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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7374 Liu, H.Y. and Q.M. Yang. 2004 Convulsion regulation and controls of white-backed planthopper in early-season rice. Journal of Shaoguan University 25(3): 81-82,116.
7410 Wu, B.Q., F.K. Huang, S.M. Wei, and S.S. Huang. 2004 Influence of light intensity and nitrogen fertilizer on resistance of rice varieties to different rice brown planthopper biotypes. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(6): 733-737.
7412 Wang, X.L., C.L. Zhu, L.L. Zhu, and G.C. He. 2004 Construction of rice cDNA library induced by brown planthopper and isolation of Dof zinc finger protein. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research 22(1): 22-26.
7447 Chen, C.J., Z.B. Cheng, R.Y. Xiong, W.Z. Zhnag, Y.J. Zhou, and Y.J. Fan. 2004 Model of Rice Black Streaked Dwarf Virus (RBSDV) transmission on maize seedlings by Laodelphax striatellus Fallén. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Agricultural Science) 22(1): 7-11.
7476 Sun, J.M., G. Wei, W.W. Wang, C.S. Xing, T.J. Xu, and C.F. Sheng. 2004 Performances of the mixtures of chlorpyrifos,buprofezin and imidacloprid for control of the complex of planthoppers and rice stem borer in field. Entomological Knowledge 41(6): 541-544. pdf
7487 Yang, W.J. and Z.F. Li. 2004 Monitor dynamic on the rice planthopper and rice leafroller in 2003--cooperative project between China and Korea on forecasting migratory pests in paddies. Guangxi Plant Protection 17(3): 32-35.
7491 Yao, Q., F.X. Lai, Q. Fu, Z.T. Zhang and D.F. Cheng. 2004 Data acquisition and analysis system of insect acoustic signal and its application in signal study of the brown planthopper. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 18(2): 171-175 pdf
7493 Yuan, H.Y., L.L. Zhu, M. Tang, and G.C. He. 2004 Isolation of rice genes down-regulated by brown planthopper infestation by suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 30(3): 305-310.
7495 Yao, Q., F.X. Lai, Q. Fu, and Z.T. Zhang. 2004 Analysis of male acoustic signal characteristics of rice brown planthopper and its biological significance. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 37(7): 993-999.
7519 Li, H.S., Y. Zhao, H.Y. Li, and C.H. Li. 2004 Study on transfer and diffusion rules of the vector (Laodelphax striatellus) population of rice stripe blight and its control technique. China Plant Protection 24(4): 12-13.
7559 Zhang, Y.P. 2004 Test of controlling rice planthopper with different doses of 25% imidacloprid WP. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 35(4): 316-317.
7591 Zhu, X.L., J.P. Zuo, G.H. Han, and Z.G. Han. 2004 Occurrence of smaller brown planthopper in wheat field and the damage of leaf spot to wheat. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science 32(2): 261-263.
7592 Zhou, Y.J., H.J. Liu, G.Z. Wang, X. Huang, Z.B. Cheng, Z.X. Chen, and X.P. Zhou. 2004 Immunological detection of rice trip virus carried by Laodephax striatellus Fallen. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 2004(1): 50-51.
7604 Huang, F.K., S.M. Wei, G.W. Liang, S.S. Huang, S.Y. Luo, and Q. Li. 2004 Studies on core collection of rice germplasms which resistant to different rice brown planthopper biotypes and rice gall midge China type. Genomics and Applied Biology 23(2): 89-93.
7607 Huang, F.K., S.M. Wei, G.W. Liang, S.S. Huang, S.Y. Luo, and Q. Li. 2004 General evaluation of core collection of rice germplasms which resistant to different rice brown planthopper biotypes and rice gall midge. Journl of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science 23(3): 177-181.
7608 Huang, F.K., S.M. Wei, S.S. Huang, S.Y. Luo, and Q. Li. 2004 Studies on the virulence characteristics of the rice brown planthopper collected from Simao and Kaiyuan,Yunnan Province. Genomics and Applied Biology 23(4): 278-281.
7620 Hou, Z.Z., Z.G. Huo, R.F. Wu, C.L. Ye, S.Y. Wang, C.Y. Xue, and Z.G. Lu. 2004 Impact of air temperature to the brown planthopper population in late rice crop season in Fuqing Region. Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology 25(3): 28-32.
7822 Borodin, O.I. 2004 Fauna of Auchenorrhyncha of Belarus, preliminnary results. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 6-7. pdf
7823 Bückle, C. and A. Guglielmino. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha communities in Benninger Ried (S. Germany), a spring area with a remarkable relictary vegeation. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 8-10. pdf
7824 Chelpakova, J.M. 2004 Auchenorrhynch of Kyrgystan. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp.11-12. pdf
7825 d'Urso, V., C. Chersi, P.J. Mazzoglio, and A. Alma. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha of pasturelands of subalpine belt of the Forest of Tarvisio (northeastern Italy). Final Results. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 23-25. pdf
7826 Guglielmino, A., C. Bückle, and R. Remane. 2004 The Auchenorrhyncha of central Italy: a faunistic survey completed by new records from recent field work. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 41-42. pdf
7827 Kirillova, V.I. 2004 Fauna, ecology and zoogeography of the Auchenorrhyncha of the Chuvash Republic. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 43-44. pdf
7828 Shcherbakov, D.E. 2004 On Permian and Mesozoic Fulgoroidea. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 68-70. pdf
7830 Sivtsev, V.V. 2004 On the similarity between leafhopper faunas of Yakutia and the northern part of North America (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. P. 74. pdf
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