College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8918 Varma, G.C. and O.S. Bindra. 1980 Studies on the chemical control of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) and effect of insecticides on its natural enemies. Pesticides 14(6): 9-10.
8921 Joshi, K. and S.K. Sharma. 1980 Assessment of biological efficacy of some insecticides for the control of Pyrilla perpusilla Wlk. on sugarcane by aerial spraying. Pesticides 14(11): 8–9.
8922 Sankaran, T. 1980 Introduction of natural enemies for the control of sugarcane pests. In: S. Sithanantham and A.R. Solayappan, (eds.). Biological control of sugarcane pests in India. Tamilnadu State Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Limited, Madras, India. Pp. 1-12.
8924 Misra, M.P. and A.D. Pawar. 1980 Biocontrol trials against sugarcane pyrilla, Pyrilla perpusilla Walker, in eastern Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere in India. In: S. Sithanantham and A.R. Solayappan, (eds.). Biological control of sugarcane pests in India. Tamilnadu State Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Limited, Madras, India. Pp. 75-78.
8929 Madan, Y.P. and R.A. Singh. 1980 Chemical control of sugarcane leaf hopper (Pyrilla perpusilla) Wlk. during summers. Indian Sugar Crops Journal 7(2): 45-47.
9021 Hendrix, S.D. 1980 An evolutionary and ecological perspective of the insect fauna of ferns. The American Naturalist 115(2): 171-196.
9194 Tsai, J.H. 1980 Progress of research on the vector(s) of lethal yellowing. Oleagineux 35: 300-301.
9196 Howard, F.W. 1980 Population studies of Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee) in Florida. Oleagineux 35: 301.
9537 Howard, F.W. 1980 Essais de transmission du jaunissement mortel par Haplaxius crudus. [Lethal yellowing transmission experiments with Haplaxius crudus.] Oleagineux 35: 300.
9541 Howard, F.W. and R.E. McCoy. 1980 Reduction in spread of mycoplasma-like organism-associated lethal decline of the palm, Veitchia merrilli, by use of insecticides. Journal of Economic Entomology 73(2): 268-270.
9548 Huffman, F.R. and J.A. Hardinggj. 1980 Pitfall collected insects from various lower Rio Grande valley habitats. Southwestern Entomologist 5(1): 33-46. pdf
9587 Klimaszewski, S.M., W. Wojciechowski, A. Czylok, C. Gebicki, A. Herczek, and J. Jasinska 1980 Zgrupowania wybranych grup pluskwiakow rownoskrzydlych (Homoptera) I roznoskrzydlych (Heteroptera) w lasach rejonu huty "Katowice". [The associations of selected groups of homopterans (Homoptera) and true bugs (Heteroptera) in the forests of the region of the "Katowice" ironworks.] Acta Biologica, Uniwersytet Slaski w Katowicach 8: 22–39.
9621 Lindsten, K. 1980 Ar dvargskottsjukan och andra stritoverforbara sjukdomar pa vag att ater bli ett vaxtskyddsproblem? [Are the oat sterile dwarf and other planthopper-transmitted diseases returning as a plant-protection problem?] Vaxtskyddsnotiser 44(5): 121-126.
9664 Migliori, A. and R. Lastra. 1980 Study of a virus type disease present in Guadeloupe and transmitted by Peregrinus maidis. Annales de Phytopathologie 12: 277-294.
11155 Mitjaev, I.D. 1980 [New species of cicadid (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from northern Kazakhstan]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakh SSR, Biologicheskaya 1: 36-39. [In Russian] pdf
11333 Harrison, R.G. 1980 Dispersal polymorphisms in insects. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 11: 95-118.
11352 Emeljanov, A.F. 1980 New leafhopper species (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Asian regions of the USSR. Entomological Review 58(2): 66-77. pdf
11705 Conti, M. 1980 Vector relationships and other characteristics of barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV). Annals of Applied Biology 95(1): 83-92.
11788 Ding, Jin-Hua. 1980 On the genus Perkinsiella Kirkaldy of China (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural College 1(1): 107-110. pdf
11825 Ding, Jinhua and Tian, Li-xin. 1980 A new species of the Genus Opiconsiva Distant (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural College 3(4): 28-39. doi:10.7685/j.issn.1000-2030.1980.02.006
12403 Chen, Ruo-chi and Xia-nian Cheng. 1980 The take-off behavior of Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) and its synchronous relations to the biological rhythm and environmental factors. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 2: 42–49. [in Chinese with English summary] pdf
38 Allen, A.A. 1979 Asiraca clavicornis (F.) (Hem., Delphacidae) in S.E. London. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 114: 105.
67 Andrzejewska, L. 1979 Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. I. Herbivores in natural and managed meadows Polish Ecological Studies 5(4): 5-44.
68 Andrzejewska, L. 1979 Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. II. The role of herbivores in trophic relationships. Polish Ecological Studies 5(4): 45-76.
82 Anufriev, G.A. 1979 Notes on some A. Jacobi’s species of Auchenorrhynchous insects described from north-east China (Homoptera). Reichenbachia 17(19): 163–170.
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