College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
14121 Chinniah, C., A. Ravikumar, M. Kalyanasundaram, and P. Parthiban. 2016 Field evaluation of Metarhizium anisopliae liquid formulation (Bio-Magic®) against brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal on rice. Journal of Biopesticides 9(2): 211-219. pdf
14122 KIM, WooJae, HyunSu PARK, HyeonSoon KIM, KiYong HA, YeongChan CHO, JeomHo LEE, and BoKyeong KIM. 2016 Response to brown planthopper resistance genes at rice seedling stage. Korean Journal of Breeding Science 48(1): 29-36.
14123 HUANG, ShuiJin, Qiong CHEN, HuiGang MA, WenJing QIN, Qiang FU, Ju LUO, and HouGuo QIN. 2016 Evaluation of tolerance of rice varieties to rice planthopper. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 38(1): 97-105. [Chinese with English summary]
14124 SURAHMAT, Erwin Cuk, DADANG, and Djoko PRIJONO. 2016 Kerentanan Wereng Batang Cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens) Dari Enam Lokasi Di Pulau Jawa Terhadap Tiga Jenis Insektisida. [Susceptibility of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) from six locations in Java to three insecticides]. Jurnal Hama Dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika [Journal of Tropical Pests and Plant Diseases] 16(1): 71-81.
14125 Shafia, Z. and R. N. Singh. 2016 Bio-efficacy of combination of insecticides against brown plant hooper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and rice gundhi bug, Leptocorisa varicornis (Fabr) in rice. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences 12(Suppl. 1): 29-33.
14126 CAI, Lei, YiFan JIA, Yang WEN, XingGuo ZHANG, RuiLin WANG, Teng LI, YiFei ZHANG, and FaJun CHEN. 2016 Study on the behavioral rhythms of migratory population of rice planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera and Laodelphax striatellus, light-trapped by blacklamp. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 53(3): 604-611. [Chinese with English summary]
14127 LIU, ChenYang, JianMin WAN, ChangLan ZHU, Ling JIANG, YuQiang LIU, XiaNian CHENG, XiaoSong PENG, JunRu FU, XiaoPeng HE, XiaoRong CHEN, LinJuan OUYANG, JianMin BIAN, LiFang HU, NingFei JIANG, XiaoYang ZHANG, and HaoHua HE. 2016 The mapping of brown planthopper resistance gene in indica restorer Changhui 891. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 38(2): 232-237. [Chinese with English summary]
14128 JIAN, Yi, Qian ZHOU, XiFeng WANG, and YouZhi LI. 2016 Establishment of quantitative detection system for southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in white-backed plant hopper (WBPH). Genomics and Applied Biology 35(2): 366-372. [Chinese with English summary]
14129 XU, LanZhen, AiDong CHEN, XueQing ZHAO, and BaoPing ZHAI. 2016 Source areas and landing mechanisms of early immigrating white-backed planthoppers Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) in southeastern Yunnan. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 53(6): 1301-1316. [Chinese with English summary]
14130 YANG, MengMeng, GuoQiang XIE, QiDa SHEN, Ya LIU, ShanShan YU, and Bin TANG. 2016 Effects of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) infestation on the trehalose contents and trehalase activities in both rice and brown planthoppers. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 43(3): 398-404. [Chinese with English summary]
14131 DENG, Zhao, ShaoJie SHI, HuiYing WANG, XinXin SHANG-GUAN, BingFang LIU, ShengLi JING, RongZhi CHEN, LiLi ZHU, and GuangCun HE. 2016 Analysis of QTLs for brown planthopper resistance in indica rice WD 15515. Acta Agronomica Sinica 42(3): 353-360. [Chinese with English summary]
14132 ANE, Noor Ul, and Mubashar HUSSAIN. 2016 Diversity of insect pests in major rice growing areas of the world. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 4(1): 36-41. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens]
14134 ZHENG, Yu, JiaChun HE, PinJun WAN, FengXiang LAI, YanQun SUN, JingJing LIN, and Qiang FU. 2016 Virulence characteristics of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) reared on resistant rice variety IR56. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 30(5): 552-558. [Chinese with English summary]
14135 CAO, ShuPei, Li YIN, MingHong LU, and BaoPing ZHAI. 2016 The formation of outbreak populations of Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) in the Wuling Mountain area: A case study in 2007. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 53(6): 1317-1333. [Chinese with English summary]
14136 CHANG, XiaoLi, XiangWen WU, YongDa YUAN, TianShu ZHANG, Shuang LU, HuiMei SHEN, HaiYuan TENG, and DongSheng WANG. 2016 Trapping and controlling effects of the yellow sticky card on rice planthoppers. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 53(4): 892-900. [Chinese with English summary] [Sogatella furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens]
14137 HUANG, ShouHorng, ChingHuan CHENG, ChiouNan CHEN, and WenJer WU. 2016 Bioassay of the biotypes of brown planthopper in Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 65(1): 84-91. [Chinese with English summary]
14138 WANG, RuLin, YanLi WANG, Gan JIANG, ZhanHong SHEN, and Shan LIN. 2016 Effects of climate change on distribution of Laodelphax striatellus and risk analysis. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences 45(6): 82-88. [Chinese with English summary]
14139 Kamble, C.S., and T.V. Sathe. 2016 Diversity, seasonal abundance, distribution and damage of Jassids to crops from Western Maharashtra. Biolife 4(2): 357-363. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf
14140 LOU, Jue, WenQing YANG, ZhongXing LI, TianKuan LUO, YongChu XIE, GuoChu ZHENG, GaoHong YUE, JianLong XU, and HuaJin LU. 2016 Evaluation of improvement effect of restorer lines on pyramiding genes resistant to rice blast, bacterial leaf blight and brown planthopper. Acta Agronomica Sinica 42(1): 31-42. [Chinese with English summary]
14141 Kalmath, B.S., Y. Raghvendra, and K. Mahantesh. 2016 Evaluation of different formulations of Metarrhizium anisopliae against plant hoppers in rice ecosystem. Biopesticides International 12(2): 173-181. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens]
14142 YANG, Yajun, Kai LIU, Hailiang HAN, Hongxing XU, Facheng ZHANG, Xusong ZHENG, Junce TIAN, Guiyue WANG, Guihua CHEN, and Zhongxian LU. 2016 Impacts of nitrogen fertilizer on major insect pests and their predators in transgenic Bt rice lines T2A?1 and T1C?19. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 160(3): 281-291. [Nilaparvata lugens]
14143 SARAO, Preetinder Singh, and Jagadaish Sanmallappa BENTUR. 2016 Antixenosis and tolerance of rice genotypes against brown planthopper. Rice Science 23(2): 96-103.
14144 SRINIVAS, M., Nadimpalli RAMA-GOPALA-VARMA, R. SUNITHA Devi, and R. JAGADEESHWAR. 2016 Effect of temperature on rice brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål). Journal of Research PJTSAU 44(/2): 114-117. pdf
14145 Nagendra-Reddy, B., V. Jhansi-Lakshmi, T. Uma-Maheswari, A. Ramulamma and G.R. Katti. 2016 Non preference/antixenosis mechanism to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stall) in selected rice entries. Journal of Research PJTSAU 44(1&2): 1-10. pdf
14146 TANG, YaoHua, PinJun WAN, PeiYing HAO, Qiang FU, and XiaoPing YU. 2016 Roles of two genes involved in histidine biosynthetic pathway in yeast-like symbiont in development of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Chinese Journal of Rice Science 30(4): 406-416. [Chinese with English summary]
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