Planthopper Bibliography Database
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459 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
13447 | GAO, Boya, Johanna HEDLUND, Don R. REYNOLDS, Baoping ZHAI, Gao HU, and Jason W. CHAPMAN. 2020 The ‘migratory connectivity’ concept, and its applicability to insect migrants. Movement Ecology 8: 48; 1-13. [Nilaparvata lugens] pdf |
1702 | Gao, B.Z., et al . 1984 Preliminary study on the reproduction rate of Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Entomological Knowledge 21(2): 51-55. |
11707 | Gao, B., J. Wu, S. Huang, L. Mu, and Z. Han. 2008 Insecticide resistance in field populations of Laodelphax striatellus Fallen (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in China and its possible mechanisms. International Journal of Pest Management 54(1): 13-19. |
6836 | Gangwar, S.K., D.C. Srivastava, R.K. Tewari, M.R. Singh, and D.C. Rajak. 2008 Management of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker in sugarcane with ecto-parasitoid Epiricania melanoleuca Fletcher during epidemics in sub-tropical India. Sugar Tech 10(2): 162-165 pdf |
12737 | Gangl, H., G. Leitner, C. Hack, A. Probst, and W. Tiefenbrunner. 2017 Phytopathological characteristics of interspecific grape varieties (" Uhudler vines") in the winegrowing region of South Burgenland. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 67(1): 1-19. [Hyalesthes obsoletus, Reptalus quinquecostatus] |
1700 | Gange, A.C. and Brown, V.K. (eds). 1997 Multitrophic interactions in terrestrial systems. Blackwell, Oxford. - |
13853 | Gangaram, B.N., B. Gowda, S.S. Shaw, S.K. Behera, G.G.P. Pandi, P. Pati, Mayabini Jena, S. Raghu, G. Prashanthi, and N. Patil. 2019 Evaluation of rice genotypes of Sikkim and Tripura for resistance to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8(8): 2185-2200. pdf |
13403 | Gangaraju, P., T. Shivashankar, and H.C. Lohithaswa. 2017 Genetic basis of resistance to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in local landraces of rice. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6: 3388-3393. pdf |
1699 | Ganesh-Kumar, M. and R. Velusamy. 1996 Cross predation and prey preferences of Oxyopes javanus and Cyrtorhinus lividipennis. Madras Agricultural Journal 83(7): 446-448. |
1698 | Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M. and I.V.S. Fernando. 2000 Natural enemies of sugarcane planthopper Pyrilla perpusilla Walker (Homoptera: Lophopidae) in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka 28(3): 205-213. pdf |
6819 | Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M. and I.V.S. Fernando. 2006 Biology of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker (Homoptera: Lophopidae), A pest of sugarcane in wet Sri Lanka. Journal of Entomology 3: 26-33. pdf |
8719 | Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M. and I.V.S. Fernando. 2000 Population dynamics of the sugarcane planthopper Pyrilla perpusilla in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Tropical Science 40: 144-153. |
8733 | Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M. and I.V.S. Fernando. 2000 Parachrysocharis javensis Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulopidae): An effective parasitoid of sugarcane planthopper Pyrilla perpusilla in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Vidyodaya Journal of Science 9: 129-135. pdf |
8898 | Ganehiarachchi, G.A.S.M. and I.V.S. Fernando. 2008 Partial age specific life tables of sugarcane planthopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Walker (Homoptera: Lophopidae) in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of Entomological Research 32(2): 89-97. |
9489 | Gandhale, D.N., A.S. Patil, R.G. Awate, D.B. Jadhav, and L.M. Naik. 1986 Evalution of insecticides for the control of aphids and delphacids on jowar. Pesticides 20(2): 17-18. |
15383 | GANAMALA, Rathna, and Vinay KUMAR. 2024 Distribution and infestation of brown plant hopper in rice. Just Agriculture 5(2): 75-81. pdf |
7331 | Gan, B.Y., W.G. Zhou, X.Y. Zhao, L.B. Feng, and C.B, Li. 2000 Infection and transmission of Wolbachia in Chinese planthopper species. Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science) 39(3): 331-333. |
7332 | Gan, B.Y., W.G. Zhou, L.B. Feng, D.L. Shen, and C.B. Li. 2002 Infection of Wolbachia in three planthopper species in China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 45(1): 14-17. pdf |
1697 | Gamez, R. and P. Leon. 1985 Ecology and evolution of a Neotropical leafhopper-virus - maize association. L.R. Nault and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.). The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp. 331-350. |
8548 | Gamalath, N.S., P.N. Sharma, N. Mori and C. Nakamura. 2009 Differential cDNA-AFLP screening of transcripts associated with brown planthopper resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(4):201-206. pdf |
8790 | Gamalath, N.S., M. Tufail, P.N. Sharma, N. Mori. M. Takeda, and C. Nakamura. 2012 Differential expression of vitellogenin mRNA and protein in response to rice resistance genes in two strains of Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) with different levels of virulence. Applied Entomology and Zoology 47(1): 9-16. |
6933 | Galolo, A.R.V. M.A.J. Torres, and C.G. Demayo. 2011 Paramere morphology of two colormorphs of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). In: 2011 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology IPCBEE vol.6. IACSIT Press, Singapore. Pp. V2.370-V2.374. pdf |
8897 | Gallego, V.C. 1989 Outbreak of Menosca sp. (Homoptera: Lophopidae) on coconuts in Valencia, Negros oriental. Phillipines Journal of Coconut Studies 14(1): 7-9. |
1696 | Gallagher, K.D., P.E. Kenmore, and K. Sogawa. 1994 Judicial use of insecticides deter planthopper outbreaks and extend the life of resistant varieties in southeast Asian rice. In: R.F. Denno and T.J. Perfect (eds.). Planthoppers: Their Ecology and Management. Chapman and Hall, New York. Pp. 599-614. |
14260 | Galinichev, A.V. and V.M. Gnezdilov. 2021 Auchenorrhyncha collection of G.A. Anufriev is donated to the Zoological Institute RAS. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 325(4): 516–517. |