Planthopper Bibliography Database
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383 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3384 | Nault, L.R. and E.D. Ammar. 1989 Leafhopper and planthopper transmission of plant viruses. Annual Review of Entomology 34: 503-529. |
3385 | Nault, L.R. and J. G. Rodriguez, (Eds.). 1985 The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. John Wiley and Sons, New York. - |
5645 | Navrozidis, E., Z. Zartaloudis, and A. Vartholomaiou. 2009 The appearance of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) on kiwi culture and control efforts at Pierias perfecture. Italus Hortus 16(5): 240. |
3170 | Navrozidis, E.I., Z.D. Zartaloudis, and A.N. Vartholomaiou. 2007 Biology and control of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) on kiwi and vine culture in central Macedonia. In: Πρακτικά 12ου Πανελλήνιου Εντομολογικού Συνεδρίου Λάρνακα, Κύπρος, 13-16 Νοεμβρίου 2007. Pp. 78-70. pdf |
13461 | NAWAWI, Ahmad Ibnu Fattah An, SUPUTA, and Susilo HADI. 2020 Acoustic interruption on the imago of brown planthopper and the number of offspring produced. In: The 6th International Conference on Biological Science Proceedings 2260: 90002; 1-5. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
13801 | Nayak, A., M.J. Baig, P.K. Mohapatra, and K.S. Behera. 2019 Effect of insect feeding on biochemical changes in rice plant. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7(6): 138-142. [Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera] pdf |
12504 | Nazir, T., F. Azher, H. Hua and Y.P. He. 2019 Pharmacological properties of serotonin system involved in feeding behavior of Nilaparvata lugens STAL (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 56(1): 149-161. pdf |
12147 | Nazri, A., N. Mazlan and F. Muharam. 2018 PENYEK: Automated brown planthopper detection from imperfect sticky pad images using deep convolutional neural network. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208501; 1-13. (ePub Article # e0208501, 13 pp.) pdf |
13054 | Negro, C., E.Sabella, F. Nicolì, R. Pierro, A. Materazzi, A. Panattoni, A. Aprile, l. Nutricati, M. Vergine, A. Miceli, L. De Bellis, and Andrea Luvisi. 2020 Biochemical changes in leaves of Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese infected by Bois Noir Phytoplasma. Pathogens 9(4): 269; 1-17. pdf |
8804 | Nel, A., J . Prokop, P Nel, P. Grandcolas, D.Y. Huang, P. Roques, E. Guilbert, O. Dostál, and J. Szwedo. 2012 Traits and Evolution of Wing Venation Pattern in Paraneopteran Insects. Journal of Morphology 273: 480–506. |
14350 | Nelly, N., H. Hamid, and E. C. Lina. 2022 Stenocranus pacificus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) are important pests on maize mix-cropped with oil palm in West Sumatra. The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Plantation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 974: 012004; 1-8. |
11735 | Nelly, N., M. Syahrawati and H. Hamid. 2017 Abundance of corn planthopper (Stenocranus pacificus) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) and the potential natural enemies in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18(2): 696-700. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d180236. pdf |
7664 | Nemat Elahi, M.R.,S. Jalali S.,and M.H. Sabzi. 2007 Study on maize rough dwarf and iranian maize mosaic viruses in Isfahan II: relationship between viruses and planthopper Vectors. Seed and Plant 23(3): 431-443.[Arabic] pdf |
3388 | Nemec, K.T. and T.B. Bragg. 2008 Plant-feeding Hemiptera and Orthoptera communities in native and restored mesic tallgrass prairies. Restoration Ecology 16(2): 324-335. |
3389 | Nemilostiva, N.I. and E.E. Sokolova. 1977 Laodelphax striatellus Fall. (Delphacidae) - a vector of zakuklivanie of cereals in Amur region, USSR. Trudy Dal'nevostochnogo Nauch. Tsentral'biol. Pochv. Inst 44: 126-128. |
8278 | Nemoto, H. 1998 Resistance to rice stripe virus of the germplasm lines with brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) resistance genes. Kinki Chugoku Agricultural Research 96: 3-7. |
6074 | Nemoto, H. and M. Yokoo. 1994 Experimental selection of a brown planthopper population on mixtures of resistant rice lines. Breeding Science 44: 133-136. pdf |
13415 | Nemoto, H., C. Kaneda, and R. Ikeda. 1986 Identification of a resistant gene to brown planthoppers in Japan. Rice Genetics Newsletter 3: 87-88. |
8277 | Nemoto, H., K. Ishikawa, and E. Shimura. 1994 The resistances to rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper in rice (Oryza sativa) variety, IR 50. Japanese Journal of Breeding 44(1): 13-18. |
1996 | Nemoto, H., M. Yokoo, C. Kaneda, E. Shimura, R. Ikeda, and A. Kobayashi. 1989 Breeding of Rice Norin-PL 10, a new germplasm with brown planthopper resistance gene ‘bph 3’. Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center 15: 47-57.[Japanese] |
6350 | Nemoto, H., M. Yokoo, C. Kaneda, E. Shimura, R. Ikeda, and A. Kobayashi. 1988 Breeding of Rice Norin-PL 7, a new germplasm with brown planthopper resistance gene ‘bph 4’. Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center 9: 93-105. |
6336 | Nemoto, H., R. Ikeda, and C. Kaneda. 1989 New genes for resistance to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal., in rice. Japanese Journal of Breeding 39: 23-28. pdf |
12320 | Nesbitt, H. J. 1997 Rice Production in Cambodia. Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project. International Rice Research Institute, Manila (Philippines). v+112 pp. pdf |
13244 | Nesheim K.C., L. Masner, and N.F. Johnson. 2017 The Phanuromyia galeata species group (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Telenominae): shining a lantern into an unexplored corner of Neotropical diversity. Zookeys 663: 71-105. [egg parasitoids of lanternflies and planthoppers in the families Fulgoridae and Flatidae] pdf |
13055 | Neto, A.C., L. Gomes, M.T. Rebelo, and F.T. Rei. 2020 Os vetores potenciais de Xylella fastidiosa no olival alentejano eo papel da artropodofauna auxiliar na sua limitação natural. In: VIII Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura. Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura 31: 12-23. [Tachycixius pilosus, Laodelphax striatella, Metadelphax propinqua, Fieberium impressum, Tingissus guadarramense, Tettigometra virescens, Tettigometra obliqua] pdf |