College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3947 Saxena, R.C. and L.M. Rueda. 1982 Morphological variations among three biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. Insect Science and Its Application 3(2-3): 193-210.
3948 Saxena, R.C. and L.M. Rueda. 1982 Morphological variations among three biotypes of the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships 5: 435-436.
3942 Saxena, R.C. and H.D. Justo, Jr. 1980 Long distance migration of brown planthopper in the Philippines. International Congress of Entomology Proceedings 0.75625
3943 Saxena, R.C. and H.D. Justo, Jr. 1982 Diel periodicity of take-off and immigration flights of the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships 5: 169-178.
3941 Saxena, R.C. and H. Kumar. 1980 Interruption of acoustic communication and mating in a leafhopper and a planthopper by aerial sound vibrations picked up by plants. Experientia (Basel) 36(8): 933-936.
3939 Saxena, R.C. and H. D. Justo Jr. 1984 Trapping airborne insects aboard inter-island ships in the Philippine Archipelago, with emphasis on the brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 9(5): 16. pdf
8418 Saxena, R.C. and H. D. Justo Jr. 1982 Diel periodicity of take off and immigration flights of the rice brownplant hopper Nilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. In: 13th Conference of the Pest Control Council of the Philippines, Baguio City. 5-8 May 1982. International Rice Research Institute College, Laguna, Philippines. P. 3.
3926 Saxena, R.C. and C.V. Mujer. 1985 Genetic control of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) isozymes in rice brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 10(2): 14-15. pdf
3944 Saxena, R.C. and C.V. Mujer. 1984 Detection of enzyme polymorphism among populations of brown planthopper (BPH) biotypes. International Rice Research Newsletter 9(3): 18-19. pdf
3945 Saxena, R.C. and C.V. Mujer. 1984 Enzyme polymorphism in rice brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 9(4): 18-19. pdf
3927 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1982 A technique for preparation of brown planthopper chromosomes. International Rice Research Newsletter 7(2): 8-9. pdf
3928 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1983 Biotypes of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvara lugens (Stal). Korean Journal of Plant Protection 22(2): 52-66. pdf
3929 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1983 Cytogenetic variations between Nilaparvata bakeri (Muir) and Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) planthoppers. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(5): 12-13. pdf
3930 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1983 Cytological variations among brown planthopper biotypes 1, 2, and 3. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(2): 14-15. pdf
3931 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1983 Cytology of Nilaparvata bakeri (Muir), a grass-infesting planthopper species. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(6): 18-19. pdf
3932 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1984 Comparative cytology of brown plant-hopper populations infesting Leersia hexandra Swartz and rice in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 9(1): 23-24.
3933 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1985 Genetic plasticity in the brown planhopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) - its theoretical and practical implications in developing resistant rice varieties. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 10(1)(Suppl.): S14-S15.
3934 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1986 Biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and strategies in deployment of host plant resistance. Insect Science and Its Application 6(3): 271-289.
3935 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1986 Brain cells and chromosomes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). International Rice Research Newsletter 11(5): 28-29. pdf
3936 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1987 Brain cells and chromosomes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Cytologia (Tokyo) 52(4): 859-865 pdf
3937 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1987 Cytogenetic effects of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) on brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens spermatocytes. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(5): 25-26. pdf
3938 Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1989 Morphometric comparison of stridulating organs of brown planthopper (BPH) infesting rice and Leersia grass. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(1): 29-30. pdf
3924 Saxena, R.C. 1982 Cytogenetic variation in brown planthopper biotypes 1 and 2. International Rice Research Newsletter 7(3): 5. pdf
3925 Saxena, R.C. 1983 Morphological variations among three brown planthopper biotypes in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(3): 3-4. pdf
5921 Saxena, R.C. 1986 Biochemical-bases of insect resistance in rice varieties. ACS Symposium Series 296: 142–159.
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