Planthopper Bibliography Database
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450 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3047 | Matsumura, M., G.M. Trafelet-Smith, C. Gratton, D.L. Finke, W.F. Fagan, and R.F. Denno. 2004 Does intraguild predation enhance predator performance? A stoichiometric perspective. Ecology 85(9): 2601-2615. |
3175 | Meyer, G.A. 1993 A comparison of the impact of leaf- and sap-feeding insects on growth and allocation of goldenrod. Ecology 74: 1101-1116. |
3254 | Moon, D. C, and P. Stiling. 2000 Relative importance of abiotically induced direct and indirect effects on a salt-marsh herbivore. Ecology 81(2): 470-481. |
3317 | Murdoch, W., F.C. Evans, and C.H. Peterson, C.H. 1972 Diversity and pattern in plants and insects. Ecology 53: 819-829. |
3769 | Reeve, J.D., J.T. Cronin, and D.R. Strong. 1994 Parasitoid aggregation and the stabilization of a salt marsh-host-parasitoid system. Ecology 75(2): 288-295. |
4026 | Settle, H.W. and L.T. Wilson. 1990 Invasion by the variegated leafhopper and biotic interactions: parasitism, competition, and apparent competition. Ecology 71: 1461-1470. |
4192 | Stiling, P.D. and D.R. Strong. 1982 Egg density and the intensity of parasitism in Prokelisia marginata (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Ecology 63(6): 1630-1635. |
4195 | Stiling, P.D., A. Throckmorton, J. Silvanima, and D.R. Strong. 1991 Does spatial scale affect the incidence of density dependence? A field test with insect parasitoids. Ecology 72(6): 2143-2154. |
4209 | Strong, D. R. and P.D. Stiling. 1983 Wing dimorphism changed by experimental density manipulation in a planthopper (Prokelisia marginata, Homoptera, Delphacidae). Ecology 64(1): 206-209. |
5162 | Cronin, J.T. 2009 Habitat edges, within-patch dispersion of hosts, and parasitoid oviposition behavior. Ecology 90(1): 196-207. |
5755 | Cronin, J.T. 2007 Shared parasitoids in a metacommunity: indirect interactions inhibit herbivore membership in local communities. Ecology 88(12): 2977-2990. |
6234 | Vince, S.W., I. Valiela, and J.M. Teal, 1981 An experimental study of the structure of herbivorous insect communities in a salt marsh. Ecology 62: 1662-1678. pdf |
11785 | Cronin, J. T. 2007 From population sources to sieves: The matrix alters host-parasitoid source-sink structure. Ecology 88(12): 2966-2976. |
2155 | Hollier, J.A., V.K. Brown, and G. Edwards-Jones. 1994 Successional leafhopper assemblages: patterns and process. Ecological Research 9: 185-191. |
3478 | Nozawa, A. and T. Ohgushi. 2002 How does spittlebug oviposition affect shoot growth and bud production in two willow species? . Ecological Research 17(5): 535-543. |
11925 | Rashid, M.M., M. Jahan, K.S. Islam, and M. Abdul Latif. 2017 Ecological fitness of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), to rice nutrient management. Ecological Processes 6: 15; 1-10. (article#15, 10 pp.) pdf |
819 | Cronin, J.T. 2003 Patch structure, oviposition behavior, and the distribution of parasitism risk. Ecological Monographs 73(2): 283-300. |
867 | Davis, L. V. and I. E. Gray. 1966 Zonal and seasonal distribution of insects in North Carolina salt marshes. Ecological Monographs 36(3): 275-295. pdf |
963 | Denno, R.F., G. K. Roderick, M.A. Peterson, A.F. Huberty, H.G. Dobel, M.D. Eubanks, J.E. Losey, and G.A. Langellotto. 1996 Habitat persistence underlies intraspecific variation in the dispersal strategies of planthoppers. Ecological Monographs 66(4): 389-408. |
3812 | Rey, J.R. 1981 Ecological biogeography of arthropods on Spartina islands in northwest Florida. Ecological Monographs 51: 237-265. |
3846 | Roff, D.A. 1990 The evolution of flightlessness in insects. Ecological Monographs 60(4): 389-421. |
3861 | Root, R.B. 1967 The niche exploitation pattern of the blue-gray gnatcatcher. Ecological Monographs 37: 317-350. |
6409 | Menhinick, E.F. 1967 Structure, Stability, and energy flow in plants and arthropods in a Sericea Lespedeza stand. Ecological Monographs 37(3): 255-272. |
1851 | Grilli, M.P. 2008 An area-wide model approach for the management of a disease vector planthopper in an extensive agricultural system. Ecological Modelling 213(3-4): 308-318. |
6490 | Drechsler, M., and J. Settele. 2001 Predator–prey interactions in rice ecosystems: effects of guild composition, trophic relationships, and land use changes - a model study exemplified for Philippine rice terraces. Ecological Modelling 137: 135-159. pdf |