College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9729 Pénzes, B., Z. Dér, and A. Molnár. 2005 The citrus flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa Say), a new pest of ornamental plants in Hungary. In: J. Lippay, I. Ormos, and K. Vas, (eds.). Tudományos Ülésszak Tudomnyos Ulésszak, Növényvédelmi szekció. Pp. 84-85.
9867 Wahyono, T.E. 2005 Deskripsi hama utama dan musuh alami pada tanaman jambu mete di lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. [Description of major pests and natural enemies in chilli plants Cashew, West Nusa Tenggara.] Buletin Teknik Pertanian 10(1): 23-25. [Indonesian] pdf
10047 Hossain, S.T., H. Sugimoto, G.J.U. Ahmed, and M.R. Islam. 2005 Effect of integrated rice-duck farming on rice yield, farm productivity, and rice-provisioning ability of farmers. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 2(1): 79-86. pdf
10473 Emeljanov, A.F. 2005 New genera and species of the family Achilidae (Homoptera). Entomological Review 85(1): 21–52. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 84(1): 10-45 from Russian] pdf
10678 Chen X.S. 2005 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: D.C. Jin and Z.Z. Li, (eds.). Insects from Xishui Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. Pp. 151-158.
10679 Chen X.S. 2005 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: Z.Z. Li and D.C. Jin, (eds.). Insects from Fanjingshan Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. Pp. 144-148.
10681 Chen X.S. and L. Yang. 2005 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: M.F. Yang, and D.C. Jin, ( eds. ). Insects from Dashahe Nature Reserve of Guizhou. Guizhou People Publishing House, Guiyang. In: Pp. 121-127.
10789 Jin, D.C. and Z.Z. Li, (eds.). 2005 Insects from Xishui Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang -
10823 Li, Zi-Zhong and Daochao Jin. (eds.). 2005 Insects from Fanjingshan Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. 780 pages, 8 plates.
10991 Yang, M.F. and D.C. Jin, (eds.). 2005 Insects from Dashahe Nature Reserve of Guizhou. Guizhou People Publishing House, Guiyang. -
11013 Otuka, A., T. Watanabe, Y. Suzuki, M. Matsumura, A. Furuno, and M. Chino. 2005 Real-time prediction system for migration of rice planthoppers Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) and Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 40(2): 221-229.
11323 Attié, M., S. Baret, and D. Strasberg. 2005 Les insectes phytophages associés à des plantes exotiques envahissantes à l’Île de la Réunion (Mascareignes). Revue d'Écologie - la Terre et la Vie 60: 108-125. pdf
11360 Holzinger, W.E. 2005 Zikaden in Griffen? In: C. Komposch and C. Wieser, (eds.). Schlossberg Griffen - Festung der Artenvielfalt. Verlag des Naturwiss. Vereins für Kärnten, Klagenfurt. Pp. 221-222. pdf
11419 Halbert, S.E. 2005 Entomology section. Tri-Ology 44(4): 5–11. [Patara albida, Derbidae, U.S. record] pdf
11728 Ogle, L. and H. Harries. 2005 Introducing the Vector: How Coconut Lethal Yellowing Disease may have reached the Caribbean. Ethnobotany Research and Applications [S.l.] 3: 139-142. doi:
11754 Redinbaugh, M. G. and S. A. Hogenhout. 2005 Plant Rhabdoviruses. Pp. 143–163. In: Z. F. Fu (ed.). The World of Rhabdoviruses. Volume 292, Current topics in Microbiology and Immunology. Springer, New York. [viii]+208 pp.
12315 Mazzoni, V. 2005 Contribution to the knowledge of the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha) of Tuscany (Italy). Redia LXXXVIII: 85–102. pdf
12477 Chapin, E. and J.-F. Germain. 2005 Des ravageurs des palmiers en France, espéces établies, introduites ou interceptées. AFPP – 7e Confėrence Internationale Sur Les Ravageurs en Agriculture Montpellier – 26 Et 27 Octobre 2005. 9 pp. [unpaginated] pdf
12490 Reddy, K.L., I.C. Pasalu, and D.D.R. Reddy. 2005 Studies on antibiosis mechanism of resistance in rice against brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Indian Journal of Entomology 67(2): 140-143.
12758 Halbert, S.E. 2005 Entomology section [Patara albida]. Tri-Ology 44(4): 5-11 pdf
12828 Malenovský, I. and P. Lauterer. 2005 Leafhoppers, planthoppers and psyllids (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha, Psylloidea) in ruderal habitats: material attracted by light in the suburbs of Brno (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 90: 195-207. pdf
13024 Kathirithamby, J. and S.J. Taylor. 2005 A new species of Halictophagus (Insecta: Strepsiptera: Halictophagidae) from Texas, and a checklist of Strepsiptera from the United States and Canada. Zootaxa 1056: 1-18. [Pentagramma vittifrons, Liburnia sp., Prokelisia marginata, Prokelisia dolus, Sogatella kolophon]
13155 Meneses, R., L. Reyes, L. Calvert, M. Triana, M. Cuervo, and M.C. Duque. 2005 Identificación de posibles biotipos de Tagosodes orizicolus en diferentes zonas arroceras de Colombia. Manejo Integradod Plagasy Agroecología (Costa Rica) 74: 52-58. pdf
9939 Hamdi, Z. L., B. Supeno, and H. Haryanto. 2004. Identifikasi parasitoid telur hama wereng jambu mete (Sanurus indecora Jacobi) di areal perkebunan Pulau Lombok. Jurnal Penelitian Hapete 1(1): 18-26.
9942 Karmawati, E. Siswanto and E.A. Wikardi. 2004. Peranan semut (Oecophylla smaragdina dan Dolichoderus sp.) dalam pengendalian Helopeltis Spp. Dan Sanurus indecora pada jambu mete. Jurnal Littri 10(1): 1-7.
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