College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11066 Kosovac, A., C. Radonjic, S. Hrncic, O. Krstic, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2016 Molecular tracing of the transmission routes of bois noir in Mediterranean vineyards of Montenegro and experimental evidence for the epidemiological role of Vitex agnus-castus (Lamiaceae) and associated Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae). Plant Pathology 65(2): 285-298. DOI: 210.1111/ppa.12409.
11698 Lv, M.-F., Xie, L., Wang, H.-F., Wang, H.-D., Chen, J.-P. and Zhang, H.-M. 2017 Biology of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus: a novel fijivirus emerging in East Asia. Plant Pathology 66: 515–521. doi:10.1111/ppa.12630.
12095 Bahder, B. W., E. E. Helmick, S. Chakrabarti, S. Osorio, N. Soto, T. Chouvenc and N. A. Harrison. 2018 Disease progression of a lethal decline caused by the 16SrIV-D phytoplasma in Florida palms. Plant Pathology 67: 1821-1828. pdf
12373 Brown, S.E., B.O. Been and W. A. McLaughlin. 2008 First report of the presence of the lethal yellowing group (16Sr IV) of phytoplasmas in the weeds Emilia fosbergii and Synedrella nodiflora in Jamaica. Plant Pathology 57(4): 770. pdf
10783 Jannoey, P., W. Pongprasert, S. Lumyong, S. Roytrakul, and M. Nomura. 2015 Comparative proteomic analysis of two rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) contrasting in brown planthopper (BPH) stress resistance. Plant Omics 8(2): 96-105. pdf
7901 Pophaly, D.J., A.K. Gupta, S.J. Jambhulkar, and S.K. Awasthi. 2006 Genetic improvement of brown - planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) resistance through radiation technique in rice. Plant Mutation Reports 1(1): 16-18. pdf
5209 Gomi, K., M. Satoh, R. Ozawa, Y. Shinonaga, S. Sanada, K . Sasaki, M. Matsumura, Y. Ohashi, H. Kanno, K . Akimitsu and J. Takabayashi. 2010 Role of hydroperoxide lyase in white-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) -induced resistance to bacterial blight in rice, Oryza sativa L. Plant Journal 61: 46-57. pdf
5914 Rao, K.V., K.S. Rathore, T.K. Hodges, X. Fu, E. Stoger, D. Sudhakar, S. Williams, P. Christou, M. Bharathi, D.P. Bown, J. Spence, A.M.R. Gatehouse, and J.A. Gatehouse. 1998 Expression of snowdrop lectin (GNA) in transgenic rice plants confers resistance to rice brown planthopper. Plant Journal 15: 469-477.
1636 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 1983 A new Pest Threatens Florida’s #2 Industry. Plant Industry News 25(1): 11-15. pdf
14395 MOU, De-Fen, Ericka HELMICK, and Brian BAHDER. 2022 Multi-locus sequence analysis reveals new hosts of palm lethal decline phytoplasmas in Florida, USA. Plant Health Progress (2022): (PrePrint).
14173 Volkov, O. 2021 Some results of studying phytophagous insects feeding on Cuscuta spp. (Cuscutaceae) conducted by FGBU “VNIIKR” researchers. Plant Health and Quarantine 3(7): 58-71. [Hysteropterum asiaticum, Hysteropterum sp., Brachyprosopa bicorne] pdf
440 Bredenkamp, G.J., F. Spada, and E. Kazmierczak. 2002 On the origin of northern and southern hemisphere grasslands. Plant Ecology 163(2): 209-229. pdf
6709 Wang, X.Z. and D.P. Li. 2010 Spectrum detection of rice planthopper populations from canopy reflectance based on principal component regression. Plant Diseases and Pests 1(4): 20-21, 24.
6713 Xu, S.F., H.F. Wang, E.G. Wang, and W.Q. Chen. 2011 Density restriction effects of reproductive rate of rice brown planthopper population in super rice Yongyou 6. Plant Diseases and Pests 2(2): 39-42.
8813 Wang, K.Q., H.W. Yue, and K. Cai. 2011 Implementation of ZigBee gateway in environmental monitoring network for migration of planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). Plant Diseases and Pests 2(5): 38-41, 47.
10066 Jin, M.N., Y. Yao, B. Sun, B. Wang, and X.D. Lin. 2013 Expression of FAMeT and JHE influenced by Kruppel homolog-1 gene from brown planthopper. Plant Diseases and Pests 4(3): 23-25.
14151 WANG, Baoxiang, Yibin WEN, Yan LIU, Kangjun WANG, Huimin DAI, Jinbo LIU. Hanchum PU, and Dayong XU. 2016 Correlation analysis of rice resistance against Black-streaked Dwarf Virus Disease (RBSDV) and small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus Fallen). Plant Diseases and Pests 7(3): 1-5,10. pdf
7878 Ghosh, A. and V.T. John. 1980 Rice ragged stunt virus disease in India. Plant Diseases 64(11): 1032-1033. pdf
176 Atkins, J. G. and C. R. Adair. 1957 Recent Discovery of hoja blanca, a new rice disease in Florida, and a varietal resistance tests in Cuba and Venezuela. Plant Disease Reporter 41(11): 911-915. pdf
177 Atkins, J. G. J.P. Kramer, and S.D. Hensley. 1958 Hoja blanca and its vector found on rice in a second area in the United States. Plant Disease Reporter 42(12):1414. pdf
178 Atkins, J.G., L.D. Newsom, W.T. Spink, G.D. Lindberg, R.N. Dopson, T.D. Persons, C.H. Lauffer, and R.C. Carlton. 1960 Occurrence of hoja blanca and its vector Sogata orizicola Muir in Louisiana. Plant Disease Reporter 44(6):390-393. pdf
1711 Garces-Orejuela, C. P.R. Jennings, and R.L. Skiles. 1958 Hoja blanca of rice and the history of the diisease in Columbia. Plant Disease Reporter 42(6):750-751. pdf
3597 Palmer, L.T., Y. Soepriaman, and S. Kartaatmadja. 1978 Rice yield losses due to brown planthopper and rice grassy stunt disease in Java and Bali. Plant Disease Reporter 62(11): 962-965.
4377 Tsai, J.H. 1975 Occurrence of a corn disease in Florida transmitted by Peregrinus maidis. Plant Disease Reporter 59: 830-833.
4379 Tsai, J.H. 1977 Attempts to transmit lethal yellowing of coconut palmsby the planthopper Haplaxius crudus. Plant Disease Reporter 61: 304-307.
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