College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11303 Ramachandran Nair, K. 2002 Observations on Proutista moesta (Westw.) (Homoptera: Derbidae), the vector of palm diseases in Kerala State, India. The Planter 78: 619-625.
11304 Arango, M., C. Ospina, J. Sierra, and G. Martínez. 2011 Myndus crudus: vector del agente causante de la Marchitez letal en palma de aceite en Colombia. Palmas 32: 13-25.
11305 Rafael J.A., G.A.R. Melo, C.J.B. Carvalho, S.A. Casari., and R. Constantino. 2012 Insetos do Brasil: Diversidade e Taxonomia. Holos Editora, Ribeirão Preto, Bazil. 810 p.
11306 Eden-Green, S.J. 1973 Some attempts to rear potential leafhopper vectors of lethal yellowing [abstract]. Principes 17: 156
11307 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1988 Cicadinea (Homoptera) of Moscow Province. Nasekomye Moskovskoy oblasti. Problemy kadastra i okhrany [The insects of Moscow Province. The problems of kadastr and protection]. Nauka, Moscow 1988: 3–19. [in Russian]
11308 Anufriev, G.A. 2004 Identification of taxonomic diversity of Cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in Fauna of Orenburg In: Zapovednoe delo: Problemy okhrany i ekologicheskoi restavratsii stepnykh ekosistem: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 15-letiyu Gosudarstvennogo zapovednika “Orenburgskii” pp. 64–66
11309 Emeljanov, A.F. 1964 Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha), in Opredelitel’ nasekomykh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. Nizshie, drevnekrylye, s nepolnym prevrashcheniem ]Determinant of Insects of European Area of USSR]. Nauka, Moscow 1: 337-437.
11310 Emeljanov, A.F. 1969 Tsikadovye (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha), in Rastitel’nye soobshchestva i zhivotnoe naselenie stepei i pustyn’ Tsentral’nogo Kazakhstana (Plant Communities and Animals of Steppes and Deserts of Central Kazakhstan). Nauka, Leningrad 1969: 358-381.
11311 Galinichev, A.V. 2008 New Data on Taxonomic Diversity of cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in Chelyabinsk Oblast’. [Principles and Methods of Biodiversity Conservation, Poceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific Conference] Mariiskogo University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia. pp. 130–131
11312 Hayashi, M. and S. Fujinuma. 2016 Part Fulgoromorpha. Pp. 323-355. In: M. Hayashi, M. Tomokuni, K.Yoshizawa and T. Ishikawa (eds.). Catalogue of the insects of Japan. Volume 4 Paraneoptera (Psocodea, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera), 4. Editorial Committee of Catalogue of the Insects of Japan, Entomological Society of Japan. Pp. xxxiv+629
11313 Mariau, D. 2001 The Fauna of Oil Palm and Coconut: Insect and Mite Pests and Their Natural Enemies. CIRAD, Montpellier, France. 249 pp. -
11314 Servadei, A. 1952 Hemiptera Sardiniae (Heteroptera et Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Redia 37: 443–478.
11315 Vilbaste, J. 1961 New Cicadina (Homoptera) from the neighbourhood of Astrachan. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoy SSR [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Estonian SSR], Ser. Bioloogia 10(4): 315-331. [Russian with German summary]
11316 Vilbaste, J. 1965 Über die Zikadenfauna Atlais. Akademiya Nauk Estonskoï SSR, Institut Zoologii i Botaniki, Tartu, Estonia. [in Russian with German summary]
11317 Whitehead P.F. and R.S. Key. 2010 Observations on British Issus (Hemiptera, Issidae) with reference to development, periodicity and ecology. Worcestershire Record 29: 22-27. pdf
11318 Bingham, J. 2012 A Planthopper in Wyre Forest Issus coleoptratus (Schrank, 1781). (Hemiptera, Issidae). Wyre Forest Study Group Review 2012: 42-43. pdf
11319 Anufriev, G.A. 2006 On fauna of Cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in Talovskaya Steppe (Reserve of Orenburg). In: Stepi Severnoi Evrazii: Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma (Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Steppes of North Eurasia). IPK Gazprompechat, Orenburg. pp. 68–70.
11320 Anufriev, G.A. 2006 On fauna of Cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in South Ural State Reserve (Bashkortostan Republic). Nauch. Trudy Gos. Prirod. Zapoved. Prisurskii 13: 6–10.
11321 Anufriev, G.A. 2010 The data on fauna of Cicadins (Homoptera, Cicadina) in Dzhanybeksk Stationer and Adjacent Territories. Aridnye Ekosistemy 16(5): 129–140.
11322 Wagner, W. 1959 IX. Teil Homoptera. In: M. Beier (ed.). Zoologische Studien in Westgriechenland. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademieder Wissenschaften. 168: 581-605. pdf
11323 Attié, M., S. Baret, and D. Strasberg. 2005 Les insectes phytophages associés à des plantes exotiques envahissantes à l’Île de la Réunion (Mascareignes). Revue d'Écologie - la Terre et la Vie 60: 108-125. pdf
11324 Austin, A.D. and T. O. Browning. 1981 A mechanism for movement of eggs along insect ovipositors. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 10(2): 93-108. pdf
11325 Bertuso, A.G., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 2002 Sensitive periods for wing development and precocious metamorphosis after precocene treatment of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology 48(2): 221-229.
11326 Cheng, J.A. 2015 Chapter 1. Rice Planthoppers in the Past Half Century in China. Pp. 1–31. In: Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. xvi+231 pp.
11327 Chkhaidze, N.M., M.I. Lobjanidze, I.I. Dzmanashvili, S.Z. Barjadze, and D.N. Maghradze. 2016. 2016 Grapevine phytoplasma disease in Georgia. Annals of Agrarian Science 14(3):153-162. Annals of Agrarian Science 14(3):153-162. [Dictyophara europaea, Hyalesthes mlokosieviczi, Hyalesthes obsoletus Metcalfa pruinosa, Ricania japonica] pdf
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