College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10510 Howard, F.W., D. Moore, R.M. Giblin-Davis, and R.G. Abad. 2001 Insects on Palms. CABI Publishing, New York, New York. xiv+400 pp.
2240 Howard, F.W., D.S. Williams and R.C. Norris. 1984 Insect transmission of lethal yellowing to young palms. International Journal of Entomology (Honolulu) 26(4): 331–338.
2238 Howard, F.W., J.P. Kramer, and M. Teliz-Ortiz. 1984 Myndus crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae) in Cancun, Mexico. Florida Entomologist 67: 577-579. pdf
2239 Howard, F.W., R.C. Norris and D.L. Thomas. 1983 Evidence of transmission of palm lethal yellowing agent by a planthopper, Myndus crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Tropical Agriculture 60(3): 168–171.
2241 Howard, F.W., T.J. Weissling and L.B. O'Brien. 2001 The larval habitat of Cedusa inflata (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Derbidae) and its relationship with adult distribution on palms. Florida Entomologist 84(1): 119-122. pdf
2242 Howarth, F. G. 1972 Cavernicoles in lava tubes on the island of Hawaii. Science 175: 325-326.
2243 Howarth, F. G. 1973 The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian lava tubes, 1. Introduction. Pacific Insects 15: 139-151. pdf
2244 Howarth, F. G. 1980 The zoogeography of specialized cave animals: a bioclimatic model. Evolution 34: 394-406.
2245 Howarth, F. G. 1981 Cummunity structure and niche differentiation in Hawaiian Lava Tubes. In: D. Mueller-Dombois, K.W. Bridges, and H.L. Carson, (eds.). Island Ecosystems: Biological Organization in selected Hawaiian Communities. US/IBP Synthesis 15, Stroudsburg, PA. Pp. 318-336.
2246 Howarth, F. G. 1981 Lava tube ecosystems as a study site. In: D. Mueller-Dombois, K.W. Bridges, and H.L. Carson, (eds.). Island Ecosystems: Biological Organization in selected Hawaiian Communities. US/IBP Synthesis 15, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Pp. 222-230.
2247 Howarth, F. G. 1981 Non-relictual terrestrial troglobites in the tropical Hawaiian caves. In: B.F. Beck, (ed.). Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology, Vol. 1-2. Bowling Green, Kentucy. Pp. 539-541.
2248 Howarth, F. G. 1983 Ecology of cave arthropods. Annual Review of Entomology 28: 365-389.
2250 Howarth, F. G. 1990 Hawaiian Terrestrial Arthropods: An Overview. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 30: 4-26. pdf
2251 Howarth, F. G. and W. P. Mull. 1992 Hawaiian Insects and Their Kin. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. -
2253 Howarth, F. G., H. Hoch and M. Asche. 1990 Duets in darkness: Species-specific substrate-borne vibrations produced by cave-adapted cixiid planthoppers in Hawaii (USA) (Homoptera Fulgoroidea). Memoires de Biospeologie 17: 77-80.
2252 Howarth, F. G., H. Hoch, and M. Asche. 1988 Speciation in Oliarus (Fulgoroidea Cixiidae) from Hawaiian lavatubes. In: C. Vidano and A. Arzone, (eds.). 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987. Proceedings. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy. 255-257
2249 Howarth, F.G. 1987 The evolution of non-relictual tropical troglobites. International Journal of Speleology 16: 1-16. pdf
7832 Howarth, F.G. 1988 Speciation in Oliarus (Fulgoroidea Cixiidae) from Hawaiian lavatubes. In: Proceedings of the 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987. Pp. 255-257. pdf
10772 Howarth, F.G. and H. Hoch. 2004 Adaptive shifts. In: D.C. Culver and W. White. (eds). Encyclopedia of Caves. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam. Pp. 17-24
2254 Howe, H.F. and L.C. Westley. 1988 Ecological relationships of plants and animals. Oxford University Press, New York. -
9057 Hrnčić, S. 2003. Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) nova stetocina u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. In: B. Stojnic, (ed.). Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 6th savetovanje o zastiti bilja, Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro), 24–28 Nov 2002. P. 97.
9542 Hrncic, S., T. Perovic, and S. Radonjic. 2007 Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) - invazivna vrsta, rasprostranjenost I biljke domacini u Cmoj Gori. Agroznanje 8(4): 23-29.
11712 Hsieh, C. Y. 1974 Transmission of rice stripe virus by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 15(4): 153-162.
6769 Hsieh, C.Y. 1973 Transmission of rice stripe virus by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 15: 153-162.
6770 Hsieh, S.P.Y., and R.J. Chiu. 1969 Rice stripe, a new virus disease in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 11: 75.(Abstract).[Chinese]
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