College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
5679 Wang, R.R. and A.P. Liang. 2006 Descriptions of the female genitalia of Cixiopsis punctatus and Tambinia debilis (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Tropiduchidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 31(3): 509-512. pdf
4779 Wilson, S.W. and J.H. Tsai. 1984 Descriptions of the immature stages and biology of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Mitteilungen Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 57: 450-451. pdf
4773 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1981 Descriptions of the immature stages of Bruchomorpha oculata with notes on Laboratory rearing. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 74: 341-344. pdf
4748 Wilson, S.W. 1985 Descriptions of the immature stages of Delphacodes bellicosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 61(1): 72-78. pdf
4777 Wilson, S.W. and J.H. Tsai. 1982 Descriptions of the immature stages of Myndus crudus (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 90(3): 166-175. pdf
4792 Wilson, S.W., J.H. Tsai and C.R. Thompson. 1983 Descriptions of the Nymphal instars of Oecleus borealis (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 91(4):418-423. pdf
2648 Kuoh, Chung-Lin. 1979 Descriptions of three new Chinese Tropidocephala (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 22(2): 175–179. pdf
1017 Ding, J.H. 1985 Descriptions of three new species of Delphacidae (Homoptera). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 28(4): 430-434. pdf
5695 Wu, H.X. and A,P, Liang. 2001 Descriptions of three new species of Vekunta Distant (Homoptera: Derbidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 26(4): 511-517.
424 Bourgoin, T., M.R. Wilson, and G. Couturier. 1998 Descriptions of two new species of South American Oliarus Stal (Homoptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae), including a rice-associated species from Peru. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 100(1): 108-113. pdf
5337 Wang, S.Z. and F. Wang. 1988 Descriptions of two new species of the Magadha from Tibet, China (Homoptera: Achilidae). Acta Universitatis Septentrionali Occidentali Agriculturae (China) 16(1): 107-109. pdf
7976 Shi, B., S.B. Chen, Y.X. Yu, C.H. Liu, and M.S. You. 2011 Design and evaluation of the species-specific primers of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 54(9): 1057-1067. pdf
13291 Utama, S.N., H. Setyaningrum, B. Sholeh, and T. Taufiqurrahman. 2019 Design tools for controlling brown planthopper pests using ultrasonic waves. The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1381: 012057; 1-8. (ePub Article #012057, 8 pp.) pdf
14443 ZHANG, Jian, Runjiang SONG, Shang WU, Di CAI, Zengxue WU, Deyu HU, and Baoan SONG. 2022 Design, synthesis, and insecticidal activity of novel Pyrido [1, 2-a] pyrimidinone mesoionic compounds containing an indole moiety as potential acetylcholine receptor insecticides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70(17): 5349-5356. [Sogatella furcifera]
404 Bourgoin, T. 1987 Designation de lectotypes pour le genre Euphyonarthex Schmidt 1912 (Hemipt. Tettigometridae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie 3(4): 472.
9867 Wahyono, T.E. 2005 Deskripsi hama utama dan musuh alami pada tanaman jambu mete di lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. [Description of major pests and natural enemies in chilli plants Cashew, West Nusa Tenggara.] Buletin Teknik Pertanian 10(1): 23-25. [Indonesian] pdf
3692 Prasad, V.G. 1992 Detailed description of the different forms of sugarcane leaf-hopper Pyrilla perpusilla Walker occurring in India with an addition and description of a new variety Pyrilla perpusilla var nigriventris nov. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of India 13: 1-52.
11570 Bander, B.W., E.E. Helmick and N.A. Harrison. 2017 Detecting and differentiating phytoplasmas belonging to subgroups 16SrIV-A and 16SrIV-D associated with lethal declines of palms in Florida using qPCR and high-resolution melt analysis (HRMA). Plant Disease 101(8): 1449–1454. doi: 1410.1094/PDIS-1401-1417-0023-RE.
12093 Bahder, B. W., E. E. Helmick and N. A. Harrison. 2017 Detecting and differentiating phytoplasmas belonging to subgroups 16SrIV-A and 16SrIV-D associated with lethal declines of palms in Florida using qPCR and High-Resolution Melt Analysis (HRMA). Plant Disease 101(8): 1449–1454. pdf
8582 Cai, L.J., X.Z. Ma, L. Kang, K.J. Deng, S.Y. Zhao, and C.B. Li. 2003 Detecting Rice stripe virus (RSV) in the small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus) with high specificity by RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods 112: 115-120.
13899 JIANG, JianJun, FengYing WANG, LiFei HUANG, HongSong CHEN, and Lang YANG. 2017 Detection and analysis of four secondary endosymbiotic bacteria (Arsenophonus, Wolbachia, Spiroplasma and Cardinium) in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphaciade). Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 54(4): 583-593.
24 Alam, S. N. and M.B. Cohen. 1998 Detection and analysis of QTLs for resistance to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, in a doubled-haploid rice population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97(8): 1370–1379. pdf
5945 Su, C.C., X.N. Cheng, H.Q. Zhai, and J.M. Wan. 2002 Detection and analysis QTL for resistance to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using backcross inbred lines. Acta Genetica Sinica 29: 332-338.
6731 Ertunc, F., S. Bayram and G. Soylemezoglu. 2010 Detection and characterisation of grapevine phytoplasmas and vectors by molecular techniques in Turkey and the reactions of common cultivars to those infections. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 52. pdf
12387 Harrison, N.A., M. Womack and M.L. Carpio. 2002 Detection and characterization of a lethal yellowing (16SrIV) group phytoplasma in Canary Island date palms affected by lethal decline in Texas. Plant Disease 86(6): 676–681. pdf
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