Planthopper Bibliography Database
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76 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
6492 | Hirashima, Y. and T. Kifune. 1978 Strepsipterous parasites of Homoptera injurious to the rice plant in Sarawak, Borneo, with description of a new species. Esakia 11: 5358. pdf |
6799 | Chandra, G. 1978 A new cage for rearing hopper parasites. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(1): 12. pdf |
6808 | Heinrichs, E.A. 1978 Resistance of the brown planthopper to carbofuran at IRRI. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(4): 18. pdf |
6809 | Heinrichs, E.A. 1978 Residual activity of acephate sprays on rice as influenced by spreader-stickers. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(4): 18. pdf |
6840 | Bindra, O.S. and R.S. Brar. 1978 Studies on the natural enemies of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker in the Punjab. Indian Sugar 28: 247-252. |
6841 | Brar, R.S. 1978 Role of natural enemies in the population dynamics of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker. Ph.D. Dissertation. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. 83pp. Doctoral Thesis |
6956 | Ling, K.C., E.R. Tiongco, V.M. Aguiero, and P.Q. Cabauatan. 1978 Rice Ragged Stunt Disease in the Phillipines. IRRI Research Paper Series, Los Banos, Philippines. Volume 16. pdf |
7307 | Samal, P. and B.C. Misra. 1978 Notes on the egg parasites of the borwn planthopper Nilparvata lugens (Stal) in Orissa. Oryza 15: 96-98. |
8072 | Maeda, Y. and S. Moriya. 1978 Effect of Isoprothiolane granulues on the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, in pot experiments. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 22(2): 117-119.[Japanese] pdf |
8134 | Chen, C.N. and C.C. Cheng. 1978 The population levels of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in relation to the yield loss of rice. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 20: 197-209. |
8369 | Rao, U.P., M.B. Kalode, T.E.Srinivasan, and D.V. Seshu, 1978 Resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 37(3): 453-456. Nilaparvata lugens |
9026 | Balick, M.J., D.G. Furth and G. Cooper-Driver. 1978 Biochemical and evolutionary aspects of arthropod predation on ferns. Oecologia 35(1): 55-89. |
9305 | Mochida, O., S. Tatang, Hendarsih, and W. Ayuk. 1978 Identification, biology, occurrence and appearance of the brown planthopper. In: Indonesian Institute of Science. The Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Jakarta. Pp. 1-39. |
9386 | Agarwal, R.K., R.S. Verma and G.S. Bharaj. 1978 Screening of sorghum lines for resistance against shoot bug. JNKVV (Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya) Research Journal 12(1/4): 116. pdf |
9482 | Fisk, J. 1978 Resistance of Sorghum bicolor to Rhopalosiphum maidis and Peregrinus maidis as affected by differences in the growth of the host. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 23: 227-236. |
9611 | Lim, G.S., M. Jusoh, A.C. Ooi, and A.K. Koh. 1978 Use of multihole venyl tube to dust insecticide for brown plant hopper control. International Rice Research Institute Newsletter 394: 15-16. |
9778 | Schulz, C.A. and J. Meijer. 1978 Migration of leafhoppers (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) into a new polder. Holarctic Ecology 1(1): 73-78. |
9844 | Vaidya, G.R. 1978 Varietal resistance to white backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India. 107 pp. Master’s Thesis. |
9890 | Wilson, M.V.H. 1978 Paleogene insect faunas of wstern North America. Quaestiones Entomologicae 14: 13-34. pdf |
9898 | Wolda, H. 1978 Seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, food and abundance of tropical insects. Journal of Animal Ecology 47(2): 369-381. |
11466 | Bonfils, J. and W. Della Giustina. 1978 Inventaire et repartition biogeographique des Homopteres Auchenorhynques de Corse. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 83: 23-29. |
11734 | Dubovskii, G.K. 1978 Cicadinea of Zarafshan Valley. II. Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal 1: 42-46. (In Russian). |
11902 | Emeljanov A.F. 1978 New genera and species of Cicadina from the USSR and Mongolia. Entomological Review 57(2): 220-233. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (1978) 57(2): 316-332, from Russian] |
13281 | Mahar, M.M., I.M. Bhatti, and M.R. Hakro. 1978 Whitebacked planthopper appears on rice in Sind, Pakistan. International Rice Research Newsletter 3: 1-11. |
38 | Allen, A.A. 1979 Asiraca clavicornis (F.) (Hem., Delphacidae) in S.E. London. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 114: 105. |