Planthopper Bibliography Database
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413 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
2053 | Hernández, L. R. 1992 Systematics and diversity of the cuban insects, status and needs. Manuscrito depositado en INISAV Pp: 1-8. |
5813 | Hernandez, J.E. and G.S. Khush. 1981 Genetics of resistance to white backed planthopper in some rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Oryza 18: 44-50. |
13784 | Herlinda, S., H. Apryanti, S. Susilawati, and E. Anggraini. 2018 Paddy rice spacing and its impact on community of insect pest in fresh swamp ecosystems. Indonesian Journal of Entomology Indonesian Journal of Entomology 15(3): 151-165. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
14982 | Herlina, L. and B. Istiaji. 2023 Effect of genetic modified maize contained Cry1Ab gene on the arthropods abundance and diversity in limited test field. Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 23(2): 71-82. pdf |
12582 | Herlin, W., H. Yoshimura and Y. Y. Yamada. 2019 Large mothers produce progeny with high survival rates during the immature stage and large sizes at adulthood in a parasitoid species. Die Naturwissenschaften 106(9-10): 52; 1-6. (ePub Article #52, 6 pp.) |
13188 | Herkewitz, W. 2013 Found: The first mechanical gear in a living creature. Popular Mechanics September 12, 2013. [Issus, with video] |
13148 | Hereward, J., X. Cai, A. Matias, G. Walter, C. Xu, and Y.M. Wang. 2020 Migration dynamics of an important rice pest: the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) across Asia – Insights from population genomics. Evolutionary Applications 13(9): 2449-2459. |
2052 | Herdt, R.W. 1987 Equity considerations in setting priorities for third world rice biotechnology research. Developments: Seeds of Change 4: 19-24. pdf |
2051 | Hepburn, H.R. 1967 Notes on the genus Epiptera (Homoptera: Achilidae). Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 2(3): 78-80. pdf |
2047 | Heong, K.L., S. Bleih, and E.G. Rubia. 1989 Predation of wolf spider on mirid bug and brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 33. pdf |
2049 | Heong, K.L., S. Bleih, and E.G. Rubia. 1991 Prey preference of the wolf spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberget Strand). Researches on Population Ecology 33(2): 179-186. |
2048 | Heong, K.L., S. Bleih, and A.A. Lazaro. 1990 Predation of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter on eggs of the green leafhopper and brown planthopper in rice. Researches on Population Ecology 32(2): 255-262. |
11335 | Heong, K.L., M.M. Escalada, H.V. Chien, and J.H.Delos Reyes. 2015 Chapter 9. Are There Productivity Gains from Insecticide Applications in Rice Production? Pp. 179–189. In: Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. xvi+231 pp. |
10766 | Heong, K.L., L. Wong, and J.H.D. Reyes. 2015 Chapter 3. Addressing planthopper threats to asian rice farming and food security: fixing insecticide misuse. Pp 65-76. In: K.L. Heong, J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer Netherlands. xvi+231 pp. |
10505 | Heong, K.L., L. Wong, and J.H. Delos Reyes. 2013 Addressing planthopper threats in Asian rice farming and food security: Fixing insecticide misuse. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper # 27. Asian Development Bank, Manila Philippines - pdf |
10351 | Heong, K.L., K.H. Tan, C.P.F. Garcia, Z. Liu, and Z.H. Lu. 2013 Research methods in toxicology and insecticide resistance monitoring of rice planthoppers, 2nd Edition. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. 145pp. pdf |
10350 | Heong, K.L., K.H. Tan, C.P.F. Garcia, L.T. Fabeller, and Z.H. Lu. 2011 Research methods in toxicology and insecticide resistance monitoring of rice planthoppers. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. 101 pp. pdf |
10765 | Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). 2015 Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer Netherlands. xvi + 231 Pp.. |
2050 | Heong, K.L., G.B. Aquino, and A.T. Barrion. 1992 Population dynamics of plant- and leafhoppers and their natural enemies in rice ecosystems in the Philippines. Crop Protection 11(4): 371-379. |
7914 | Heong, K.L., G.B. Aquino, and A.T. Barrion. 1991 Arthropod community structures of rice ecosystems in the Philippines. Bulletin of Entomological Research 81(4): 407-416. |
11334 | Heong, K.L. J.A. Cheng, M.M. Escalada 2015 Errata to: Rice Planthoppers. In: Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. pp. E1. |
5812 | Heong, K.L. and K.G. Schoenly. 1998 Impact of insecticides on herbivore-natural enemy communities in tropical rice ecosystems. Chapter 41. In: P.T. Haskell and P. McEwen, (eds.). Ecotoxicology: Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms. Chapman and Hall, London. Pp. 381-403. pdf |
3965 | Heong, K.L. and K. Sogawa. 1994 Management strategies for key insect pests of rice: critical issues. In: P.S. Teng, K.L. Heong, and K. Moody, (eds.). Rice pest science and management. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. Pp 3-14. pdf |
6807 | Heong, K.L. and I. Domingo. 1992 Shifts in predator-prey ranges in response to global warming. International Rice Research Newsletter 17(6): 29-30. pdf |
5794 | Heong, K.L. and Hardy, (eds.). 2009 Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. 460 pp. |