College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11621 SUN, Zhiguang, Yuqiang LIU, Shizhuo XIAO, Jinlong HU, Gen PAN, Jun HE, Tingting XU, Jie HUANG, Zeyu QIU, Dejia FAN, Le ZHANG, Linglong LIU, Ling JIANG, Xianian CHENG, Huqu ZHAI, and Jianmin WAN. 2017 Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease and small brown planthopper in rice. Molecular Breeding 37: 72; 1-9. (ePub Article#72, 9 pp.)
11881 Fan, D., Y. Liu, H. Zhang, J. He and F. Huang. 2018 Identification and fine mapping of qWBPH11 conferring resistance to whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Molecular Breeding 38(7): Article 96: 1-7, doi:10.1007/s11032-018-0846-6.
11951 Kusumawati, L., P. Chumwong, W. Jamboonsri, S. Wanchana, J. L. Siangliw, M. Siangliw, S. Khanthong, A. Vanavichit, W. Kamolsukyeunyong and T. Toojinda 2018 Candidate genes and molecular markers associated with brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) resistance in rice cultivar Rathu Heenati. Molecular Breeding 38: 88; 1-16. (article#88, 16 pp.)
12182 WANG, Huiying, Shaojie SHI, Qin GUO, Lingyun NIE, Bo DU, Rongzhi CHEN, Lili ZHU, and Guangcun HE 2018 High-resolution mapping of a gene conferring strong antibiosis to brown planthopper and developing resistant near-isogenic lines in 9311 background. Molecular Breeding 38: 107; 1-10 pp. (ePub Article #107, 10 pp.)
12505 Pan, Yi, Ling Huang, Shufeng Song, Meixia Hu, Shuoqi Chang, Qiming Lv, Yixing Li, Tiankang Wang, Xiang Ouyang, Yinghui Xiao and Xiqin Fu. 2019 Identification of brown planthopper resistance gene Bph32 in the progeny of a rice dominant genic male sterile recurrent population using genome-wide association study and RNA-seq analysis. Molecular Breeding 39: 72; 1-16. (ePub Article # 72, 16 pp.)
12510 Xiao, Shizhuo, Baoxiang Wang, Yuqiang Liu, Tianhui Miao, Hongliang Zhang, Peizheng Wen, Jun He, Jie Huang, Daoming Liu, Zeyu Qiu, Linglong Liu, Shijia Liu, Ling Jiang, Xianian Cheng, Chunming Wang, Dayong Xu and Jianmin Wan. 2019 Genome-wide association study and linkage analysis on resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease. Molecular Breeding 39(5): 73; 1-10. (ePub article#73, 10 pp.)
12700 CHEN, Qiuhong, Gai ZENG, Ming HAO, Haoyu JIANG, and Yinghui XIAO. 2020 Improvement of rice blast and brown planthopper resistance of PTGMS line C815S in two-line hybrid rice through marker-assisted selection. Molecular Breeding 40(2): 21; 1-13. (ePub article#21, 13 pp.) [Nilaparvata lugens]
14733 YANG, Ke, Hongmei LIU, Weihua JIANG, Yinxia HU, Zhiyang ZHOU, Xin AN, Si MIAO, Yushi QIN, Bo DU, Lili ZHU, Guangcun HE, and Rongzhi CHENET. 2023. Large scale rice germplasm screening for identification of novel brown planthopper resistance sources. Molecular Breeding Molecular Breeding 43(9): 70; 1-14. 10. 1007/ s11032- 023- 01416-x.
2302 Hughes, D.P., P. Pamilo, and J. Kathirithamby. 2004 Horizontal transmission of Wolbachia by strepsipteran endoparasites? A response to Noda et al. 2001. Molecular Ecology 13(2): 507-509. pdf
3464 Noda, H. T. Miyoshi, Q. Zhang, K. Watanabe, K. Deng, and S. Hoshizaki. 2001 Wolbachia infection shared among planthoppers (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and their endoparasite (Strepsiptera: Elenchidae): A probable case of interspecies transmission. Molecular Ecology 10(8): 2101-2106. pdf
10061 Imo, M., M. Maixner, and J. Johannesen. 2013 Sympatric diversification vs. immigration: deciphering host-plant specialization in a polyphagous insect, the stolbur phytoplasma vector Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae). Molecular Ecology 22(8): 2188-2203.
10589 Sun, Z.X., Y.F. Zhai, J.Q. Zhang, K. Kang, J.H. Cai, Y.G. Fu, J.Q. Qiu, J.W. Shen, and W.Q. Zhang. 2015 The genetic basis of population fecundity prediction across multiple field populations of Nilaparvata lugens. Molecular Ecology 24(4): 771-784. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13069.
11647 Huang, H.J., Xue, J., Zhuo, J.C., Cheng, R.L., Xu, H.J. and Zhang, C.X. 2017 Comparative analysis of the transcriptional responses to low and high temperatures in three rice planthopper species. Molecular Ecology 26(10): 2726–2737. doi: 2710.1111/mec.14067.
12583 Goodman, K.R., S. Prost, K. Bi, M. S. Brewer and R. G. Gillespie. 2019 Host and geography together drive early adaptive radiation of hawaiian planthoppers. Molecular Ecology 2019: 4513-4528.
10014 Ge, L.Q., L.J. Huang, G.Q. Yang, Q.S. Song, D. Stanley, Gurr, G.M. and J.C. Wu. 2013 Molecular basis for insecticide-enhanced thermotolerance in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Hemiptera:Delphacidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 22(22): 5624-5634.
1837 Goodman, K.R. , V.R.F. Morris, S.C. Welter, and G.K. Roderick. 2008 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in an endemic Hawaiian planthopper (Nesosydne chambersi: Delphacidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8(6): 1436-1438. pdf
10193 Wang, G.H., X.Q. Wang, F. Qiao, Z.R. Zhu, and J.A. Cheng. 2013 Development and preliminary application of a triplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for evaluating predation on three planthoppers in a rice ecosystem. Molecular Ecology Resources 13(5): 811-819.
13092 Valentin, R.E., D.M. Fonseca, S. Gable, K.E. Kyle, G.C. Hamilton, A.L. Nielsen, and J.L. Lockwood. 2020 Moving eDNA surveys onto land: Strategies for active eDNA aggregation to detect invasive forest insects. Molecular Ecology Resources 20: 746-755. [Lycorma delicatula]
13538 YE, Yu-Xuan, Hou-Hong ZHANG, Dan-Ting LI, Ji-Chong ZHUO, Yan SHEN, Qing-Ling HU, and Chuan-Xi ZHANG. 2021 Chromosome-level assembly of the brown planthopper genome with a characterized Y chromosome. Molecular Ecology Resources (2021): (PrePrint, 26 pp.). [Nilaparvata lugens]
13674 MA, Weihua, Le XU, Hongxia HUA, Mengyao CHEN, Mengjian GUO, Kang He, Jing ZHAO, and Fei LI. 2021 Chromosomal-level genomes of three rice planthoppers provide new insights into sex chromosome evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources 21(11): 226-237. [Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus]
15203 Walden, K.K.O., Y.H. Cao, C.J. Fields, A.G. Hernandez, G.A. Rendon, G.E. Robinson, R.K. Skinner, J.A. Stein, and C.H. Dietrich. 2024 High-quality genome assemblies for nine non-model North American insect species representing six orders (Insecta: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera). Molecular Ecology Resources 24(8): e14010; 1-15. [Catonia carolina]
13412 Krishnaiah, N.V. 2014 A global perspective of rice brown planthopper management II- After green revolution era. Molecular Entomology 5(6): 46-55. pdf
14154 Krishnaiah, N.V. 2016 Varietal resistance breaking ability and insecticide resistance developing ability of BPH-Is there any relation between the two? Molecular Entomology 7(1): 1-9. pdf
10431 Zhang, W.L., Y. Dong, L. Yang, B.J. Ma, R.R. Ma, F.D. Huang, C.C. Wang, H.T Hu, C.S. Li, C.Q. Yan, and J.P. Chen. 2014 Small brown planthopper resistance loci in wild rice (Oryza officinalis). Molecular Genetics & Genomics 289(3): 373-382. DOI: 10.1007/s00438-014-0814-8.
872 Chen, W.C., L. Wang, X.F. Pang and Q.H. Pan. 2006 Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a rice brown planthopper resistance gene bph19(t). Molecular Genetics and Genomics 275: 321-329.
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