College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6609 Donovall, L.R., III. 2008 A generic revision of the new world Dictyopharinae (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae). Masters Thesis. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. 401 pp. pdf
13482 Doronin, I.V. and M.A. Doronina. 2020 New records of Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) and Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Hemiptera, Flatidae) from the North Caucasus. Euroasian Entomological Journal 19(3): 158-159. pdf
12448 Douangboupha, B., K. Khamphoukeo, S. Inthavong, J. Schiller and G. Jahn. 2006 Chapter 17 Pests and diseases of the rice production systems of Laos. In: J.M. Schiller, M.B. Chanphengxay, B. Linquist and S. Appa Rao (eds.). Rice in Laos. IRRI, Manila, Philippines. vi+457 pp. Pp. 265-281.
1172 Doud, C. W., S. W. Wilson, and J. H. Tsai. 1997 Descriptions of nymphs of the cat-tail feeding delphacid planthopper Pygospina spinata (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Florida Entomologist 80(4): 443-450. pdf
9468 Doweld, A.B. 2013 Tetrafulgoria, a new generic replacement name for fossil Tetragonidium Bode, 1953 (Insecta: Hemiptera: Fulgoridiidae) non Pascher, 1914 (Protista: Cryptomonada). Zootaxa 3608(4): 281-282.
11192 Dowell, R.V. and R. Gill. 1989 Exotic invertebrates and their effects on California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(2): 132-145.
11193 Dowell, R.V., R.J. Gill, D.R. Jeske, and M.S. Hoddle. 2016 Exotic terrestrial macro-invertebrate invaders in California from 1700 to 2015: an analysis of records. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63: 63-157. pdf
8675 Downer, J. 2009 What is wrong with pygmy date palms? Landscape Notes [University of California, Cooperative Extention] 22(1): 2 pp. pdf
11793 Dozier, H. L. 1936 A new genus and species of fulgorid from Haiti (Homoptera : Fulgoridae). American Museum Novitates 845: 1–2. pdf
1173 Dradi, D. 2002 Lotta biologica alla Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) con Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead, 1893): Il Caso di Ravenna (Insecta Homoptera Flatidae, Hymenoptera Dryinidae). Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 17: 77-90. pdf
1174 Drake, C.A. and A.G. Gatehouse, (eds.). 1995 Insect Migration: Tracking resources through Space and Time. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. -
1175 Drake, C.M. 1990 Paraliburnia clypealis (Sahlberg) (Hem. , Auchenorrhyncha, Delphacidae) in Somerset. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 126: 74.
9469 Drake, V.A. and D.R. Reynolds. 2012 Migrations of pest and beneficial insects. In: V.A. Drake and D.R. Reynold,s (eds.). Radar entomology. CABI, Wallingford. Pp. 312-346.
6490 Drechsler, M., and J. Settele. 2001 Predator–prey interactions in rice ecosystems: effects of guild composition, trophic relationships, and land use changes - a model study exemplified for Philippine rice terraces. Ecological Modelling 137: 135-159. pdf
6630 Drobnjakovic, T., P. Peric, D. Marcic, L. Picciau, A. Alma, J. Mitrovic, B. Duduk, and A. Bertaccini. 2010 Leafhoppers and cixiids in phytoplasma-infected carrot fields: species composition and potential phytoplasma vectors. Pesticidi i Fitomedicina 25(4): 311-318. pdf
9470 Drosopoulos, A., T. Broumas, and V. Kapothanassi. 2004 Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Flatidae) an undesirable new species in the insect fauna of Greece. Annals of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute 20(1): 49-51.
1177 Drosopoulos, S. 1975 Some biological differences between Muellerianella fairmairei (Perris) and M. brevipennis (Boheman), a pair of sibling species of Delphacidae (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologische Berichten 35: 154-157. pdf
1178 Drosopoulos, S. 1976 Triploid pseudogamous biotype of the leafhopper Muellerianella fairmairei. Nature 263: 499-500. pdf
1179 Drosopoulos, S. 1977 Biosystematic studies on the Muellerianella complex (Delphacidae, Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen. (also: H. Veenman & Zonen B.V., Wageningen, Nederland). 77-14: 1-133. pdf
1180 Drosopoulos, S. 1978 Hybridization, polyploidy and parthenogenesis in Muellerianella (Delphacidae). Auchenorrhyncha Newsletter No. 1, Abstracts of Auchenorrhyncha Workshops 23-25th August 1978, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 1: 10-11. pdf
1181 Drosopoulos, S. 1978 Laboratory synthesis of a pseudogamous triploid "species" of the genus Muellerianella (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Evolution 32: 916-920. pdf
1182 Drosopoulos, S. 1980 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part II Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha. A catalogue of the reported species. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 9: 187-194.
1183 Drosopoulos, S. 1980 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part I Heteroptera. A catalogue of the reported species. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 9: 163-185.
1184 Drosopoulos, S. 1982 Remanodelphax cedroni gen. et spec. nov. from Greece (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6): 1-8. pdf
1185 Drosopoulos, S. 1982 Hemipterological studies in Greece. Part II. Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. On the family Delphacidae. Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6):35-88.
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