College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12702 CHEN, Yong, Xing RONG, Qiang FU, Baoping LI, and Ling MENG. 2020 Effects of biochar amendment to soils on stylet penetration activities by aphid Sitobion avenae and planthopper Laodelphax striatellus on their host plants. Pest Management Science 76(1): 360-365.
6553 Rao, P.R.M. and P.S. Prakasa Rao. 1979 Effects of biocides on brown planthopper adults on rice. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(3): 20. pdf
8513 Telan, I.F., T.H. Xuan, F.M. Olivares, F.M. Jr. 1994 Effects of botanical treatments on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). International Rice Research Notes 19(2): 28.
10224 Yang, L., J.M. Chen, H.Q. Zhang, J.F. Zhang, and Y.P. He. 2013 Effects of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), feeding on callose deposition in rice with different tolerance. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 27(6): 624-632.
6632 Gao, M.Q., S.P. Hou, D.Q. Pu, M. Shi, G.Y. Ye, Y.F. Peng, and X.X. Chen. 2011 Effects of Bt rice on the number and hatch rate of planthopper eggs and their attack by natural enemies in paddy fields. Acta Entomologica Sinica 54(4): 467-476. pdf
14155 LIU, Kai, YaJun YANG, JunCe TIAN, YanHui LU, HongXing XU, XuSong ZHENG, and ZhongXian LV. 2016 Effects of Bt rice with cry1C and cry2-a on the ecological generation fitness of rice brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) and whitebacked planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera) at various nitrogen rates. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 30(2): 200-209. [Chinese with English summary]
11572 Horgan, F.G., Ramal, A.F., Villegas, J.M., Jamoralin, A., Bernal, C.C., Perez, M.O., Pasang, J.M., Naredo, A.I. and Almazan, M.L.P. 2017 Effects of bund crops and insecticide treatments on arthropod diversity and herbivore regulation in tropical rice fields. Journal of Applied Entomology 141(8): 587–599. doi: 510.1111/jen.12383.
7752 Bae, Y.H., J.H. Lee, and J.S. Hyun. 1992 Effects of carbofuran soil incorporation on the early occurring rice insect pests and the brown planthopper. Koran Journal of Applied Entomology 31(4): 536-542. pdf
491 Caciagli, P. and A. Casetta. 1991 Effects of carbon dioxide anaesthesia on the ability of the planthopper Laodelphax striatellus to vector maize rough dwarf virus. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 26(1-2): 171-174.
7475 Xu, X.L., Z.Y. Gu, D.J. Xu, and C.H. Li. 2008 Effects of chlorbyrifos on controlling Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and rice planthopper in paddy field. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 2008(4): 120-121.
14138 WANG, RuLin, YanLi WANG, Gan JIANG, ZhanHong SHEN, and Shan LIN. 2016 Effects of climate change on distribution of Laodelphax striatellus and risk analysis. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences 45(6): 82-88. [Chinese with English summary]
7458 Koyama, K. and J. Mitsuhashi. 1990 Effects of continuous rearing predation, parasitization and survial rate on the Dryinind wasp, Haplogonatopus atratus Esaki et Hashimoto. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology 34: 71-71. pdf
957 Denno, R.F., L.W. Douglass, and D. Jacobs. 1986 Effects of crowding and host plant nutrition on a wing-dimorphic planthopper. Ecology 67(1): 116-123. pdf
12872 Soni, V.K., and S.N. Tiwari. 2016. 2016 Effects of cultivation methods and cultivars on the incidence of major insect pest of rice. International Journal of Plant Protection 9(1): 21-25.
7224 Liu, G.J., A.H. Chen, and J.H. Shen. 2003 Effects of damage by Sogatella furcifera on rice yield and economic thresholds. Entomological Knowledge 40(1): 1-5. pdf
3276 Mori, K. and F. Nakasuji. 1991 Effects of day length and density on development and wing form of the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 26(4): 557-561. pdf
7073 Long, Y., M.L. Hou, X. Yang, and B.K. Shi. 2010 Effects of delayed mating on reproduction in brachypterous females of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 36(6): 36–39. pdf
9857 Verma, J.S. 1956 Effects of demeton and schradan on Peregrinus maidis (Ashm.) and its egg-predator, Cyrtorhinus mundulus (Breddin). Journal of Economic Entomology 49: 58-63.
7066 Fu, Q., Z. Zhang, Z. Hu, Z.W. Zhu, and F.X. Lai. 2001 Effects of dietary amino acids on free amino acid pools in the body and honeydew of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 15(4): 298-302. pdf
7423 Sheng, X.Q., F.C. Zhang, L. Lui, S.G. Dai, and H.C. Jia. 2010 Effects of different Chlorpyrifos formulations on controlling rice brown planthopper. China Rice 2010(2): 69-70.
7530 Lu, Z.P., C.J. Yang, Y.J. Yao, and H.X. Hua. 2009 Effects of different environmental conditions on the wing dimorphism of the brown planthopper. Hubei Agricultural Sciences 48(8): 1866-1868.
6955 Wang, J.P., H.F. Guo, and J.C. Fang. 2009 Effects of different insecticides and their mixtures on Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 12(6): 163-165.
7450 Chen, C.F., Y.L. Qin, L.L. Shen and Y. Hu. 2010 Effects of different insecticides on controling nymph of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen). Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences 2010(2): 366-367
6963 Zheng, X.S., Y.P. Yu, Z.X. Lu, J.M. Chen, and H.X. Xu. 2003 Effects of different nutitional resourses on the longevity and parasitic ability of egg parasitoid Anagrus nilparvatae. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 14(10): 1751-1755. pdf
14322 KANG, Kui, Youjun CAI, Lei YUE, and Wenqing ZHANG. 2022 Effects of different nutritional conditions on the growth and reproduction of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Frontiers in Physiology 12: 794721; 1-9.
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