College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
5751 Nagai, S. and T. Porion. 1996 Fulgoridae 2. Catalogue Illustré des Faunes Asiatique et Australienne [Fulgoridae 2: Illustrated Catalogue of the Asiatic and Australian Fauna]. Fédération Francaise des Sociétés de Sciences, Venette. 80 pp.
5847 Cheng, D.J. and R.F. Hou. 1996 Ultrastructure of the yeast-like endocytobiont in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 11: 107-117.
5849 Cheng, J.A. 1996 An ecological approach to brown planthopper management. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan Pp. 31-43.
5884 Liu, X.J. and Z.Y. Gu. 1996 Monitoring and selection of insecticide resistance of the brown planthopper to methamidophos and buprofezin. Plant Protection 22(2): 3-6.[Chinese]
5891 Lou, Y.G. and J.A. Cheng. 1996 Influence of rice varieties on development, survival and fecundity of Anagrus nilaparvatae Pang et Wang. Acta Entomologica Sinica 39(1): 28-36. pdf
5943 Stevenson, P.C., F.M. Kimmins, R.J. Grayer, and S. Raveendranath. 1996 Schaftosides from rice phloem as feeding inhibitors and resistance factors to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 246-249.
5954 Laba, I.W. And K.L.Heong. 1996 Predation of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis on eggs of planthoppers in rice. Indonesian Journal of Crop Science 11(2): 40.50.
6150 Wang, Y.C., G.Q. Li, X Z. Tian, X.H. Dong, Y.S. Ding, B. Zhu, J.K. Su and Y.C. Deng. 1996 Comparison of insecticide resistance and field efficacy in Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 19(Supplement): 16-21.
6176 Wu, X.J. 1996 Toxicity and toxicology of insecticides to rice brown hoppers at different life biological development stages. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 1996(1): 34-36.
6177 Lou, Y.G. and J.A. Cheng. 1996 The effects of morphological characters of rice varieties on the functional responses of Anagrus nilaparvatae Pang et Wang to the eggs of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 7(1): 61-66. pdf
6260 Seino, Y. and Y. Suzuki. 1996 Ovicidal activity of benzyl benzoate on different egg stages of Sogatella furcifera Horvath. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 42: 67-68.[Japanese] pdf
6284 Liu, G.J., R.M. Wilkins, and R.C. Saxena. 1996 Changes of glucosidase activity and insect body weight of the whitebacked planthopper after fed on resistant rice plants. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter 4(2): 8. pdf
6285 Zhu, M., G.W. Hu, J. Tang, J.F. Ma, and Q. Tang. 1996 The ENSO event and rice planthopper occurrence in China. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter 4(1): 9-10. pdf
6332 Mei, M., C. Zhuang, R. Wang, J. Wu, W. Hu and G. Kochert. 1996 Genetic analysis and tagging of gene for brown planthopper resistance in indica rice. In: Rice Genetics III. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. Pp. 590–595.
6341 Teramoto, T., T. Nakasuga and K. Yokomizo. 1996 Seasonal prevalence of occurence of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and predacious mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipenni, in Nagasaki, Japan. Kumamoto, Japan. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems. Kyushu National Agriculture Experimental Station, Pp. 55-62.
6494 Lam, P.V. 1996 Contributions to the study on fauna of hymenopterous parasitoids in Vietnam. In: Selected Scientific Reports on Biological Control of Pests and Weeds (1990–1995), Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam.[Vietnamese with English abstract] Pp. 95-103.
6762 Chen, C.C. and R.J. Chiu. 1996 A tospovirus infecting peanut in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 431: 57-67.
6937 Chen, Y.Y. and M.T. Wang. 1996 Relationship between temperature and multiplication of Nilaparvata lugens. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 1996(4): 29-31.
7379 Xu, X.L., L.J. Han, Z.Y. Gu, Q. Wang, and X.Z. Huang. 1996 Effectiveness of "Pu-Shi-Ling" plus WPA-9025 in control of rice planthopper. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 1996(4): 32-33.
7672 Nugaliyadde, L. 1996 Present status of rice brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the International workshop on sustainable insect pest management in tropical rice. CRIFC, Bogor Indonesis. P. 12.
7742 Alwi, A. and P. Bangun. 1996 The side effect of metsulfuron methyl on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. of rice. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian 15(3): 181-185.
7763 Bao, H.L., Z.C. Chen, H.Y. Chen, Y.Q. Zhu, and Z.R. Lai. 1996 Landing patterns and indexes for the occurrence prediction of the peak generation of brown planthopper in Guangdong, China. Plant Protection 22(3): 3-6. pdf
7781 Chen, H.Y. 1996 Study on and application of rice planthopper control methods. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 1996(4): 6-8.
7786 Chen, Z.Y. 1996 The population dynamics and integrated control of brown and winte-backed rice planthoppers in Putian, Fujian Province. Entomological Journal of East China 5(2): 28-32.
7787 Chen, Z.C. 1996 Dispersion regularity of rice planthopper lading places in Guangdong. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 1996(4): 2-5.
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