Planthopper Bibliography Database
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338 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8454 | Suherman, O., Surtikanti, and D. Baco. 1990 The improvement of hybrid rice for resistance to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Buletin Penelitian Pertanian Maros 5(3): 113-119. |
8455 | Sun, J.Y. 1987 Studies of the relationship between weather system and the migration peaks of brown planthopper, white backed planthopper and rice leaf folder in Nanling rice growing areas. Guangxi Agricultural Science 1987(6): 16-21. |
8456 | Sun, J.M., H.T. Wang and G. Wei. 2009 The population dynamics, causes of outbreaks and control strategy of the rice planthoppers. Plant Protection 35(4):127-130. |
8457 | Sun, X.W., Y.B. Shan Yubin, and J. Shan. 1990 Relation between settlement distribution of different forms of insecticides in rice field and efficiency on controlling rice planthopper. Journal of Guizhou Agricultural Sciences 1990(2): 19-22. |
8458 | Sun, C.N., and W.L. Chen. 1993 Carboxylesterases of susceptible and resistant brown planthopper. Resistant Pest Management 5(2): 9-10. |
8459 | Somboon, S. and S. Pimsamarn. 1999 Biological studies of Tytthus chinensis Stal (Hemiptera: Miridae) : Egg predator of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Warasan Wichai Mo-Kho [KKU Research Journal] 4(2): 13-20. |
8460 | Pimsamarn, S. and S. Somboon. 2002 Functional response of mirid egg predators, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and Tytthus chinensis Stal (Hemiptera: Miridae), to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Homoptera: Delphacidae). Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 35(1): 17-23. |
8461 | Palawisut, S., W. Pongprasert, S. Korintrsak, and T. Srivongchai. 2005 Screening SSR markers for brown planthopper resistant genes, Bph3, on rice (Oryza indica L.) introgression lines and Chai Nat 1. Warasan Kaset [Journal of Agriculture] 21(3) p.269-276. |
8462 | Nettasana, S. 1996 Improvement of rice: RD7 variety for brown planthopper resistance through immature embryo culture and colchicine treatment. Mater’s thesis. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. thesis |
8463 | Sutrisno. 1991 Activities of aliesterase and acetylcholinesterase insensitivity in some brown planthopper colonies. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor- Edisi Khusus 2: 78-81. |
8464 | Sutrisno, and D. Kilin. 1991 Observation of brown planthopper resistance to insecticides. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor- Edisi Khusus 2: 82-85. |
8465 | Rouy-aree, S. 1989 Relationship of recommended rice varieties to rice leafhopper and planthopper populations. Warasan Wicha Kan Kaset [Thai Agricultural Research Journal] 7(1-3): 48-58. |
8466 | Rouy-aree, S. 1989 Surveying of Nephotettix spp., Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera by D-VAC and direct count. Warasan Kita lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 11(4): 187-194. |
8467 | Rouy-aree, S. 1995 Relation between Nilaparvata lugens and natural enemies in rice, Suphan Buri 60 and Suphan Buri 90. Warasan Witthayasat Kaset [ASST Newsletter] 28(4-6): 93-101. |
8468 | Rouy-aree, S. 1996 Species diversity of leafhoppers and planthoppers on recommended rice varieties. Warasan Kita lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 18(1): 3-15. |
8469 | Rouy-aree, S. and R. Phattharasutti. 1994 Sampling of Nephotettix spp., Nilaparvata lugen and natural enemies in paddy field by insect attract equipment on D-vac and Blower-vac. Warasan Witthayasat Kaset [ASST Newsletter] 27(5-6): 202-217. |
8470 | Rouy-aree, S. and S. Suksomwat. 1985 Increasing population of white brown plant-hoppers and brown planthoppers at the days. Khao Keta lae Satta Witthaya [Ent-Zoo News] 7(4): 203-209.[Thai] |
8471 | Rouy-aree, S., R. Surakarn, and T. Sa-nguansaj. 2000 Population ecology and cultural control of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in organic rice fields. Warasan Kita Lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 22(2): 76-93. |
8472 | Lawanprasert, A., S. Ruay-aree, and S. Tayapat. 2003 Adaptation of brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugen (Stal) for infestation on continuous cultivated rice varieties in the central region. In: Annual Rice Insects Research Report Year 2001-2003, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp. 195-216. pdf |
8473 | Suzuki, Y., N. Widiarta, N. Raga, S. Nasu, and H. Hibino. 1988 Virulent strain of rice grassy stunt virus (GSV) identified in Indonesia. International Rice Research Newsletter 13(1): 24-25. pdf |
8474 | Bartlett, C.R. and M.D. Webb. 2014 The planthopper genus Spartidelphax, a new segregate of Nearctic Delphacodes (Hemiptera, Delphacidae). Zookeys 453: 19-36. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.453.8369. pdf |
8475 | Syobu, S. and J. Yamaguchi. 1992 Evaluation of economic loss caused by the brown planthopper in late rice variety, "Reihou". Kyushu Agricultural Research 54: 103. |
8476 | Syobu, S., J. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuzaki, and S. Tanaka 1992 Yield losses caused by the brown planthopper under differential fertilization. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 38: 55-56. |
8477 | Syobu, S., J. Yamaguchi, and M. Matsuzaki. 1993 Effect of chemical spray treatments on population density of the brown planthopper and their predators in the paddy field. Kyushu Agricultural Research 55: 96. |
8478 | Syobu, S., H. Mikuriya, J. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuzaki, and M. Matsumura. 2002 Fluctuations and factors affecting the wing-form ratio of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal in rice fields. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 46(3): 135-143. pdf |