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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11497 Vlad, M., and I. Grozea. 2015 Researches regarding the expansion of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) in Romania. Pp. 99-103 In: Proceedings of the 5th Internation Conference, Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences, Lozenec, Bulgaria 24-28 June 2015. Pp. 99-103. pdf
3710 Qi, L.Z., J.H. Ding, Z.Z. Ding, H.X. Tang, and Y.J. Guo. 1994 Researches on relationship between wingbud length of 5th-instar nymph and wing from of adult in Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Entomological Knowledge 31(4): 193-195.
8166 Le, T.T. and Q.H. Nguyen. 1990 Research results on Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in 1989 in the Cuu Long river delta - Viet Nam. Thong Tin Bao Ve Thuc Vat [Plant Protection Bulletin] 3: 3-6.
12824 LU, Heng-yu, Hui WEI, and Guang YANG. 2016 Research progress on phytoplasma disease. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2016(3): 326-332.
7017 Wang, Y.H. and M.H. Wang. 2006 Research progress on Nilaparvata lugens insecticide resistance and proliferation of the resistant biotype. Agrochemicals 45(4): 227-230,250.
5423 Zhang, J.H., J.W. Chen, and X. Li. 2009 Research progress on medicinal resources of Mylabris and close origin species. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica 34: 647-650.
15141 YUAN, LongYu, YanFang LI, HanXiang XIAO, GuoJun QI, and ZhenFei ZHANG. 2022 Research progress on mechanism of virulence of the brown planthopper (Hemiptera Delphacidae). Journal of Environmental Entomology 44(2): 297-304.
13772 LIAO, Xun, Hu WAN, and Jianhong LI. 2019 Research progress on insecticides resistance in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science 21(5-6): 718-728. [Chinese with English Abstract] pdf
13915 ZHU, KeMing, HuiMin TAO, and Shuo XU. 2017 Research progress on insect resistance genes of rice. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 45(20): 1-5.
13040 LIU, Chaomao, et al. 2020 Research progress on diseases and insect pests of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Forest Pests and Disease 39(2): 28-35.一0886.20190035 [Sogatella furcifera, Ricania speculum, Lycorma delicatula] pdf
5970 Zhu, L.L., C.L. Zhu, Q.M. Weng, Z. Huang, and G.C. He. 2004 Research progress on brown planthopper resistance genes in rice. Hubei Agricultural Sciences 43(1): 19-24.
7524 Li, W., H.F. Guo, J.C. Fang, and R.F. Wang. 2007 Research progress of sustainable controls and ecological characteristics of Laodelphax striatellus. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 35(8): 2323-2326.
5421 ZHANG, Pei and Xiangsheng CHEN 2008 Research Progress of Cixiidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea). Guizhou Agricultural Sciences 36(1): 82-86. pdf
9456 Deng, W., L.X. Hu, H.P. Chen, M.B. Chen, and Y.Q. Xiao. 2012 Research progress in resistance of rice to Sogatella furcifera. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 24(1): 91–97.
6711 Xie, J.N., Q.R. Liao, and J.J. Guo. 2011 Research progress in migration route of Nilaparvata lugens. Guizhou Agricultural Sciences 1: 114-117.
9975 Chen, H.P., W. Deng, Y. Fu, S.H. Guan, S.Y. Guo, S.Y. Luo, L.X. Hu, and J.L. Wang. 2013 Research progress in genetics and breeding for rice resistance to brown planthopper. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 25(10): 60–64.
7377 Xu, G.C., D.J. Xu, Z.Y. Gu, and X.L. Xu. 2007 Research progress and prevention on the resurgence of the small brown planthopper. Agrochemicals 46(8): 510-512.
7266 Jie, Z.H., P. Su, and X.L. Liao. 2009 Research on wing dimorphism of brown planthopper. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 21(10): 95–99,102.
7531 Lu, D.H. 2009 Research on the weather forecasting method of rice brown planthopper occurrence. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 2009(2): 668.
7501 Liu, H.L., L. Lu, S. Zhang, Q.Z. Chen, Z.H. Ding, J.M. Dong, J. Wen, and L. Niu. 2011 Research on the spontaneous inductive resistance to brown planthopper in cultivated rice. Hubei Agricultural Sciences 50(11): 2230-2233.
6946 Shen, B.B. 2005 Research on predation of Bianor hotingchiehi and Ummeliata insecticeps on Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and Nilaparvata lugens. Acta Arachnologica Sinica 14(2): 117-120. Acta Arachnologica Sinica 14(2): 117–120.
6934 Cai, H.L. L.Y. Bai, H.M. Zhou and C. Huang. 2007 Research on insecticide resistance of Nilaparvata lugens. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 19(4): 58–61.
7545 Ren, S.M. 2009 Research on economic threshold of Laodelphax striatellus to controlling rice black ear. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 2009(3): 150.
7309 Shao, X.Q., S.R. Chen, D.C. Jin, and H. Yang. 2011 Research on dynamic of light trapped rice Sogota furcifera's population. Hubei Agricultural Sciences 50(8): 1572-1574.
7655 Sun, X.L., H.D. Wang, J.L. Zhu, K.R. Cao, J.P. Zhao, and D.J. Dai. 2007 Research on detecting rice stripe virus in Laodelphax striatellus. China Plant Protection 27(7): 7-9.
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