College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3775 Reinert, J. A. 1980 Phenology and density of Haplaxius crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae) on three southern turfgrasses. Environmental Entomology 9: 13-15. pdf
3772 Reimer, N.J. and R.D. Goeden. 1981 Descriptions of immature stages of Stobaera tricarniata (Say) (Hemiptera-Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 57:4 29-433.
3773 Reimer, N.J. and R.D. Goeden. 1981 Life history of the delphacid planthopper Stobaera tricarniata (Say) on western ragweed, Ambrosia psilostachya DeCandolle, in southern California (Hemiptera-Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 58(2): 105-108.
3771 Reimer, H. 1992 Beiträge zur Zoogeographie und Ökologie von Zikaden. Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) in Mittelgebirgen am Beispiel der Rhön. Thesis, University of Marburg. Thesis
12553 Reid, M.K., J.A. Coetzee, M.P. Hill, R. Diaz, L.A. Gettys, J.P. Cuda, and C.S. Reid. 2020 Insect herbivores associated with Nymphaea mexicana (Nymphaeaceae) in southern United States: potential biological control agents for South Africa. Florida Entomologist 103(1): 54-63. [Megamelus toddi]
14380 REHMAN, Sheikh Aafreen, Ishtiyaq AHAD, Danishta AZIZ, Ritesh KUMAR, and Nahida ANJUM. 2021 Diversity and abundance of hoppers on different field crops in North Kashmir. Indian Journal of Entomology e21058: 1-4. [Laodelphax striatellus]
11116 Reger, J.F. 1971 Fine structure of the surface coat of midgut epithelial cells in the homopteran, Phylloscelis atra (Fulgorid). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology 3: 353-358.
3769 Reeve, J.D., J.T. Cronin, and D.R. Strong. 1994 Parasitoid aggregation and the stabilization of a salt marsh-host-parasitoid system. Ecology 75(2): 288-295.
3770 Reeve, J.D., J.T. Cronin, and D.R. Strong. 1994 Parasitism and generation cycles in a salt-marsh planthopper. Journal of Animal Ecology 63(4): 912-920.
5429 Reeve, J.D. and J.T.Cronin. 2010 Edge behaviour in a minute parasitic wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 483-490. pdf
11851 Reeve, J. D., J. T. Cronin, and K. J. Haynes. 2008 Diffusion models for animals in complex landscapes: incorporating heterogeneity among substrates, individuals and edge behaviours. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 898–904. pdf
8266 Redinbaugh, M.G., D.L. Seifers, T. Meulia, J.J. Abt, R.J. Anderson, W.E. Styer, J. Ackerman, R. Salomon, W. Houghton, R. Creamer, D.T. Gordon, and S.A. Hogenhout. 2002 Maize fine streak virus, a new leafhopper-transmitted rhabdovirus. Phytopathology 92: 1167-1174. pdf
12350 Redinbaugh, M.G., A.E. Whitfield and E.-D. Ammar. 2012 Chapter 10. Insect Vector Interaction and Transmission of Cereal-infecting Rhabdoviruses. Pp. 147-163. In: R. G. Dietzgen and I. V. Kuzmin. Rhabdoviruses: Molecular Taxonomy, Evolution, Genomics, Ecology, Host-Vector Interactions, Cytopathology and Control. Caister Academic Press, Poole, United Kingdom. viii + 276.
11754 Redinbaugh, M. G. and S. A. Hogenhout. 2005 Plant Rhabdoviruses. Pp. 143–163. In: Z. F. Fu (ed.). The World of Rhabdoviruses. Volume 292, Current topics in Microbiology and Immunology. Springer, New York. [viii]+208 pp.
12490 Reddy, K.L., I.C. Pasalu, and D.D.R. Reddy. 2005 Studies on antibiosis mechanism of resistance in rice against brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Indian Journal of Entomology 67(2): 140-143.
8371 Reddy, K.D., D.S. Misra, and T.V.K. Singh. 1993 Spatial distribution of rice leaf and plant hoppers. Indian Journal of Entomology 55(2): 1-10.
8370 Reddy, G.V.P.and R.C.D. Urs. 1988 Effect of plant extracts on brown planthopper (BPH) oviposition. International Rice Research Newsletter 13(4): 42. pdf
3768 Reddy, D.N.R., Y.K. Kotikal and M. Vijayandra. 1989 On the hoppers (Homoptera) attacking mulberry, Morus alba L. Indian Journal of Sericulture 28(1): 107-108.
12862 Reddy, B.N., V J. Lakshmi, T.U. Maheswari, A. Ramulamma, and G.R. Katti. 2016 Non preference/Antixenosis mechanism to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens stall) in selected rice entries. Journal of Research PJTSAU 44(1/2): 1-10.
9758 Reddy, A.V., R.S. Devi, and D.V.V. Reddy. 2012 Evaluation of botanical and other extracts against plant hoppers in rice. Journal of Biopesticides 5(1): 57-61. pdf
3767 Redak, R.A., A.H. Purcell, J.R.S Lopes, M.J. Blua, R.F. Mizell, and P. Andersen. 2004 The biology of xylem fluid-feeding insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and their relation to disease epidemiology. Annual Review of Entomology 49: 243-270.
3766 Reclaire, A. 1944 Naamlijst der in Nederland en het aangrenzende gebied waargenomen Cicaden (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Entomologische Berichten (Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging) 11: 221–256.[or -252]
14780 RAZAK, Ahmad Irfan Abdul, Siti Nurlydia SAZALI, Ratnawati HAZALI, Farah Nabillah Abu Hasan Aidil FITRI, and Isaac Stia MARCELLINUS. 2023 Morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in Penthicodes farinosus (Weber, 1801) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) from Sarawak Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology 13(1): 165-172.
13503 Razak, A.I.A., S.N. Sazali, R. Hazali, F. Abang, and F.N.A.H.A. Fitri. 2020 First record of Samsama chersonesia chersonesia Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) from BORNEO. Serangga 25(2): 142-147. pdf
13502 Razak, A.I.A., S.N. Sazali, R. Hazali, and F.N.A.H.A. Fitri. 2020 Plant association of lanternflies (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) from Malaysian Borneo. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology 10(2): 172-178. pdf
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