. Schoenly. 1998 Impact of insecticides on herbivore-natural enemy communities in tropical rice ecosystems. Chapter 41. In: P.T. Haskell and P. McEwen, (eds.). Ecotoxicology: Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms. Chapman and Hall, London. Pp. 381-403. pdf
3965 Heong, K.L. and K. Sogawa. 1994 Management strategies for key insect pests of rice: critical issues. In: P.S. Teng, K.L. Heong, and K. Moody, (eds.). Rice pest science and management. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. Pp 3-14. pdf
6807 Heong, K.L. and I. Domingo. 1992 Shifts in predator-prey ranges in response to global warming. International Rice Research Newsletter 17(6): 29-30. pdf
5794 Heong, K.L. and Hardy, (eds.). 2009 Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. 460 pp.
2044 Heong, K.L. and E.G. Rubia. 1989 Functional response of Lycosa pseudoannulata on brown planthoppers (BPH) and green leafhoppers (GLH). International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 29-30. pdf
2045 Heong, K.L. and E.G. Rubia. 1990 Mutual interference among wolf spider adult females. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(3): 30-31. pdf
2046 Heong, K.L. and E.G. Rubia. 1990 Technique for evaluating rice pest predators in the laboratory. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(2): 28. pdf
2042 Heong, K.L. 1982 Population model of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål.). MARDI (Malaysian Agricultural Research And Development Institute) Research Bulletin 10(2): 195-209.
2043 Heong, K.L. 1988 Effect of adult density on female longevity and oviposition in the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 5(2): 83-86.
5786 Heong, K.L. 2009 Are planthopper problems caused by a breakdown in ecosystem services? Pp. 221-232. In: K.L. Heong and B. Hardy, (eds.). Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines 460 pp. pdf
5998 Heong, K.L. 1989 A simulation approach to evaluating insecticides for brown planthopper Control. Population Ecology 30(2) : 165-176.
7913 Heong, K.L. 1991 Modeling in the analysis of pest management strategies. IRRI Research Paper Series no. 151.
9235 Heong, K.L. 1975 Occurrence and chemical control of rice planthoppers in Malaysia. Rice Entomology Newsletter 3: 31-32.
10503 Heong, K.L. 2014 Rice planthopper problems in Asia - Consequences of ecosystem breakdown induced by insecticide misuse. Crop Protection 65: 247-247. DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2014.06.010.
10504 Heong, K.L. 2014 Corrigendum to “Rice planthopper problems in Asia - Consequences of ecosystem breakdown induced by insecticide misuse” [Crop Prot. 61 (2014) 102e110]. Crop Protection 65: 247 pdf
2041 Henry, T.J. and R.C. Froeschner, (eds.). 1988 Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. E.J. Brill, Leiden. -
10502 Henry, T.J. 2009 Biodiversity of Heteroptera. 223-263 In: R. Foottit and P. Adler, (eds.). Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society, 1st edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom. -
12768 Henry, T.J. 2018 Dr. J. E. McPherson, educator and researcher extraordinaire: Biographical sketch and list of publications. The Great Lakes Entomologist 45(3-4): 111-123. pdf
11751 Hennion, B., P. Lecomte, P. Larignon, A. Baudry, M.P. Durpaire, M. Mouillon, J.L. Tailleur, O. Dupuy. 2002 First observations of a wood decay (Esca-Like disease) on kiwifruit in France. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Kiwifruit, Sept. 15-20, 2002. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 610: Doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.610.54
2040 Hennig, W. 1969 Die Stammesgeschichte der Insekten. Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt/Main. -
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