Planthopper Bibliography Database
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409 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4641 | Wang, Y., I. Chou, and F. Yang. 1993 On a newly recorded genus and a new species of Derbidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Entomotaxonomia 15(3): 178-180. [Chinese with English summary] |
4659 | Watanabe, T. and K. Tanaka. 1993 The efficiency of a direct counting method for population census of rice planthoppers. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 39: 64-66. pdf |
4699 | Wheeler, W.C., R.T. Schuh and R, Bang. 1993 Cladistic relationships among higher groups of Heteroptera: congruence between morphological and molecular data sets. Entomologica Scandinavica 24:121-137. |
4705 | White, T.C.R. 1993 The inadequate environment. Nitrogen and the abundance of animals. Springer, Berlin. - |
4790 | Wilson, S.W., J.L. Smith, and A.H. Purcell III. 1993 An inexpensive vacuum collector for insect sampling. Entomological News 104(4): 203-208. |
4791 | Wilson, S.W., J.L. Smith, and P.D. Calvert. 1993 Planthoppers of a Missouri tallgrass prairie (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66(1): 75-80. |
4795 | Lu, Y.T. 1993 Study on the optimization of managing rice planthoppers in paddy fields in West Zhejiang. Entomological Knowledge 30(6): 321-324. |
4823 | Wooten, C. M., S. W. Wilson, and J.H. Tsai. 1993 Descriptions of nymphs of the planthopper Harmalia anacharsis Fennah, a species new to the United States (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 101(4): 567-573. |
4880 | Yang, C.T. and S.J. Fang, 1993 Phylogeny of Fulgoromorpha nymphs, first results. In: Proceedings. 8th Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Delphi, Greece, 9-13 Aug. 1993. Pp. 25-26. pdf |
4964 | Zhang, G.A., S.Z. Liu, and J.L. Wang. 1993 The distribution patterns of four rice pests in middle rice fields in China. Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen 58(2a): 287-294. |
4987 | Zhao, S.X.,W.X. Zhuo, and X.N. Luo, X.N. 1993 Studies on the resource niche of mymarid egg-parasites of rice planthoppers. Entomological Journal of East China 2(1): 54-59. |
5009 | Zhu, Z.R., J.A. Cheng, and X. Chen. 1993 Host preference and suitability of Anagrus nilaparvatae. Acta Entomologica Sinica 36(4): 430-437. pdf |
5042 | Kalkandelen, A. 1993 Türkiye Cixiidae (Homoptera) Türleri Üzerinde Taksonomik Çalışmalar, I. Familyanın Morfolojik Özellikleri ve Cins Teşhis. Anahtarı. V. Pentastirini: Pseudoliarus ve Setapius. [Taxonomic studies on the species of Cixiidae (Homoptera) from Turkey. 5. Pentastirini: Pentastiridius and Setapius]. Bitki Koruma Bulteni 30(1-4)): 3-27. pdf |
5043 | Kalkandelen, A. 1993 Türkiye Cixiidae (Homoptera) Türleri Üzerinde Taksonomik Çalışmalar VI. Pentastirini: Pentastira Kirshbaum. [Taxonomic studies on the species of Cixiidae (Homoptera) from Turkiye. 6. Pentastirini: Pentastira Kirschbaum]. Bitki Koruma Bulteni 33(3-4): 65-82. pdf |
5100 | Bourgoin, T. 1993 Cladistic analysis of the Meenoplidae–Kinnaridae genera: the Kinnaridae, a paraphyletic family (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). In: S. Drosopoulos, P.V. Petrakis, M.F. Claridge, and P.W.F. de Vrijer, (eds.). Proceedings of the 8th Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Delphi, Greece, 9–13 August 1993. Pp. 22-24. pdf |
5254 | Jell, P.A. 1993 Late Triassic homopterous nymph from Dinmore, Ipswich basin. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33(1): 360. |
5340 | Wang, S.Z., J. Huang and F.-X. Wang. 1993 Notes of new genus and new species of Fulgoroidea from China (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica 8(Supplement): 74–83. |
5554 | Ornaghi J.A., A. Marinelli, G. March, G. Boito, and P. Rodriguez Pardina. 1993 Transmisión del virus causal del Mal de Río Cuarto por Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah a cultivos y malezas. In: Resúmenes Workshop “Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz”. Córdoba, Argentina. Pp. 41-42. |
5875 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de. 1993 Fulgoroideos sudamericanos. 1. Un nuevo genero y especie de Cixiidae cavernicola de la Patagonia (Insecta: Homoptera). Neotrópica 38(100): 155-160. pdf |
5880 | Bové, J.M., L. Zreik, J.-L. Danet, J. Bonfils, A.M.M. Mjeni and M. Garnier. 1993 Witches' Broom Disease of Lime Trees: Monoclonal Antibody and DNA Probes for the Detection of the Associated MLO and the Identification of a Possible Vector. In: P. Moreno, J.V. da Graca, and L.W. Timmer, (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, c/o Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside Pp. 342-348. |
6084 | Youn, Y.N. and Y.D. Chang. 1993 Electrical feeding patterns and stylet movement of rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera), in the rice tissues. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 32(2): 208-217. |
6366 | Maddison, P.A. 1993 Pests and other fauna associated with plants, with botanical accounts of plants. Technical report. UNDP/FAO-SPEC Survey of Agricultural Pests and Diseases in the South Pacific, vol. 3. Manaaki Whenua B Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand. |
6435 | Giorda, L.M.; J.A. Ornaghi, G.T. Boito, and G.J. March. 1993 Identificación del vector del virus causal del Mal de Río Cuarto en sorgo y estudios poblacionales de Delfácidos. Pp. 49-50 In: Actas del Workshop Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz, 23-25 junio. Córdoba, Argentina. In: Actas del Workshop Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz, 23-25 junio. Córdoba, Argentina. Pp. 49-50. |
6438 | Olmi, M. and E. Virla. 1993 Contribution to the knowledge of the Dryinidae of Argentina. Phytophaga 4: 57-67. |
6506 | Singh, S.P., N.S. Rao, and T.J. Henneberry 1993 Leafhoppers and their natural enemies. Technical Bulletin - Project Directorate of Biological Control, ICAR [Indian Council of Agricultural Research] 6: 65 pp. |