Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
12166 | Lu, J.B., X.M. Luo, X.Y. Zhang, P.L. Pan and C.X. Zhang. 2018 An ungrouped cuticular protein is essential for normal endocuticle formation in the brown planthopper. Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 100: 1-9. |
7767 | Cabauatan, P.Q. 1982 An unknown disease of rice (Oryza sativa) transmitted by the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. In: 13th Anniversary and Annual Convention of the Pest Control Council of the Philippines, Baguio City, Philippines, 5-8 May 1982. Laguna, Philippines. Pp ?? |
3802 | Kennedy, A.C. and C.R. Bartlett. 2015 An unusual morphotype of Caenodelphax teapae (Fowler) (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Entomological News 125(3): 224-227. 125(3): 224–227. pdf |
11762 | Bantock, T. 2012 An unusual record of Trigonocranus emmeae. Leafhopper Distribution Recording & Analysis, LEDRA 2: 6. pdf |
13571 | Pisa, L., D. Goulson, E.C. Yang, D. Gibbons, F. Sánchez-Bayo, E. Mitchell, A. Aebi, J. van der Sluijs, C.J.K. MacQuarrie, C. Giorio, E.Y. Long, M. McField, M.B. van Lexmond, and J.-M. Bonmatin. 2021 An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 2: Impacts on organisms and ecosystems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 11749–11797. [Nilaparvata lugen] |
13564 | Furlan, L., A. Pozzebon, C. Duso, Noa Simon-Delso, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Patrice A. Marchand, F. Codato, M.B. van Lexmond, and J.-M. Bonmatin. 2021 An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 3: Alternatives to systemic insecticides. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 11798-11820. [Nilaparvata lugens, Laodelphax striatellus, Sogatella furcifera] |
13169 | Veres, A., K.A.G. Wyckhuys, J. Kiss, F. Tóth, G. Burgio, X. Pons, C. Avilla, S. Vidal, J. Razinger, R. Bazok, E. Matyjaszczyk, I. Milosavljević, X.V. Le, W.W. Zhou, Z.R. Zhu, H. Tarno, B.Y. Hadi, Jonathan Lundgren, J.-M. Bonmatin, et al. 2020 An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic pesticides. Part 4: Alternatives in major cropping systems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 29867-29899. pdf |
10491 | Guglielmino, A., M. Olmi, and C. Bueckle. 2013 An updated host-parasite catalogue of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea). Zootaxa 3740(1): 1-98. |
732 | Claridge, M.F., L.C. Clardige, and J.C. Morgan. 1988 Anagrus egg parasitoids of rice-feeding planthoppers. In: C. Vidano and A. Arzone, (eds.). 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987. Proceedings. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy. Pp. 617-621. |
652 | Chiappini, E. 2002 Anagrus elegans (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), a new egg parasitoid of the rice-feeding planthoppers (Homoptera, Delphacidae) in the Orient. Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura 34(2): 235-241. |
575 | Chen, B.H. and J.Z. Yu 1989 Anagrus incarnatus Haliday, a new record from eggs of brown planthopper in Taiwan. Journal of Agricultural Research of China 38(4): 458-462. |
120 | Asche, M. 1982 Anakelisia amicorum Dlabola & Müller, 1973 und Kelisia transversa Logvinenko, 1977, zwei neue Synonyme von Anakelisia fasciata (Kirschbaum, 1868) (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 19-24. pdf |
1117 | Dlabola, J. and H. J. Müller. 1973 Anakelisia amicorum, eine neue mitteleuropäische Zikaden-Art (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Delphacidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 190: 74-76. pdf |
9066 | Fiori, J. G. Serra, A.G. Sabatini, P. Zucchi, R Barbattini, and Gazziola. 2000 Analisi con HPLC di destrine in mieli di melata di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) [Dextrins HPLC analysis in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) honeydew]. Industrie Alimentari 39(1): 463-466. pdf |
3627 | Maragliano R.E., and E. Virla. 1992 Análisis de la supervivencia y expectativa de vida de Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah 1955 (Homoptera: Delphacidae) criada en condiciones de laboratorio, sobre especies de cinco gramíneas. Proceedings of the 5th Congreso Argentino de maíz, 2nd Reunión Suramericana 1: 21-23. |
2054 | Hernandez, M., O. Cabrera, and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Analisis de la variabilidad genetica de poblaciones de Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae), vector del virus de la Hoja Blanca del Arroz. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. P. 18 pdf |
9510 | Grilli, M.P. and D.E. Gorla. 1997 Análisis espacio-temporal de la abundancia de Delphacodes kuscheli con apoyo de imágenes satelitales de baja resolución. In: Actas Sexto Congreso Nacional del Maíz. Pergamino Buenos Aires. Pp. 51-57. |
12220 | Lieberodt, K. and R. Achtziger. 2017 Analyse der Zikadengemeinschaften (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) auf Versuchsflächen zur Förderung der Biodiversität in der Agrarlandschaft im Lehr- und Versuchsgut Köllitsch (Sachsen) [Analysis of hopper communities (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) on experimental plots for enhancing biodiversity in the agricultural landscape of the Lehr- und Versuchsgut Köllitsch (Saxony)]. Freiberg Ecology online 3: 15-32. pdf |
3425 | Niedringhaus, R. 1991 Analyse isolierter Artengemeinschaften am Beispiel der Zikadenfauna der ostfriesischen Düneninseln (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Thesis, University of Oldenburg. Thesis |
10092 | Lin, H.F., S.Y. Zhang, M.Y. Li, S.G. Li, and M.F. Feng. 2013 Analyses of time-dose-mortality model of the emulsifiable formulation of Metarhizium flavoviride Mf82 against Nilaparvata lugens. Mycosystema 32(2): 239-247 pdf |
13058 | PARK, Bueyong, Min-Jung KIM, Sang-Ku LEE, and Gil-Hah KIM. 2019 Analysis for dispersal and spatial pattern of Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera: Flatidae) in southern sweet persimmon orchard. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 58(4): 291-297. pdf |
11037 | Barandoc-Alviar, K., G.M. Ramirez, D. Rotenberg, and A.E. Whitfield. 2016 Analysis of acquisition and titer of Maize Mosaic Rhabdovirus in its vector, Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Insect Science 16(1): 14; 1–8. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev1154. |
7438 | Ding, X. and J. Liu. 2007 Analysis of agrometeorological condition in good harvest years with serious rice planthopper outbreak. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 35(11): 3346. |
12525 | Myrick, A. J. and T. C. Baker. 2019 Analysis of anemotactic flight tendencies of the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) during the 2017 mass dispersal flights in Pennsylvania. Journal of Insect Behavior 32(1): 11-23. |
13120 | YANG, Shi‐Jun, Yun‐Xuan BAO, Can CHEN, Ming‐Hong LU, Wan‐Cai LIU, and Sung‐Jun HONG. 2020 Analysis of atmospheric circulation situation and source areas for brown planthopper immigration to Korea: a case study. Ecosphere 11(3): e03079; 1-14. (ePub Article# e03079, 14 pp.) |