College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
2089 Hirao, J. 1986 Comparisons of bionomics of rice planthoppers between temperate Japan and the Tropics. In: IRRI and NARC. Seminar on Rice Insect Pest Control, Tsukuba, Sep. 18, 1986. Jointly organized by IRRI and NARC, National Agricultural Research Center, Japan. Pp. 29-34
6247 Hirao, J. 1976 Catches of Migrating planthoppers on the East China Sea in late June of 1973. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 22: 15-17.[Japanese] pdf
6324 Hirao, J. 1972 Bionomics of the two injurious planthoppers in a paddy field and suitable timing of insecticide application. Bulletin of the Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station Series E 7: 19-48.
6556 Hirao, J. 1970 Transmission of rice stripe virus by a Delphacid Planthopper, Delphacodes (?)* albifascia Matsumura, with notes on the development of the vector species. Review of Plant Protection Research 3: 111-113.
9156 Hirao, J. 1979 Forcasting brown planthopper in Japan. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 101-112. pdf
9529 Hirao, J. 1968 Transmission of the rice black-streaked dwarf virus by a new planthopper vector, Delphacodes (?) albifascia Matsumura. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 12(2): 81-85 pdf
9530 Hirao, J. 1971 Bionomics of the two injurious planthoppers in a paddy field and suitable timing of insecticide application. Bulletin of the Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station Series E 7: 19-48.
9238 Hirano, T. 1942 Rice insect pests: Essentials of delphacids (3). Journal of Plant Protection [Byochu-Gai Zasshi] 29: 157-163. [Japanese]
8047 Hiramatsu, R., I. Nishi, K. Hiehata, and K. Izumi. 1987 Deposition and insecticidal effect of dust formulation on the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens in paddy rice field. Journal of Pesticide Science 12(2): 253-260.[Japanese] pdf
2085 Hirai, Y. T. Watanabe, M. Tsurumachiand Y. Ogawa. 1988 Comparison of growth and wing polymorphism among the immigrant populations of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 34: 83-85. pdf
2082 Hirai, K. 1992 Planthopper abundance and weather. Shokubutsu Boeki 46(5): 187-192.
2083 Hirai, K. 1994 Current status of insecticide susceptibility in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, in Japan. Journal of Pesticide Science 19(3): 225-227. pdf
2084 Hirai, K. 1994 Development of insecticide resistance to organophosphates and carbamates in the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath, in Japan. Journal of Pesticide Science 19(3): 229-232. pdf
7919 Hirai, K. 1993 Recent trends of insecticide susceptibility in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology 28(3): 339-349. pdf
13406 Hirabayashi, H., O. Ideta, H. Sato, Y. Takeuchi, I. Ando, H. Nemoto, T. Imbe, D. S. Brar, and T. Ogawa. 2004 Identification of a resistance gene to brown planthopper derived from Oryza minuta in rice. Breeding Research 6: 285-288.
5815 Hirabayashi, H., E.R. Angeles, R. Kaji, T. Ogawa, D.S. Brar, and G.S. Khush. 1998 Identification of brown planthopper resistance gene derived from O. officinalis using molecular markers in rice. Breeding Science (Supplement)48: 82.
5814 Hirabayashi, H. and T. Ogawa. 1995 RFLP mapping of Bph-1 (brown planthopper resistance gene) in rice. Breeding Science 45: 369-371. pdf
7917 Hirabayashi, H. and T. Ogawa. 1996 RFLP mapping of brown planthopper resistance gene Bphl in rice. International Rice Research Notes 21(2/3): 54-55. pdf
7918 Hirabayashi, H. and T. Ogawa. 1999 Identification and utilization of DNA markers linked to genes for reistance to brown planthopper (BPH) in rice. Advances in Breeding 41: 71-74.
2081 Hinton, H. E. 1981 Biology of Insect Eggs. Pergamon Press, Oxford. -
2080 Hines, J., M.E. Lynch, and R.F. Denno. 2005 Sap-feeding Insect Communities as Indicators of Habitat Fragmentation and Nutrient Subsidies. Journal of Insect Conservation 9(4) 261-280. pdf
8867 Hinckley, A.D. 1969 Ecology of terrestrial arthropods on the Tokelau Atolls. Atoll Research Bulletin 124: 1-18. pdf
9236 Hinckley, A.D. 1963 Ecology and control of rice planthoppers in Fiji. Bulletin of Entomological Research 54: 467-481.
9237 Hinckley, A.D. 1963 Insect pests of rice in Fiji. F.A.O. Plant Protection Bulletin 11(2): 31-33.
11048 Himmelsbach, M., A. Weth, C. Bohme, M. Schwarz, P. Braunig, and W. Baumgartner. 2016 The plant hopper Issus coleoptratus can detoxify phloem sap saponins including the degradation of the terpene core. Biology Open 5(3): 252-255. DOI: 210.1242/bio.01631. pdf
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