Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
10680 | Chen X.S. 2006 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: D.C. Jin and Z.Z. Li, (eds.). Insects from Chishui Spinulose Tree Fern Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. Pp. 157-158. |
10681 | Chen X.S. and L. Yang. 2005 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: M.F. Yang, and D.C. Jin, ( eds. ). Insects from Dashahe Nature Reserve of Guizhou. Guizhou People Publishing House, Guiyang. In: Pp. 121-127. |
10682 | Chen X.S., L. Yang, and L.Yang. 2007 Delphacidae. In: Z.Z. Li, , M.F. Yang, and D.C. Jin. (eds.). 2007. Insects from Leigongshan Landscape. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, V. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, Guizhou, China. Pp. 167-169. pdf |
10683 | Chen, X.S., L. Yang, and X.Y. Gu. 2007 Cixiidae, Tropiduchidae, Dictyopharidae, Ricanidae, Flatidae and Fulgoridae. In: Z.Z. Li, M.F. Yang, and D.C. Jin. (eds.). Insects from Leigongshan Landscape. Insect Fauna from National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, V. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, China. 172-177. pdf |
10684 | Chen, X.X. and J.H. He. 2006 Parasitoids and Predators of Forest Pests in China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. - |
10685 | Chen, X.X. and J.H. He. 2006 Dryinus browni Ashmead. In: X.X. Chen and J.H. He. 2006. Parasitoids and Predators of Forest Pests in China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. P. 128. |
10686 | Chen, Y., F.X. Lai, Y.Q. Sun, L.Y. Hong, Tian, J.C., Z.T. Zhang, and Q. Fu. 2015 Cry1Ab rice does not impact biological characters and functional response of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis preying on Nilaparvata lugens eggs. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14(10): 2011-2018. DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60978-3. pdf |
10687 | Constant, J. 2015 Review of the effusus group of the lanternfly genus Pyrops Spinola, 1839, with one new species and notes on trophobiosis (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae). European Journal of Taxonomy 128: 1-23. |
10688 | Constant, J. 2015 A new species of Bananellodes Strand, 1928 from Namibia (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 32: 1-13. |
10689 | Constant, J. and H.T. Pham. 2015 Two new species of the genus Neogergithoides Sun, Meng & Wang, 2012 extend its distribution to Northern Vietnam (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 33: 1-15. |
10690 | Constant, J. 2015 Review of the genus Monteira Melichar, 1906 with a new species from Namibia (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Nogodinidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 31: 1-14. |
10691 | Crummay, F.A. and B.W. Atkinson. 1997 Atmospheric influences on light-trap catches of the brown planthopper rice pest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 88(1): 181-197. |
10692 | Cui, F., W. Zhao, L. Luo, and L. Kang. 2015 Rice responses and resistance to planthopper-borne viruses at transcriptomic and proteomic levels. Current Issues in Molecular Biology 19: 43-52. |
10693 | Dara, S.K., L. Barringer, and S.P. Arthurs. 2015 Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae): A New Invasive Pest in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 6(1): 20; 1-6. pdf |
10694 | Dharshini, G.M. and D.K. Siddeowda. 2015 Biochemical basis of resistance in rice landraces to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Current Biotica 8(4): 404-410. pdf |
10695 | Demirel, E. and A. Hasbenli. 2015 Contributions to the Bolkar Mountains Cixiidae fauna with a new record and an identification key for Turkey’s Tachycixius (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Pakistan Journal of Zoology 47(5): 1341-1346. pdf |
10696 | de Oliveira, C.M. and M.R. Frizzas. 2015 Bio-ecology of Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Hemiptera: Flatidae) under the influence of climatic factors in the Brazilian Cerrado. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 108(3): 263-271. DOI: 10.1093/aesa/sav00. |
10697 | Dlabola, J. 1946 Popisy 2 Nových Druhů Křĭsů z Čech a Jiné Význacné Nálezy Z území ČSR. (Homopt. Auchenorrhyncha). Description de deux nouvelles espèces et plusieur remarques su les espèces peu connues d´Europe Centrale. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 24(314): 97–106. pdf |
10698 | Dlabola, J. 1948 Nový druh rodu Diplocolenus Rib. a nekolik faunistických Poznámek ze Slovenska. (Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha). A new species of Diplocolenus Rib. and some notes on the faunistics from Slovakia (Homopt. Auchenorrhyncha). Zvlastni z Casopisu Národního Musea 117: 1–8 pdf |
10699 | Dlabola, J. 1955 Faunistika a Některé Nové Druhy Palearktickych Křĭsů. Faunistik und neue Arten der Palaearktischen Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 30(446): 121-128. pdf |
10700 | Dlabola, J. 1956 Additions to the knowledge of the European leaf hopper fauna (Homopt., Auchenorrhyncha). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 9: 395-401. pdf |
10701 | Dlabola, J. 1956 Dudanus Gen. Nov. and faunistical additions to the fauna of leafhoppers in Czechoslovakia. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 30: 31-38. pdf |
10702 | Dlabola, J. 1957 Vyhynuti druhu křísa Paradorydium lanceolatum Burm. ČSR. Das Absterben der Zikaden-Art Paradorydium lanceolatum Burm. in der Tschechoslovakei. Ochrana Prirody 12(1): 50-52. pdf |
10703 | Dlabola, J. 1959 Elasmoscelis capeneri n. sp. from South Africa. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 33(552): 337-338. pdf |
10704 | Dlabola, J. 1959 Neue Paläarktische Zikaden der Fam. Meenoplidae un der Gattung Handianus Rib. Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 33(565): 445-452. pdf |