College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
2151 Suvaparp, R. and K.L. Heong. 1992 Relative potency of three insecticides on Cyrtorhinus lividipennis and brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens. International Rice Research Newsletter 17(6): 28-29. pdf
2157 Holt, J., G.A. Norton, T.J. Perfect, and A.G. Cook. 1985 A strategic modelling approach to brown planthopper (BPH) management. International Rice Research Newsletter 10(5): 23-25. pdf
2205 Hongke, L. 1986 Beauveria bassiana for controlling brown planthopper (BPH) and green leafhopper (GLH). International Rice Research Newsletter 11(3): 22. pdf
2384 Jayanthi, M., G. Shankar, and P. Baskaran.. 1987 A parasitic nematode in white striated planthopper (WSPH) of rice. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(5): 23. pdf
2388 Jeffrey, M. H. and V.A. Dyck. 1983 Effect of moonlight on light-trap catches of brown planthopper. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(6): 13. pdf
2397 Jeyaraj, R., T. Thangaraj, R. Thangamaniand M. Aruchami. 1990 Protein accumulation in developing oocytes of Nilaparvata lugens. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(6): 25-26. pdf
2454 Kareem, A.A., R.C. Saxena M.E.M. Boncodin and M.T. Malayba. 1989 Effect of neem seed and leaf bitters on oviposition and development of green leafhopper (GLH) and brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 26-27. pdf
2464 Kartohardjono, A. 1984 Wet season population fluctuation of whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) in west Java. International Rice Research Newsletter 9(6): 21.
2466 Katanykul, W., R. Pattarasuthi, N. Chantaraprapha, P. Nilpanit, T. Bhudhasamai, S. Rauy-aree, and C. Tayathum. 1982 Status of the brown planthopper in Thailand. International Rice Research Newsletter 7(6): 16-17.
2496 Khan, Z.R. 1984 Electronic device to record feeding behavior of whitebacked planthopper on susceptible and resistant rice varieties. International Rice Research Newsletter 9(1): 8-9.
2512 Kilin, D. and K. Sogawa. 1987 Electronically recorded waveforms associated with brown planthopper (BPH) feeding activity. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(4): 36-37. pdf
2516 Kim, H.S. and E.A. Heinrichs. 1982 Effects of silica level on whitebacked planthopper. International Rice Research Newsletter 7(4): 17. pdf
2673 Kuwabe, S., T. Fukumorita, and M. Chino. 1980 Stylectomy of plant-sucking insects using a YAG laser to collect rice phloem sap. International Rice Research Newsletter 5(5): 19-20. pdf
2768 Lee, J.O. H.G. Goh, and J.S. Park. 1984 Effect of temperature on brown planthopper (BPH) feeding. International Rice Research Newsletter 9(4): 19.
2781 Lei, H.-z., G.-Q. Liu, M.-W. Wu, and J-y. Jiang. 1987 Biotype populations of Nilaparvata lugens in Hunan, China. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(5): 22-23. pdf
2792 Li, H. 1985 Entomopathogenic microorganisms of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers in China. International Rice Research Newsletter 10(2): 13-14. pdf
2794 Li, H. 1988 Preliminary observations on Entomophthora delphacis. International Rice Research Newsletter 13(3): 41. pdf
2869 Liu, G., and R.M. Wilkins 1988 Orientation of whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) to scentless rice plants. International Rice Research Newsletter 13(4): 39-40. pdf
2870 Liu, G. and R.M. Wilkins 1989 Effect of plant age on whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) feeding. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(2): 35. pdf
2903 Loevinsohn, M.E. 1991 Brown planthopper (BPH) dispersal range under natural conditions in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 16(3): 27.
2931 Chen, C.C. and R.J. Chiu. 1981 Rice wilted stunt in Taiwan. International Rice Research Newsletter 6(1): 13. pdf
2934 Luong, M.C. 1987 Predators of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal (BPH) in ricefields of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(2): 31-32. pdf
2980 Majid, A., M.A. Makdoomi, ans I.A. Dar. 1979 Occurrence and control of the whitebacked planthopper in the Punjab of Pakistan. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(1): 17. pdf
2992 Manjunath, T.M. 1978 Two nematode parasites of rice brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(2): 11-12.
2993 Manjunath, T.M. 1979 Recent records of natural enemies of the brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(4): 20. pdf
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