College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
2423 Julia, J.F. and D. Mariau. 1982 Deux especes de Sogatella (Homoptere Delphacidae) vectrices de la maladie de la pourriture seche de seche du coeur des jeubes cocotiers en Cote-d’Ivoire.[Two species of Sogatella (Homoptera Delphacidae), vectors of dry bud rot of young coconuts in the Ivory Coast.] Oleagineux 37(11): 517-520.
2424 Julia, J.F. 1982 Myndus taffini (Homoptera: Cixiidae), vecteur du deperissement foliaire des cocotiers au Vanuatu. Oleagineux 37(8-9): 409-414. pdf
2425 Julia, J.F. 1979 Mise en evidence et identification des insectes responsables des maladies juveniles du cocotier et du palmier a huile en Cote-d’Ivoire. Oleagineux 34(8-9): 385-393.
9099 Julia, J.F., M. Dollet, J. Randles, and. C. Calvez. 1985 Le dépérissement foliaire du cocotier par Myndus taffini (DFMT): nouveaux résultats. [Foliar decay of coconut by Myndus taffini (DFMT): new results.] Oléagineux 40(1): 19-27.
9194 Tsai, J.H. 1980 Progress of research on the vector(s) of lethal yellowing. Oleagineux 35: 300-301.
9196 Howard, F.W. 1980 Population studies of Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee) in Florida. Oleagineux 35: 301.
9537 Howard, F.W. 1980 Essais de transmission du jaunissement mortel par Haplaxius crudus. [Lethal yellowing transmission experiments with Haplaxius crudus.] Oleagineux 35: 300.
9762 Renard, J.L. and H. de Franqueville. 1989 Oil palm bud rot. Oléagineux 44(2): 87-92.
9889 Wilson, M.R. 1988 Records of Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha from palms and association with disease in coconuts. Oléagineux 43(6): 247-253. pdf
459 Bröring, U. and R. Niedringhaus. 1989 Veränderungen der Wanzen- und Zikadenfauna innerhalb von 50 Jahren auf der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum. Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Geocorisae, Auchenorrhyncha). Oldenburger Jahrbuch 89: 337-356.
12408 Laister, F. and G. Kunz. 2018 Klein, aber oho! – Zikaden. Oko L. 40(4): 3-8. pdf
462 Brown, V.K. 1985 Insect herbivores and plant succession. Oikos 44: 17-22. pdf
770 Connell, J.H. 1980 Diversity and the coevolution of competitors, or the ghost of competition past. Oikos 35: 131-138. pdf
2008 Haynes, K.J. and J.T. Cronin. 2006 Interpatch movement and edge effects: the role of behavioral responses to the landscape matrix. Oikos 113(1): 43-54.
2782 Leimu, R. and J. Koricheva. 2006 A meta-analysis of tradeoffs between plant tolerance and resistance to herbivores: combining the evidence from ecological and agricultural studies. Oikos 112(1): 1-9.
3256 Moon, D.C. and P. Stiling. 2002 Top-down, bottom-up, or side to side? Within-trophic-level interactions modify trophic dynamics of a salt marsh herbivore. Oikos 98(3): 480-490.
3469 Novotny, V. 1994 Association of polyphagy in leafhoppers. Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) with unpredictable environments. Oikos 70: 223-232.
3472 Novotny, V. 1995 Relationships between life histories of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha - Hemiptera) and their host plants (Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae). Oikos 73(1): 33-42.
3564 Östman, Ö. and A.R. Ives. 2003 Scale-dependent indirect interactions between two prey species through a shared predator. Oikos 102: 505-514.
3624 Pearson, D.L. 1989 What is the adaptive significance of multicomponent defensive repertoires. Oikos 54(2): 251-253.
4867 Yamada, Y.Y. and K. Miyamoto. 1998 Payoff from self and conspecific superparasitism in a dryinid parasitoid, Haplogonatopus atratus. Oikos 81(2): 209-216.
9421 Brown, V.K., C.W.D. Gibson, and J. Kathirithamby. 1992 Community organisation in leaf hoppers. Oikos 65: 97-106.
498 Caldwell, J.S. 1944 Notes on some less common genera of tropical Cixiidae (Homoptera). Ohio Journal of Science 44(6): 252–254. pdf
504 Caldwell, J.S. 1947 New Fulgoroidea from North America (Homoptera). Ohio Journal of Science 47: 76–78. pdf
509 Caldwell, J.S. 1951 New Cixiidae from Southern North America with notes on others. Ohio Journal of Science 51: 34–36. pdf
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