College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
4222 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 12 Nogodinidae. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 75 pp. pdf
4582 Wagner, W. 1954 Die Fulgoroidea der Omer-Cooper-Expedition in die Lybische Wueste (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ier d’Entomologie 38: 211–224. pdf
4686 Wene, G.P. and P.T. Riherd. 1954 Control of Puss caterpiller and fulgorids attacking ornimentals during 1953. Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society and Journal of the Texas Avacado Society Yearbook 1953: 45–46.
6131 Turbott, E.G. and T.E. Woodward. 1954 The occurrence of Achilus flammeus Kirby in New Zealand (Homoptera; Fulgoroidea; Achilidae). New Zealand Entomologist 1(4): 25–27. pdf
7806 Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1954 Homoptères nouveaux de Madagascar. Le Naturaliste Malgache 6: 79–82. pdf
8734 Gupta, B.D. and P.N. Avasthy. 1954 The alternate host plants and their role in the propagation of sugarcane pests. Proceedings of Sugarcane Technology Association 23: 147–152.
9441 China, W.E. 1954 XXVI. Developmental colour change in species of Flatidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Journal of Natural History Series 12 7(74): 150–152.
9615 Lindberg, H. 1954 Zur Kenntnis der Hemipterenfauna der Azorischen Inseln. Commentationes Biologicae 3(18): 1–9. pdf
9854 Verma, J.S. 1954 A comparative study of the bionomics of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) and its egg-predator, Cyrtorhinus mundulus (Breddin) and the toxicity of several contact and systemic insects to the two species. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Ph.D. Thesis. 159pp.
9944 Ribaut, H. 1954 Delphacodes audrasi n. sp. (Homoptera, Araeopidae). Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 23(7): 189–191. pdf
10551 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 Some Homoptera from the Caroline Islands. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 70(1): 1–19. pdf
10569 Puttarudriah, M. and B.M. Maheswariah. 1954 A note on the biology and habits of Ricania fenestrata Fabricius a new pest on jasmine. Mysore Agricultural Journal 30(1): 12–15. pdf
10808 Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1954 Hèmiptères Homoptères d’A. O. F. Bulletin de l'Institut Français Afrique Noire (series A) 16(3): 903–912. pdf
11756 Auber, J. 1954 Un nouveau Phromnia de Madagascar (Hom. Flatidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 59: 29–30.
11871 Usman, S. 1954 Some insects attracted to light. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 52: 647–650. pdf
429 Box, H.E. 1953 List of sugar-can insects. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. 100 pp. pdf
840 Cumber, R.A. 1953 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem.: Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. III. - Resistance of nymphal forms to submergence- control by inundation. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 34: 260–266. pdf
2589 Kontkanen, P. 1953 Studies in insect populations I. The number of generations of some leafhopper species in Finland and Germany. Societas Vanamo Archives 8: 150–156.
2713 Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1953 Homoptères de Sumba et Florès. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64(1): 229–254 pdf
3010 Marchand, H. 1953 Die Bedeutung der Heuschrecken und Schnabelkerfe als Indikatoren verschiedener Graslandtypen. Beiträge zur Entomologie 3: 116–162.
3023 Martorell, L.F. and J. Adsuar. 1953 Insects associated with Papaya virus diseases in the Antilles and Florida. Journal of Economic Entomology 45(5): 863–868. pdf
3272 Morcos, G. 1953 The biology of some Hemiptera-Homoptera. Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ier d'Entomologie 37: 405–439. pdf
3819 Ribaut, H. 1953 Trois especes nouvelles du genre Callogypona (Homoptera-Araeopidae). Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 88: 245–248.
4205 Strickland, E.H. 1953 An annotated list of the Hemiptera (s.l.) of Alberta. Canadian Entomologist 85(6): 193–214. pdf
4255 Synave, H. 1953 Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Albert 79(2): 9–34. pdf
585 | 586 | 587 | 588 | 589 | 590 | 591 | 592 | 593 589 of 604