College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
13222 ZHI, Yan, Chang-Hua ZHANG, Lin YANG, and Xiang-Sheng CHEN. 2020 Two new species of the genus Betacixius Matsumura, 1914 from China (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cixiidae). ZooKeys 956: 1-18. pdf
13223 Sarwar, M., N.A. Shad, and R. Batool. 2020 Integrated management of vectored viral diseases of plants. In: L.P. Awasthi (ed.). Applied Plant Virology, Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, Massachusetts. pp. 707-724.
13224 Pérez-Gómez, Á., Í. Sánchez, and M. Baena. 2020 Nuevos registros de hemípteros (Insecta: Hemiptera) alóctonos en Andalucía (sur de España). [New records of alien hemiptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) in Andalusia (South of Spain)]. Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural 14: 9-19. [Metcalfa pruinosa] pdf
13225 den Bieman, C.F.M, M. de Haas, J.D.M. Belgers, N. De Somer, G. Lommen, and M. Reinboud. 2020 A remarkable extension of the Dutch true hopper fauna with nine species (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae, Cixiidae & Tettigometridae). Entomologische Berichten 80(4): 138-146. [Cixius beieri] pdf
13226 Khan, R.R., T.H.A. Al-Ghafri, S.A.H. Al-Khatri, I.S.S. Al-Mazidi, and F.G. Al-Rawahi. 2020 Resistance to deltamethrin and fenitrothion in dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus de Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) and possible biochemical mechanisms. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-11. pdf
13227 Dehghan, A., A. Payandeh, and S. Imani. 2020 Lethal and sublethal effects of Eforia on the reproduction, development and feeding behavior of Ommatissus lybicus (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2020): 1-8.
13228 Khan, A.L., S. Asaf, A. Khan, A. Khan, M. Imran, A. Al-Harrasi, I.J. Lee, and A. Al-Rawahi. 2020 Transcriptomic analysis of Dubas bug (Ommatissus lybicus Bergevin) infestation to date palm. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-15. pdf
13229 Ahmad, S., T.A. Mastoie, A.S. Khetran, Z.A. Mastoie, B.H. Mastoie, N. Jogezai, A. Rauf, B. Baig, and M.A. Kakar. 2020 Populace tendency of Dubas bug - Ommatissus lybicus (Hemiptera: Tripiduchidae), on different date palm varieties and it’s managment, in Panjgur-Balochistan. Pure and Applied Biology 9(3): 2040-2048.
13230 Chatelain, P., M. Le Cesne, A. Plant, and A. Soulier-Perkins. 2020 Ghost species and optimal diversity: shared patterns between two tropical mountains within Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68: 670-681.
13231 Tezcan, S. 2020 Analysis of the insect fauna of Turkey and suggestions for future studies. Munis Entomology & Zoology 15(2): 690-710.
13232 ZHAO, Zhengxue, Baocheng JIN, Zhengxiang ZHOU, Lin YANG, Jiankun LONG, and Xiangsheng CHEN. 2020 Determinants of Delphacidae richness and endemism in China. Ecological Entomology (2020): (PrePrint, 12 pp.).
13233 Nixon, L.J., H. Leach, C. Barnes, J. Urban, D.M. Kirkpatrick, D.C. Ludwick, B. Short, D.G. Pfeiffer, and T.C. Leskey. 2020 Development of behaviorally based monitoring and biosurveillance tools for the invasive spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1117-1126.
13234 Keller, J.A., A.E. Johnson, O. Uyi, S. Wurzbacher, D. Long, and K. Hoover. 2020 Dispersal of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) nymphs through contiguous, deciduous Forest. Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1012–1018.
13235 Tilana, L.N. 2019. 2019 Identifikasi dan Analisis Keanekaragaman Serangga Fulgoromorphan Hasil Koleksi dari Jambi. Thesis. Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. [diversity and abundance of fulgoromorphan based on land used types]. Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Thesis. [diversity and abundance of fulgoromorphan based on land used types].
13237 Koufakis, I., M. Pappas, A. Kalaitzaki, A. Tsagkarakis, D. Tzobanoglou, D. Perdikis, and G. Broufas. 2019 Philaenus spumarius (L.) (Homoptera: Aphrophoridae) and other potential insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in Western Crete (Greece) olive groves. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 141: 82-86. pdf
13238 Kaplan, M. 2019 Mardin Ili Zeytin Bahcelerinde Zararlı Bocek Türleri, Yayılısları ve Yogunlukları. Igdır Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi 9(4): 1901-1907. [Agalmatium flavescens] pdf
13239 Teodorescu, I. 2018 Contribution to database of alien/invasive Homoptera insects in Romania. Romanian Journal of Biology - Zoology 63(1-2): 29-68. pdf
13240 Demir, E. and H. Unver. 2019 Türkiye'de Fındıklarda Bulunan Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha ve Cicadomorpha) Türleri ve Potansiyel Vektörler Olarak Önemi. [ The Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha) species found on hazelnut and importance as potential vectors]. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi [International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering] 2019(Special Issue 1): 52-59. [in Turkish] pdf
13241 Karthik, G.S. and V.S. Kukanur. 2020. 2020 Insect gears. Research Today 2(5 Spl.): 316-317.
13242 Veenakumari, K. and P. Mohanraj. 2014 Five new species of Phanuromyia Dodd (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) from India. Entomologists Monthly Magazine 150: 135-147. [Fugoroidea egg parasite]
13243 Johnson N.F. and L. Musetti. 2003 Redefinition of the genus Phanuromyia Dodd (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 111(2-3): 138-144. [Fugoroidea egg parasite, Hysteropterum]
13244 Nesheim K.C., L. Masner, and N.F. Johnson. 2017 The Phanuromyia galeata species group (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Telenominae): shining a lantern into an unexplored corner of Neotropical diversity. Zookeys 663: 71-105. [egg parasitoids of lanternflies and planthoppers in the families Fulgoridae and Flatidae] pdf
13245 Aker, B.G. 2020 The collection of baseline data on insect and plant communities across multiple salinity zones within Louisiana's tidal marshes. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Lousiana. Master's Theses. 124 pp. pdf
13246 Volkova, M., E. Matveikina, Jak. Volkov, and E. Stranisheshevskaya. 2020 Organic viticulture as an important aspect of conserving biodiversity in Crimean agrocenoses. E3S Web of Conferences 175: 09004; 1-7 pp. [Pentastiridius obscures, Agalmatium bilobus] pdf
13247 Takanashi, T., N. Uechi, and H.Tatsuta. 2019 Vibrations in hemipteran and coleopteran insects: behaviors and application in pest management. Applied Entomology and Zoology 549(1): 21-29.
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