Planthopper Bibliography Database
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373 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9342 | Song, Y.H., J.S. Park, J.O. Lee, and S.Y. Choi. 1974 Studies on the resistance of rice to the leaf- and planthoppers. Research Reports - Rural Development Administration 1974: 11-20. [Korean, English summary]. |
9343 | Stapley, J.H. 1975 The problem of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) on rice in the Solomon Islands. Rice Entomology Newsletter 2: 37. |
9344 | Stapley, J.H. 1975 The brown planthopper and Cyrtorhinus spp. predators in the Solomon Islands. Rice Entomology Newsletter 4: 15-16. |
9345 | Suenaga, H. and K. Nomura. 1970 Host: Oryza sativa (rice), Organisms: Nilaparvata lugens (brown planthopper). In: L. Chiarappa, (ed.). Crop Loss Assessment Method. FAO Manual on evaluation and prevention of losses by pests disease and weeds. 1971, FAO and Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau. P. 52. |
9346 | Rombach, M.C. 1987 Insect fungi for the control of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and Malayan rice bug Scotinophara coarctata. Landbouwuniversiteit te Wageningen, Netherlands. Doctoral Thesis. |
9347 | Suenaga, H. and and O. Mochida. 1966 Nilaparvata lugens (Stål.) (Hom., Delphacidae) and its allied species in Japan. Delphax 9: 1. [Japanese] |
9348 | Suenaga, H. and and O. Mochida. 1969 Transportation of the nematode, Agamermis unka Kaburaki et Inamure, a natural enemy of delphacids on rice plants, from Japan to Guadacanal by air. Pulex 46: 186. [Japanese] |
9349 | Sugimoto, T. and S. Yamazaki. 1970 Studies on the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Relationship between the adults in separate ages and their susceptibility to insecticide. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Hokuriku 18: 57-58. [Japanese] |
9350 | Takai A. 1971 Control of the brown planthopper with several insecticides. Kontjetsu-no-Noyku 15: 22-24. |
9351 | Takezawa, H. 1961 Studies on the overwintering of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. I. Overwintering of the brown planthopper egg under the natural temperature condition. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 5: 40-45. [Japanese, English summary] pdf |
9352 | Tao, C.H. 1965 Studies on biology of brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens Stål) and its chemical control measures. Annual Report - Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute 86. [Chinese] |
9353 | Tao, C.H. and J.M. Yu. 1967 The influence upon rice quality in applying certain insecticides against the brown planthopper. Food and Agricultural Economics Review 11: 1-5. |
9354 | Tyoyda, K. 1968 Studies on the effect of insecticide applied to the irrigation water on eggs of some rice insect pests. I. Effect of some kinds of insecticides on eggs of homopterous species. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 14: 21-25. [Japanese] |
9355 | Tyoyda, K. 1970 Control of the brown planthopper in autumn by application of granular insecticide on the soil surface. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 16: 17-24. [Japanese] |
9356 | Tyoyda, K., and S. Yoshimura. 1967 A study on the natural enemies of insect pests in paddy field. III. Fluctuation of population of spiders and homopterous insect pests after dusting with different kinds of insecticides. Research Report of Fukuoka Agricultural Experiment Station 5: 58-73. |
9357 | Uebayashi, Y. and N. Osaki. 1968 Response of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stål, to several organic insecticides. Proceedings of the Kansai Plant Protection Society 10: 45-50. [Japanese, English summary]. |
9358 | Varca, A. S. and R. Feuer. 1976 The brown planthopper and its biotypes in the Philippines. Plant Protection Newsletter 5(1): 35,38-41. |
9359 | Velusamy, R.I., P. Janaki, and A. Subramanian. 1975 Occurrence of brown planthopper in Coimbatore district, India. Rice Entomology Newsletter 3: 3. |
9360 | Wan, M.T.K. 1972 Observations on rice leaf and planthoppers in Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo). Malaysian Agricultural Journal 48(4): 308-335. |
9361 | Yasumatsu, K., T. Wongsiri, S. Navavichit, and C. Tirawat. 1975 Approaches toward an integrated control of rice pests. Part I. Survey of natural enemies of important rice pests in Thailand. Plant Protect Service Technical Bulletin No. 24. Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand and UNDP 9 /FAO THA 68/526. 24 |
9362 | Yen, D.F. and C.N. Chen. 1977 The present status of the rice brown planthopper problem in Taiwan. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp. 162-169. |
9364 | Cheng, C.H. 1985 Studies on methods for evalution of field-resistance in rice varieties to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Chinese Journal of Entomology 5: 11-18. pdf |
9365 | Gillerfors, G. 2008 Fijärde bidraget till stritarnas förekomst i Sverige: Sex nya arter för landet, nya landskapsfynd samt fynd av mera ovanliga arter. [Fourth contribution to the fauna of the Auchenorrhyncha in Sweden. Six new Species to the country, new provincial finds and finds of more rare species.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 129(1): 69-74. pdf |
9366 | Gillerfors, G. and C. Fägerström. 2008 Stritar i Sverige, en bortglömd grupp. [Leafhoppers in Sweden, an overlooked group.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 129: 146-147. pdf |
9367 | Gillerfors, G. 2009 Femte bidraget till stritarnas förekomst i Sverige: Nio nya arter för landet och nya landskapsfynd. [Fifth contribution to the presence of the Auchenorryncha in Sweden. Nine new species to the country and new provincial finds.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 130: 99–107. pdf |