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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
391 Botosaneanu, L. 1981 On a false and a genuine caddis-fly from Burmese amber (Insecta: Trichoptera, Homoptera). Bulletin Zoologisch Museum Universiteit Van Amsterdam 8(10): 73-78.
432 Brar, R.S. 1981 The natural enemy complex of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker at Dhuri, Punjab. Indian Journal of Entomology 43(4): 441-443.
436 Brar, R.S. and S.S. Bains. 1981 The response of Tetrastichus pyrillae Crawford in oviposition on different egg stages of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker. Indian Journal of Entomology 43(4): 447-448.
465 Bruce, D. 1981 Microscopes and entomology. Insect Behaviour and Ants Study Group Newsletter. 24: 11-12.
527 Carnegie, A.J.M. 1981 Egg mortality of Numicia viridis Muir (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) in sugarcane and in indigenous hosts. Entomology Newsletter 10: 3-4.
549 Chang, Y.C. and C.S. Wang. 1981 Morphology, life history and host plants of the big-horned Delphacid (Delphacidae, Homoptera). Chinese Journal of Entomology 1(2): 58-68.
584 Chen, C.C., L.L. Cheng, and R.F. Hou. 1981 Studies on intracellular yeast-like symbiote in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. 1. Histological observations and population changes of the symbiote. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 92(5): 440-449.
648 Cheung, W.W.K. 1981 Ultrastructural and functional differentiation of the Malpighian tubules of the lantern bug Pyrops candelaria Linn. (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Cytologia (Tokyo) 46(1-2): 241-254. pdf
650 Cheung, W.W.K. and A.T. Marshall. 1981 Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations on the oenocytes of the lantern bug, Pyrops candelaria Linn. (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (Taipei) 20(2): 69-72.
663 Chiu, S.C. and B.H. Chen. 1981 Effect of rice plant spacing on the population density of brown planthopper and two predacious spiders. Journal of Agricultural Research of China 30(3): 270-276.
669 Chou, I. and J.S. Lu. 1981 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. Zhongguo Kexueyuan Qingzang Gaoyuan Zonghe Kexue Kaocha Dui. In: S.X. Chen. The Series of the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Xizang kunchong [Insects of Xizang = Tibet]. Volume 1. Science Press, Peking. Pp. 221-228.
678 Chu, Y.I. and Y. Hirashima. 1981 Survey of Taiwanese literature on the natural enemies of rice leafhoppers and planthoppers. Esakia 16: 33-37. pdf
721 Claridge, M.F. and M.R. Wilson. 1981 Host-plant associations, diversity and species-area relationships of mesophyll-feeding leafhoppers of trees and shrubs in Britain. Ecological Entomology 6: 217 -238. pdf
821 Claridge, M.F. 1981 Taxonomic support for COPR/SEARCA/IRRI Project on Brown Planthopper ecology. COPR Research Project no. 5. First Report 1979/1980: 1-30.
852 Dalua, B.K. and B.B. Parida. 1981 Chromosome analysis in fulgorids (Fulgoroidea: Homoptera). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B (Biological Sciences) 51(3): 215-220. pdf
909 den Bieman, C.F.M. 1981 Biosystematic studies on the Ribautodelphax collinus complex. Acta Entomologica Fennica 38: 6.
928 den Hollander, J. and P.K. Pathak. 1981 The genetics of the 'biotypes' of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 29(1): 76-86.
946 Denno, R.F. and H. Dingle. 1981 Considerations for a more general life history theory. In: R.F. Denno and H. Dingle, (eds.). Insect life history patterns: Habitat and Geographical Variation. New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 1-6.
955 Denno, R.F., M.J. Raupp., and D.W. Tallamy. 1981 Organization of a guild of sap-feeding insects: Equilibrium vs. nonequilibrium coexistance. In: R.F. Denno and H. Dingle, (eds.). Insect Life History Patterns: Habitat and Geographic Variation. Springer-Verlag, New York. Pp. 151-181. pdf
993 De Vrijer, P.W.F. 1981 Reproductive isolation in the genus Javesella Fenn. Acta Entomologica Fennica 38: 50-55. pdf
1028 Ding, J.H. and C.L. Kuoh. 1981 New species of Stenocranus from China (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 6(1): 74-84. pdf
1029 Ding, J.H. and L.X. Tian. 1981 Homptera: Delphacidae. Zhongguo Kexueyuan Qingzang Gaoyuan Zonghe Kexue Kaocha Dui. [The Series of the Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.] Insects of Xizhang 1: 229-232. pdf
1035 Ding, J.H. and C.L. Kuoh. 1981 A revision of scientific name on Chinese Sogatella panicicola (Ishihara) (Homoptera: Aeropodidae). Entomological Knowledge 18(3): 142. [in Chinese] pdf
1045 Ding, Z.Z., M.L. Chen, and P.Y. Li. 1981 The reproductive rate and economic threshold of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Acta Entomologica Sinica 24(2): 152-159. pdf
1094 Dlabola, J. 1981 Ergebnisse der Tschechoslowakisch-Iranischen Entomologischen Expeditionen nach dem Iran (1970 und 1973). (Mit Angaben uber einiger Sammelresultate in Anatolien) Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha (2. Teil). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 40: 127-311. pdf
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